Thursday, August 2, 2018

What I did on summer vacation...

Lunches are packed, alarms are set and clothes are laid out because today we're all back at school!  No... it's not the official first day YET but when you're a teacher (or a teacher's kid) your summer break ends a little bit early when staff development starts up.  

This summer has been one for the books and today I'm answering the quintessential "first day" question and talking about "What I did on summer vacation" :) 

We kayaked...

... swung...

... surfed ...

... and played about 500 rounds of Ticket to Ride.

We rocked some red, white and blue...

... as well as rainbow.

We made some incredible memories as a family in Colorado...

... New Mexico...

... and San Antonio.

We organized...

... decorated...

... and stopped (often!) to smell the peonies. :) 

We wore medals at the end of baseball season...

... toucan hats at VBS...

... and Natives.  Lots and Lots of Natives.

There was pool time...

... snuggle time...

... and a bunch of friend time. 

We introduced the kids to Buc-ee's...

... emergency rooms...

... and camp.

We filled our hot afternoons with movies...

... our evenings with time on the course...

... and our fridge with art :) 

We ate bomb pops...

... waved flags...

... and selfied so hard.

We had a lot of fun traveling this year but honestly, some of my fondest memories of the summer were quiet (and messy) days spent at home...

Dear Summer,
We Love You.
Until next year,
The McAnallys


  1. Oh Friend! What a great look back at summer! Enjoy your first day!

  2. Your summer looked perfect! You put so much into your family and seem so intentional with all that you do. Love that! Thanks also for continuing to blog :) I know it must be a lot of work.... but truly, yours is one of the few left that I find real and authentic.

    1. Yes, I totally agree! I always come away from your blog happier and more inspired and full of ideas for my house and 4 little kids.

    2. I agree with what you said completely. I couldn't imagine a day not reading about his precious family! God bless!

    3. I agree! Love following along with your sweet family! I also always leave more inspired and full of fun ideas with my kiddos. Also, your pictures are beautiful! Are those all taken with your phone camera or do you use a DSLR?

  3. Perfect summer vacation!
    Happy back to school for you!

  4. Wonderful summer! Have a great school year! :)

  5. This was a lovely recap . . . I sure hope you and those sweet babies have an amazing school year!

  6. What a fun special summer you all shared! Have a great first day back!

  7. I've enjoyed reading about all your summer fun, and this re-cap was perfect!

  8. What a fun summer!! Praying for a wonderful school year!

  9. What a fantastic summer! I have loved following along! Also, Luke looks about 12 in that pic at his desk toward the end!

  10. Love this! Summer at home with my babies will always be my favorite! After this year I only have four left with my oldest so I'm holding on tight.

  11. Wow!!! You guess know how to Summer :) Great wrap up.

  12. This may be one of my favorite posts of yours ever! That was a summer done well:)Good luck kicking off a new school year!

  13. Your blog and family make my heart so happy. You are so intentional with the things that matter most! As an educator and mom of 3, I realize the energy and effort it takes for that to happen. Thanks for sharing your life with us!

  14. Where did you get your white embroidered dress? It is adorable!

  15. Where did you get your white embroidered dress? It is adorable!

  16. Well done, McAnallys, well done!!


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