Friday, December 29, 2017

Last 2017 Friday FAVORITES!

Happy Friday, friends!  I took an impromptu little break this week and it was glorious!  We've been busy organizing EVERYTHING, playing a ton of games and testing out all the new Christmas things.  We've also been spending plenty of time snuggled up under blankets watching movies :)  #favorite

Erika, Narci and I are in for another year of Friday Favorites and we hope y'all are in too!  Every Friday we'll be sharing our favorites from the week and you can join us by writing your own Friday Favorites post (not just linking a bunch of your previous posts, pretty please!) and adding your link to the link-up widget at the bottom of any of our posts.  So easy and fun and a great way to find new blogs to read and follow and interact through comments.  We're wrapping up this year and kicking off '18 with a fresh new graphic.  Go ahead and right click and save it to your desktop so you can add it onto your Friday Favorites posts as well!

We all love Christmas Day A LOT but the day after Christmas may actually be my FAVORITE.  It's low key, slow paced and we get to eat #alltheleftovers :)

Scootering through the house has been our FAVORITE this week...

 ... and we've hit up some of our FAVORITE places ;)

Luke pushing the cart when we run errands is way more of a FAVORITE than you might think.  Random, but so so so helpful!

And baby making his first trip to Target isn't actually my favorite part of the next picture...

... it's Mason's legs sticking out from under the cart :)

Nordstrom is having a HUGE sale this week and here are a few of my FAVORITES...

(the links above are affiliate links - thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog!)

 Last week we headed to one of our FAVORITE places - Playstreet!  It's my FAVORITE because I get to read, drink tea and and relax while they play :)

Think she was a little excited?!?!?!

I downloaded the Rhonna app and it's my new FAVORITE to play with.  Look at the family portrait I did one night while watching TV in bed!  Isn't that fun?!?!

One of our FAVORITE Christmas traditions is when The Dreffs bring by cinnamon rolls!  Yes ma'am!

Jellybean's FAVORITE spot :)

Last night these boys FAVORITE teams played each other and we had so much fun cheering on our house divided!

We got back Mason's football picture and it's ALMOST my new FAVORITE sports pic of him....

Nothing will ever top  last year's basketball pic.  ;) 

My FAVORITE part of being off with my family this week?!?!?!

This right here.  Sleeping in, snuggling and starting SLOW. 

Hoping your week has been filled with lots of your FAVORITES!!! 



  1. So much fun going on! I love Ikea and need to get there myself!

  2. Thanks for making my 2017 brighter with this blog you have! Happy New Year!

  3. Cute new graphic. I’ve loved this linkup and thinking thru my week’s favorites is actually a really fun routine. Thanks for hosting, looking forward to a new year of new favorites each week!

  4. When you finish that book, watch the movie. It is beyond amazing!!! Happy 2018!!

  5. Pic of Mason with football is the cutest!! A little photoshop and that jersey could be purple and say TCU ��.. thanks for sharing life with us... looking forward to 2018

  6. Love your blog - it's a daily read for me! Your spirit is beautiful and shines through with every post. Your children are adorable - Mason has my heart!! I know you've probably given us your recipe / technique for the skewers above but I didn't find it doing a quick search. Is it tomatoes, mozzarella and tortellini? They look yummy!

  7. You are so brave to bring your kids to IKEA—I have enough trouble when it's just me! ;) Happy new year to you and your family!
    Cheryl Shops |

  8. Andrea,

    Thank you so much for this fun linkup!! I plan to join along more in 2018. You, Erika, Narci and Shay make my mornings!!

  9. I think the day after Christmas is my favorite too; it's so quiet and low key and just what I need after all the holiday craziness.

  10. Love the little family pic you created with the Rhonna app! I went in to buy it, but couldn't figure out which one it was. Could you help? Thanks!

  11. Love the new graphic! Heading to Ikea today....wish me luck!

  12. Wishing you a very happy and healthy new year filled with many blessings!



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