Monday, November 20, 2017

Weekend Recap - TGIB Edition

Thank Goodness it's BREAK, friends!!!  We needed a little reprieve and are so excited for a week of sleeping in (fingers crossed!) and family time.

Friday was Grandparent's Day at school and the kids were so excited to show their grandparent's around their classrooms, let us see their art and perform their choir songs.

Luke's class sang the theme song from The Muppets (and he had to dress as a muppet so he was Beaker), Mason's class sang Rubber Ducky and so he had to wear a robe and slippers and Griffin's grade sang the Sesame Street theme song.

Luke also performed with Honor Choir and did such a great job!

Dave's mom and grandmothers were there as well, but had to head out before we picked the kids up from their classrooms.  So grateful for so many grandparents close by!

We beelined it home and hung out in the driveway for the majority of the afternoon.  All the praise hands!!!

Friday night I worked on pulling out our Christmas decorations, cleaning and all of that.  Dave was working so we didn't decorate the tree - but the kids were MORE than ready!

Saturday morning I was up bright and early to cook breakfast for a house of Freshman boys as part of our church's DNOW weekend.  It's a weekend where kids are split into groups and assigned a leader and then spend two nights in host homes doing fun activities, building relationships and growing in their faith.  The host homes don't have to cook - so that's where cooking coordinators come in.  So fun!

I dropped off breakfast and then hurried home so that we could eat breakfast ourselves and decorate the tree...

It was Mason's year to put on the star :)

FAVORITE morning of the year!

And then things quickly devolved into a dog pile :)

I worked on a few more decorations (garlands on the railings, etc.) and got lunch for the DNOW group ready.

We cheered on TCU...

And spent some time snuggling Jelly Bean (who was supposed to get spayed this morning but STILL doesn't weigh enough - she's eating a full can of cat food (or more!) a day but is taking her sweet time growing!)

She's seriously the snuggliest little thing and loves to be inside backpacks, inside boxes, and even inside our jackets (while they're on).  Luke put her in his beanie and she seriously couldn't have been happier.  Out-of-control purring!

Saturday night I wrapped up decorating (while watching Gilmore Girls!)...

... and my super sweet husband snuck away during a lull in dinner service at work to grab me nachos sine he knew I'd been busy cooking for everyone else all day and probably hadn't stopped to make myself anything... which was true.  God BLESS Dave McAnally!!!

Sunday morning style :)

Little mama!

Sunday afternoon the kids discovered the camera on our iPad (not sure how they didn't know about it before now!) and I was cracking up watching them take selfies, stop-motion videos and silly pictures of each other...

Sunday afternoon Griffin and I stayed home and had a much-needed nap...

... and my mom took the boys on a "Scooter adventure"

They hit up a trail that goes by the dog park and came home talking all about this one dog who kept following them along the fence and lying down asking for belly rubs ;)

 Dave had to work pretty much all day on Sunday, so when he got home we kicked it into relaxation mode with movie night....

... and it was made even better knowing that nobody had to get up in the morning!

We have no definitive plans today other than catching up on errands and doing some yard work.  I'm just excited to get to drink tea freely all day long and possibly take a nap.  ;)

HAPPY Monday, friends!!!


  1. Hello! Quick question.....I have a daughter who loves nightgowns and son who loves "soft pajama pants" so can I ask where you found the red and black buffalo plaid pajamas?!? I'm having a hard time finding Christmas jammies that match their preferences but I think those would be great!
    Thank you! Enjoy your Thanksgiving week!

  2. I cannot get enough Jellybean in my life.

  3. Thanksgiving Break is the BEST!!!!! All I want to do is relax for the next week!! This teacher is TIRED this year!!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving break, friend! My goodness you deserve some down time!!!!

  5. Sounds like a perfect weekend to me! And I love the idea of alternating years to put the star on the tree. Ours are just old enough to start fighting over such things so I think we'll start that this year (if we ever get those darned decorations down from the attic). Your green sweater looks super comfy. Where'd you get it?

  6. What a fun weekend! I know your food was a blessing to all those teens and to their leaders! Your decorations look beautiful. Enjoy your break!

  7. OO that recipe looked yummy and group friendly? Have you shared it before?

  8. I'm not a cat person...but JellyBean's pictures make me want a little kitty!

  9. I'm not a cat person...but Jellybean's pictures make me want a little kitty!

  10. My son was one of the D now leaders. Thank you for all the yummy food. I told him I would fam girl out if I met you and he just 🤪. Bless your thanksgiving.

  11. Love your tree!! You may have already answered this, but do you know what size your deco mesh is? As in how many inches wide?

  12. That Griffin..........I could just eat her up!!!! She is precious!

  13. My favorite kind of weekend, productive and relaxing:). I am going to Hobby Lobby today for deco mesh and decorative picks, love your tree!!


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