Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Teacher Tuesday - You, By The Numbers

I'm always on the hunt for a first week activity that lets me know a little bit about my students without putting them on the spot.  Because what's more intimidating than having to come up with something interesting about yourself on the spot in front of a whole class, right?!?! 

I gave each student a paper divided into eight sections with a circle in the middle.  They were directed to put their name in the center circle and then through numbers tell me a little bit about themselves. 

Here's the example paper I  made about myself...

When explaining the assignment I showed them the blank page and then walked them through the one I made about myself... which not only made my expectations and the goals of the assignment clear, but also gave me an opportunity to introduce myself and kind of break the ice by talking a little bit about me.  

I assigned this assignment to my students last Tuesday (we spent Monday going over the syllabus, I laid out basic expectations, etc.) and it was due on Friday for a quiz grade.  I wanted them to have plenty of time to work on it and put thought and effort into it. 

I went through their papers this weekend and had so much fun learning more about each of them.  They shared much more than they would have in a typical "tell the class something about you" type of discussion and I learned some really neat things about the kids in my classes. 

NOTE: The candle lid in the pictures below is covering student names :) 

I learned about hobbies, pets, siblings, travel, sports, academic accomplishments and a lot of random info as well :)

I had some super colorful papers, some with stickers, some with printed photos and one covered in glitter.

I also got a little insight into their personalities... the jokesters, artists, introverts, etc.

I wrote little notes on the backs of their papers referencing a couple of things that I found funny, interesting or things that I related to and telling them I was excited to have them in class this year.  It was a labor of love but totally worth it.

I picked a few to put up around my room and am hoping that a few kids who may not think they have much in common will realize that they do!

I can't say enough great things about this little assignment - it could easily be altered to be "by the letters" instead of "by the numbers" or could be more open-ended.  You could give a class period or a couple of designated times to work on it the first day(s) and could allow students an opportunity to share theirs if they wanted to.  They could have to make it all about their summer, or you could have eight different questions they had to answer in pictures.  The possibilities are really endless!

You can find my blank page and brief little assignment description HERE.

Next Tuesday is a Show and Tell week, but the Tuesday AFTER I'm going to host a linkup of classroom tours!  Mark your calendars for Tuesday, September 5th and get ready to show us your rooms!

Happy Tuesday, friends!!!


  1. I really like this activity which allows students to share about themselves and show their creativity, too. I also teach middle school math and Algebra 1 in a Christian school and love to see how you bring colorful activities and ideas to your classroom. This is one I will be doing at the start of next year...thanks for sharing!

  2. Yes!! This is awesome! Thank you, from one teacher to another.

  3. What a great idea! I would've loved working on something like that!

  4. I love this idea! This is such a great way to get to know the student! Thanks

  5. What a great idea, Andrea!!!

  6. A great way to start the school year. Your students are so blessed to have such an engaged and fun teacher!

  7. How fun! My 1st reader received a paper like this for homework and some of it has little math problems too. For ex. age and then they need to do three addition problems to make their age. I think it's so cute!

  8. This is perfection! I can't wait for your classroom tour ; )

  9. I love this activity! It would be fun for office staff meetings too. And the kid who covered hers in glitter is my HERO! I dont care how many people hate on glitter... I LOVE it!

  10. What a great idea, Andrea. You seem like such a dedicated and thoughtful teacher....my oldest starts Kindergarten in two weeks, and I can only hope that she has teachers like you throughout her school career. I sure as heck wish I had a math teacher like you in school - math was by far my hardest subject, and I think an outstanding teacher really would have made a huge difference!!

    Also, this is a totally random question but one I've always wondered - how to you pronounce your last name?

  11. Love this!! I would even use this with my high schoolers :)

  12. Yay! I love teacher tuesdays! Thanks for sharing. Definitely something I can modify for my second graders. :)

  13. This is the cutest thing! I am a homeschool mom and I may use it as creative/art idea for our family :).

  14. With just a teeny spin, this will be an awesome goal setting activity for my college student leaders! Thanks for sharing!

  15. I love this! I have to ask though - do you drink 34 or 3-4 cups of tea per day? Haha :)

    1. I wanted to ask the SAME thing!

  16. Your students are so lucky to have you! Come to Tennessee and teach my kids! :)

  17. This is an amazing idea!
    I love seeing your teacher posts. While I didn't make it as a teacher (4 years of teaching seniors was enough for me), I love living the teacher life through you. You are SO creative, and I know the students are blessed to have you.
    Now...can I work at MCA???

  18. What a great assignment! I'm looking forward to the classroom tours!

  19. This is such a great idea for an assignment! You truly sound like you're just the best teacher and your kids (and their parents) are all so lucky to have you. <3

  20. Wow! As a new teacher this is truly helpful! Thank you for being a shining light in a chaotic world! :)

  21. That is such a great idea! I bet the kids have fun filling them out, too!

  22. I LOVE this idea! I always did 3 truths and a lie with my kiddos and we shared them, but I did notice that some kids hated sharing and this assignment would be super fun for them, plus allow them some creativity!

  23. You share a birthday with my husband! Love this assignment.

  24. This is AMAZING!!!! I have been on the hunt for something like this so I truly thank you for sharing

  25. You are so my favorite-Because you are so fun!! I love this idea. I homeschool and can see some of my kids (my 12 and 8 year old daughters) just eating this up! love :)

  26. I love this!! Thank you!

  27. This is an amazing idea! Wow! Thanks for sharing!


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