Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday - Guilty Pleasures

Hey, friends! Today we'er linking up and sharing our guilty pleasures.  I hope we can all chuckle with each other and maybe find a kindred spirit or two ;)

Probably my FAVORITE guilty pleasure is sleeping in.  Not having to set the alarm for the morning is the second best feeling.... and the best feeling is opening your eyes and then closing them again to go back to sleep knowing that you don't have anywhere to be.  I. Love. Sleeping. In.
Browsing cute things online - preferably on my phone in bed is another guilty pleasure.  Add eating cereal while browsing and it's even better ;)
I don't have a lot of guilty pleasures when it comes to food because I tend to abide by "everything in moderation" (so if I really want some chocolate I'll have one peanut butter cup instead of 3 or if I want pizza I'll have one piece along with a salad)... but there are a couple of things that I eat about once a year that are a total guilty pleasure for me... fettuccine alfredo and those ice cream drumsticks.  There is NOTHING better than a drumstick (with the peanuts scraped off) poolside or a big bowl of pasta with alfredo sauce guilt free.  

I am game for pretty much any and all reality tv.

It's on Bravo?  Sign me up.

It's a show about animals or people taking care of animals?  Yes ma'am

They're talking about people's addictions and/or strange habits?  I'll watch that.

If people are buying a house, wedding dress or vacation, participating in ridiculous competitions and voting each other off the show or looking for love I can get on board with it. 
I've talked about this before, but when I have everyone loaded in the car and they're asleep and/or watching a movie I've been known to hit a drive-thru for a tea and "take a lap" (or seven) before heading home and unloading everyone and starting our evening.  I MAY have even indulged in a few rounds of candy crush and a snack or two while parked in my driveway with a car full of content kids. 
Dave works a lot of late nights so a comfy bed and good chick flick is a must.  Favorites are Devil Wears Prada, My Best Friends Wedding, The Notebook, Sweet Home Alabama, all the Father of the Bride movies, 10 Things I Hate About You and Mean Girls.  Oh... and The Holiday, Love Actually and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. 

Now I'm off to enjoy another one of my guilty pleasures - Big Brother and cereal in bed ;)  

Happy Tuesday, friends!



  1. I'm right there with you-we need to get together for some reality tv and big bowls of alfredo!

  2. Ok....you need to tell us what your favorite Bravo show is! :) We are kindred sprits. I bet there is going to be a lot of us talking about Bravo today.


    1. I love them all. Real Housewives of NYC will always be a favorite... but I'm liking RHOC this season as well. I watched Below Deck Med which I thought was good and am watching Shas of Sunset too :) Also gotta love Million Dollar Listing and so excited about Flipping Out coming back!

  3. I love ALL OF THESE! :) Fun topic!

  4. Trader Joe's has mini drumsticks -- without the peanuts !!!!

  5. I have been known to take a lap too! I love looking at houses so I love to pick up a sonic soda and drive around with sleepy, content kids! I love reality tv too and sleeping in is amazing! xoxo ERIN

  6. I love those drumsticks, too:)
    Yes, to all those movies. I never tire of Father of the Bride or The Devil Wears Prada.

  7. Love these! I'm new to your blog...is there a schedule for your Show & Tell topics posted somewhere?

  8. Love these! Reality TV in bed with a snack? Yes!!!

  9. would love to know some of your go-to snacks for moms on the go! :)

  10. Give me all the reality TV! So fun

  11. Taking a lap! Yes! Sometimes when the kids are being unruly, my husband and I will load up in the car and just drive around town. Happy Tuesday!

  12. Yes to Alfredo (without nutmeg) and breadsticks, Yes to drumsticks with no peanuts, and Yes to Chick flicks ( Steel Magnolias is my favorite!) Have a great school year. I started back on Aug 7th.

  13. Yes to ice cream drumsticks -- I haven't had one of those in forever!

  14. Wait! What??!!! Scraping the peanuts off??!! :-)

  15. I've read your blog for awhile now but never commented. I had to jump in to say Walmart has their own version of drumsticks that have little bits of cookie crunch in the chocolate coating, instead of peanuts! They're amazing!
    Looking forward to more teacher posts (fellow teacher here in MD!)

  16. I love the taking a lap idea! Even though my kids aren't babies anymore, I still refer to that hour and a half before dinnertime as the witching hour. We're all a bit whiney and ready for dinner and bed. ;)


  17. Ugh, can we just get rid of Paul and be done with it???

  18. Seriously... we are soul sisters separated by thousands of miles, and have never met. You hit EVERY nail on the head with this post!!!

    I live in Minneapolis, and Targets are HUGE here. Like the grocery sections are bigger than Texas big. And we Minnesotans get grocery items that other states aren't offered (so I hear!) ... We have those drumsticks WITHOUT peanuts! Praise Target.

  19. YES!! I think the Bravo channel has the market on all things guilty pleasure! I can't stop watching these train wrecks, and I'm okay with it! Haha love your list!!

  20. I am shaking my head "yes" to a lot of your guilty pleasure. My guilty pleasure is eating dinner on the couch when my husband works late. I like to feed the kids, get them to bed and eat in peace (even if that means it's 9pm)!

  21. All the heart eyes and praise hands to this post!!!

  22. They make drumsticks now that don't have the peanuts on them...just chocolate covered. You're welcome! ;)

  23. Add chips and salsa to that list and I am right there with you, girlfriend!!

    That Inspired Chick

  24. When I saw drumsticks and alfredo I immediately thought you meant "chicken" drumsticks and was thinking...weird combo, but whatever floats her boat...LOL😂😂😂. If you haven't ever seen The Wedding Date add it IMMEDIATELY to your chick flick rotation. My favorite along with quite a few of the other you mentioned, so I think you'd like it. Fun prompt Andrea. Thanks for hosting!!! XO

  25. Yes. Yes. Yes. I love me some online shopping, reality tv, and chick flicks. I think Safe Haven is one of my favorites! I love me a good happily ever after ending!

  26. YES to Bravo and Big Brother. Obsessed!

  27. A nap, Milk Duds and diet Dr.Pepper

  28. I can relate to so many of these! Sleeping in... amazing! Reality TV... love it! Chick flicks... yep!

  29. You only eat Alfredo one time a year? Oh dear, add that to the monthly (or weekly!) rotation! You've got mail, time traveler's wife, wedding date? Add those too! How I wish I could sleep in! I've never been able to! 8 is LATE for me! No matter how late I stay up or how tired I am! But I'm all about naps (with my baby!) these days! No reality tv for me except food/cooking shows. And I take a "lap" every single day! & multiple times a day if I can swing it! Whenever I can, really! Glad I'm not the only one!

  30. This is my first time linking up - so glad I found you! And I used to drive around with my daughter when she fell asleep because she would wake up when I tried to take her in the house!

  31. I take lots of laps these days! My husband walked up beside my car once and scared me silly. I had a bag of chips open in my lap while reading on my phone! He said "Is this mom life?"


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