Wednesday, January 25, 2017

What's Up Wednesday - 01/2017

Happy Wednesday, Friends!!!  Today I'm so excited to be linking up with Sheaffer, Shay and Mel for their first What's Up Wednesday of 2017!

What We're Eating This Week
This week we've ditched the normal after school routine which is usually homework, dinner prep, etc. and traded it in for basketball and sidewalk chalk and bikes because the weather has been INSANELY gorgeous!!!  We've played outside until dark and then had what we lovingly refer to as "smorgasbord" nights where we just pull all the random bits and pieces out of the fridge, lay it all out and then let everyone pick what they want. It's been great to clean out all the leftovers and make room for some new meals when the cool front blows in today.  

Dave has requested tortellini soup so that's what's up first on the menu...

What I'm Reminiscing About
This picture from four years ago came across my Facebook memories feed on Sunday and I almost teared up because look at his sweet little face!!!  It was his first time to see show and I love that his little lamby was in tow.  What I wouldn't give to smooch almost-two-year old Mason again!

What I'm Loving
 I mentioned sheet masks the other day and lots of y'all had no clue what I was talking about.  They're these face masks made out of almost tissue paper that's saturated in a serum.  You form it to your face and then let it sit on there until it's dry.  You don't wash your face after, you just rub in the excess and call it a day!  I got this set at Christmas and have been LOVING them!  They smell great, are cool on your face (yes!) and every one I've tried has left my skin feeling great.

What We've Been Up To
I sound like an old lady talking about the weather - but it's been so so so nice!  And we've spending #allthetime outside.  Yesterday I brought out some beads and stretchy wire and we made bracelets and had the best time!  They're already asking when we can make them again so I'm counting that as a win.

TCU and Minecraft ;) 

Look how cute!!!

If you decide to make some of your own and use the stretchy cord (which makes it easy for the kids to put on and take off their wrists!) be sure to watch this video to see how to tie the string.  Stretchy string can be SUPER frustrating to know and the video is foolproof!

What I'm Dreading
Not really anything!  

What I'm Working On
Valentines decor!  I bought some plates to make a banner (weird, but I think it will work) and I think that along with my little feather tree is all I'm going to do this year.  Here's a bit of my decor from last year...

What I'm Excited About
Crawling into bed and catching up on This is Us and hopefully a chapter or two of Harry Potter (I'm reading it since Luke is) ;)

What I'm Watching/Reading
Someone please tell me why I'm watching The Bachelor.  I haven't watched in a few years and I don't really know what prompted me to start it again but I am and I feel stupider/dirty every week. hahaha

I've heard really good things about The OA on Netflix and think I'll probably start that this week.  Do any of y'all watch it? Is it as good as I've heard?

What I'm Listening To
We listen to the Sing soundtrack pretty much continuously.  It is so much fun and great "dance around the kitchen" music.  The "Oh. My. Gosh." song gives everyone in our house a serious case of the giggles :)

What I'm Wearing
These henleys all day every day!  They're on major sale and I adore the lightweight fabric and hi-lo hem.  They're on sale and come in several colors.  So cute!

What I'm Doing This Weekend
Lots of basketball, helping host a  wedding shower, prepping for the 100th day of school and Mason's "bear of the week", spending some time at school for an open house on Sunday and yard work.  Busy busy!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month
I turn 33 next month and I'm excited for time with family and friends :)  I really could care less about it being my birthday - but extra time with my favorite people is the best! (and the pie... and the carrot cake.) ;)

Look how little they were last year!

I also LOVE Valentine's Day and getting to shower the ones I love with little treats and notes and all of that.

What Else Is New
Not a whole lot... which is kind of just how I like it :) 

Happy Wednesday, friends!!!

PS - this post contained a couple of affiliate links which means that if you clicked on one and made a purchase I may receive a small commission.  THANK YOU!!!


  1. As much as I'm loving the Trolls soundtrack, it'd be nice to change it up! I'm gonna check out the Sing soundtrack. And yay for birthday month!!

  2. I need to come to your house STAT to see you Valentine decor!! I love it when you switch up the holidays :)!

  3. Yes, watch The OA NOW! Then put your theory in a blog post;)

    1. Ooooooh..... I'm intrigued. I'm not very good about just watching a show - I tend to multitask... but it sounds like I may need to block off some time to give it my full attention.

  4. I am with you on the Bachelor... CANNOT do it! I could not get into the OA but I know many people who just love it

    1. Don't get me wrong - the entertainment value is totally there with The Bachelor (Corrinn!!!), BUT I just can't get over how trashy it's become!!! I've watched from the very beginning (I think I was in college when it started) and it used to be pretty believable and okay, but now it's just kind of icky. hahaha

  5. That SING song is our favorite...especially when it prompts 'dance' parties! Hahaha Happy Wednesday

  6. I love seeing what you will put up for holidays, too:)
    You all are blessed to have that gorgeous weather! We have snow rolling in this afternoon. After Christmas is over, I'm not too excited about snow.

    1. It's been colder the rest of the week - but we seriously got a taste of Spring. I'm not ready for warmer weather though because that means summer heat is coming! UGH!!!

  7. I can't believe it's already time for Valentines Day decor! #slowdowntime

  8. Have you guys seen Moana? It is such a great movie and the music is awesome. We have been playing the soundtrack in the car nonstop and every song is a hit!

    1. We haven't!! We may have to add that to our to-do-list this weekend :)

  9. Okay... the OA. I experienced the most uncomfortable moment of my life when my mother & stepdad & I decided to try a new show ON CHRISTMAS. I wasn't paying attention for most of it, but I looked up to see 2 teenagers participating in an adult activity. I quickly retired to my room.

    So... I don't know if it's good or not, but be prepared.

    1. Yes! Oh my goodness! That moment total threw me BUT the rest of the show isn't like that AT ALL!

    2. OH NO!!! Thanks for the heads up! hahaha

  10. The OA is soooo good! Hubs and I have watched three episodes and we are completely hooked. It is so intriguing and I still really have no clue what it's even about but I cannot stop watching.

    1. Now I'm even more curious! Starting it this weekend for sure :)

  11. You are going to LOVE catching up on This is Us! We love Shay's sausage tortellini soup so I totally may have to give this one of yours a try.

  12. Yay for This Is goes great with Halo Top ice cream, my husband and 2 spoons!

  13. I don't know if you'll like OA. It started out really good, then I lost interest about halfway through. It got weird.

  14. I love those masks and so does my 14 year old daughter! Love reading all about what's up with your family! Have a great week!

  15. You always do the most fun crafts with your kiddos! My daughter is 10 months and I want to get busy stocking my craft closet to be ready to craft with her when she gets older. Do you have any tips or could you do a post on how you stock your craft closet and what all you have in it? Also, where do you keep your craft supplies at the new house? Thank you for sharing all your AWESOME ideas!

    1. Here are a couple of past posts you may like :)

  16. The OA is not something I would typically watch but right up my husband's alley. I watched it all in two or three days. It totally had me hooked. The last episode was great. Now I need to get my husband to watch it so we can discuss our theories. I likes it better than Stranger Things for sure.

    1. I never got the hype of Stranger Things! I tried it and was all, "what is happening???"

  17. And it's so easy!!! That's my favorite part :)


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