Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Fun on the Fourth ;)

This past weekend was so much fun!!!  We started Friday off with a patriotic outfit...

... and spent the afternoon in the pool.

Saturday was more pool time...

... including Jack Bauer ;)  He looooooves the water!

Sunday morning the kids were looking so sweet and festive.  Griffin took a bath before church and her hair was still super wet and so I blow dried it really quick... she went from baby to big girl FAST!!!

Sunday afternoon my brother, sister-in-law and nephew came by and we had dinner and swam.   Griffin was feeling extra patriotic ;) 

Baby Beau is a hot commodity around our house... everyone wants to hug, kiss and play with him all the time.

We ended the night with cupcakes and ice cream and a water balloon fight.  It was everyone vs. Haha ;)

Monday morning started off with a HUGE thunderstorm that we were worried would stop the annual parade from happening.  Thankfully it cleared about an hour before the parade was scheduled to start and when we arrived it was seventy five degrees and breezy.  SEVENTY. FREAKING. FIVE. 

When the low temps for July hover around 80 (and that's the middle of the night), 75 and breezy for the parade was INCREDIBLE!  

I wore a super light and airy linen dress in anticipation of the temperatures rising fast, but they didn't and it was perfection.

Luke wasn't feeling great and so he stayed home with my mom and we were so upset that we were one man short.

We watched, ate and had the best time with tons of our friends.

And yes, Griffin is in rain boots - because any time she sees rain she insists on wearing them :) 

So excited!!!

Dave's Uncle Mike is an absolute character.  He's hilarious and so much fun and for years I've been hearing about his antics in the Fourth of July Parade but have never gotten to experience it for myself.

The absolute highlight of the parade was when we saw Uncle Mike (I have no clue what the deal is with his crazy get-up. hahaha) coming down the street.  (sidenote - he's actually walking.. the legs in jeans aren't his real legs... it's supposed to look like he's being pulled by a chicken.  Yes, this is for real)

We were DYING laughing :)  So much fun!

Look at all those cuties!!!
(Thanks, Brooke for the pic!!!)

Brooke also snapped this one of me, Manda and Shay ;)

I swear that Dave knows 80% of McKinney.  I crack up any time we're out because he runs into at least 2 people he knows.  Between living here his entire life and his job he knows an INSANE amount of people and he has a total gift for names so not only does he recognize them, but he knows them by name.

This lady and her dogs are a parade staple.  I look forward to seeing her every year... I'm not sure there is anyone more patriotic in the entire parade. Plus, kudos to her for walking the entire route in those boots!

When the parade was over we stopped by Local Yocal to check out their tractors and GG showed off her strong waving skills :)

Girlfriend loves a tractor.

Look how BIG Mason is getting!!!

We missed Luke so much...

... and were so glad that he started feeling better Sunday afternoon.

Dave had to work after the parade and so the kids and I played outside and cheersed (yes, that's totally a word) ;) with strawberry fruit bars.

Dave got home after dinner and we decided to swim a bit before heading out to fireworks.  
Look who loves the fourth!!!

Ready to meet our friends for fireworks!

All of my firework pictures are pitch black.  So yeah, we sat in a field and watched fireworks :) 

Then some friends came back to our house to do sparklers.

We had these crazy long sparklers that the kids love because their hands don't have to get too close to the fire.

It looks like Griffin is touching her sparkler, but that's actually Owen's in the background. :)

 WHOA, Mama! Go big or go home, right? 

It was a PACKED weekend, but packed with lots of our favorite people.  Hope y'all had a fabulous Fourth!!!


  1. Oh July 4th weekend is my FAVORITE!!! I loved all of your pics! So happy to share it with you!

  2. What a great weekend! I love that your kids were dressed in red, white, and blue all weekend long!

  3. Well, this post has me feeling all sorts of festive! So many cute pics, but I love the one of G in her swimsuit and glasses while waving the flat!

    1. YES! And it was a TRAVESTY that we didn't hang out on the fourth - next year I'm stopping by ;)

  4. Such a sweet weekend!!!!!🇱🇷

  5. I have to ask where your Texas state baseball cap is from?

    1. It's by Judith March and I buy online from Southern Trends (

  6. Curious - aside from posting them on your blog what do you do with all the pictures you take? I'm struggling with this lately. Thanks!

    1. I store them on an external hard drive in dated folders.... not super helpful, sorry!

  7. Love the dress Griffin wore on the 4th of July! Where did you get it? I enjoy your blog so much and have used so many of your great ideas.

    1. It's from Eleanor Rose ;) And thank you so much for reading - I appreciate it!


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