Friday started off with sweet smiles from Griffin...
... in the middle I felt like we packed up half of our lives as we left school...
... and the day ended with pizza, movies and everyone crashing in our bed.
Saturday started off with a quick trip to the grocery store before dance class (can we talk about how our AWESOME Starbucks baristas always give GG handfuls of bubbles to blow?!?! THE BEST!), an 8 am soccer game for Luke and Bitty Ball for Mason.
At class the little girls got to watch a few of the big girls perform their competition piece. And then the little girls showed the big girls their number for the Spring recital.
And then Griffin got to lead the glass choo-choo train :)
... the middle of Saturday was filled with a birthday party for Luke and a trip to Richardson for us to congratulate my brother on completing his architecture licensing exams. It was warm out and the kids all got to play outside.
We ended Saturday with a solid two-hour coloring session. Seriously. This boy LOVES to color. He would ask me to draw things with black sharpie and then he colored them in. LOVE his creative side!
Sunday started off with a whole crew of kids in our bed (and apparently Dave was still sleeping. hahaha)...
... and sporting Spring colors and stripes to church.
We filled the rest of the day with some Sleeping Queens outside...
... and napping inside.
As well as a rainy second soccer game of the weekend. Mason looks super upset about sharing his umbrella with Luke's cweet teammate, right? (sidenote - he picked out his own ensemble. Can you tell? hahaha)
And then we ended the day with AWANAS, dinner as a family reading in bed.
It was a busy weekend, but we got to spend lots of time together and are all rested and ready for thew week. We only have this week and next and then it's SPRING BREAK!!! WOO HOO!!!
Happy Monday, Friends!
Tell me about the yellow shoes you wore to church. I've been on a two-year hunt for yellow flats.
ReplyDeleteWOW! That's commitment :) They're by Joyfolie
DeleteYou looked so pretty at church yesterday with your spring colors on! I even noticed your polish yesterday and that made me happy too!
ReplyDeleteThanks, girly!!! (insert blowing kiss emoji here) hahaha
DeleteI'm crazy impressed with your drawing skills!! You were making magic happen with that Sharpie and paper!
ReplyDeleteHAhaha - far from it - but Mason seems impressed so that counts for something, right? :)
DeleteI was thinking the same - they totally look like computer print outs!!
DeleteThe dino? Hello! cant even draw stick figures that well!
DeleteI'm jumping on that train too - I was super impressed!
DeleteY'all are sweet - but it's totally not that impressive! The Christmas ones were leftover prints from Christmas and the dinosaur I totally copied off of Google image. I'm pretty good at drawing something if I'm looking at it, but there is no way I could draw a dinosaur like that without having a pic to look at while I draw :)
DeleteI admire Dave's sleeping while sitting up routine. I'm all about catching a couple of extra minutes where you can! :) And that first picture of G's SLAYS ME.
ReplyDeleteGirl! He can seriously sleep anywhere and it takes him about 3 seconds to fall asleep. So jealous.
DeleteIs Griffin standing on the counter at Starbucks??? Gross and rude.
ReplyDeleteShe was actually kneeling with her feet off the counter. No cause for alarm ;)
DeleteI noticed this the other day on your kid table and kitchen counter. It's cute now- I suppose /but kind of gross. I'm just not sure what message you are sending her but putting her up there. And in a few years you will have to tell her she's too big to be up there. Just food for thought.
DeleteYou know, Anonymous, what happens when you jump to quick and grandious conclusions and then feel the need to make a comment like that?
DeleteYou end up looking gross and rude!
Grow up.
Mason used to do the same thing and when he got too big we told him just that and he was fine. Thanks for the input!
DeleteMy gosh, Anonymous - so judgmental and quick to jump to conclusions! The question itself would have been fine, but adding "gross and rude" was really unnecessary.
DeleteAnonymous,are you the same one that was making comments about Andrea's showers awhile back? I literally can't even, I'm crying laughing right now! You have to be kidding...
DeleteWhat a fun weekend ! We have spring break in a few weeks too and we can't wait !!!!
ReplyDeletethe countdown is on!!!
DeleteI'm jealous of your weather! That first pic of G is too freaking cute! And her curls in the starbucks picture, oh my word!!
ReplyDeleteIt's been pretty great the last few weeks! Thanks, Lizzie!
DeleteI mean--how cute is GG with those bubbles??? Love!
ReplyDeleteThanks, girl! The baristas are so sweet to her!
DeleteYour daughter is just beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI am most impressed with your drawing skills! That dinosaur is awesome!!
ReplyDeleteHahaha. I'm pretty good at replicating something I see... Google image is my best friend.
DeleteBubbles at SB? That's just weird
ReplyDeleteHow is it weird??? Someone bring sweet and interactive with a toddler??? So strange.
Deleteyeah, strange, they aren't expected to entertain your child, all the SB I have been in are too busy for that!I stand by that, I would find it strange if I were in line and that was going on
DeleteI must have missed the part where you were there to observe the situation and our interaction with the baristas. If you had been, then you would know that we were the only ones in line at the time. And no one said it was their job to entertain my child. We love the baristas at the Starbucks we go to. We know them all by name, give them Christmas gifts, one of them works in the nursery at our church. We weren't at a random, busy Starbucks.
DeleteI'm more than fine with criticism... but would appreciate if the criticism was of ACTUAL THINGS THAT HAPPENED. If it had been a busy line and I had demanded that the barista blow bubbles with my child - criticize away. But that's not at all what happened. How about giving people the benefit of the doubt or asking for clarification before heaping on the criticism.
whatever...we will not agree on this
DeleteYou mean you won't admit that you jumped to a lot of pretty grand conclusions.
DeleteI'm not trying to incite a debate- but if I don't publish and respond to these comments then I just get more calling me out for only publishing the positive, and if I do publish and respond then I get called out for being defensive. It's really a lose-lose for me, so I try to publish and address the comments as much as I can. When I clearly am not doing what someone thinks I'm doing, a simple, "sorry for jumping to conclusions" would be an appropriate response. I can admit when I've made a mistake and I've done that in the past and it would be admirable if anonymous commenters would do the same.
DeleteIf I were you Anonymous, I would draft a letter - today - to the head of Starbucks and demand that he immediately prohibit baristas from interacting with customers, especially children, especially if it could be perceived as a spontaneous moment of fun and kindness or even silliness. There are just too many increasing gestures like this in their stores today and many people like yourself are likely to be highly annoyed at such outrageous behavior and Starbucks should do the responsible thing (to make sure that egos like yours aren't bruised) and make sure that it is never condoned in their establishments. Period. S
DeleteSeriously, you seem to get wound up real tight over bubbles at Starbucks without even knowing the facts. Calm down. Relax - life is too short.
Marise Spokane, WA
Hmm...while I do agree with a lot of what you said to anonymous #1, Andrea, (i.e.: giving people/situations benefit of doubt, not jumping to conclusions), I DO NOT agree that you can admit when you're wrong. In fact I'd actually say it's quite the contrary. You are often rude, condescending and defensive in a very passive aggressive way. You've mastered the skill in such a way that you *almost* come off as kind, but it's obviously disingenuous. This was blatantly obvious last year when you argued that you were doing nothing wrong as you snapped pictures with your cell phone while driving. You even proceeded to make snarky references on Instagram after the fact. It was incredibly disrespectful to people who've been killed or injured by individuals who caused accidents while doing this. I work in law enforcement and I can promise you that YOU would have been ticketed and fined if you did this in my area, stopped or not. There is NEVER a justification for distracted driving- and regardless of what you think or are willing to admit, that is what YOU were doing. Taking pictures while stopped in traffic is still considered distracted driving, FYI. I also remember distinctly thinking this last year when reading your Instagram comments after someone rather innocently commented on an outfit Griffin was wearing w/o ruffles. Your response was rude and rather than admit you overreacted, you deleted your own comment, as if to hide your true colors.. It wasn't the first indication to me that you are not what you seem. You've exhibited this behavior other times, and I know for a fact you choose not to publish comments that call you on such behavior. I realize that some of the comments you receive are ignorant and out of line. However, it seems that even with the constructive criticisms (driving while snapping pictures with your phone) you respond negatively. You clearly have issues with admitting wrongdoing of any kind, so please don't pretend to be something you're not.
DeleteTo Anonymous @3:34 pm.... I have just one question for your rude self. If you dislike Andrea so much and find her so "disingenuous " why do you read her blog at all?? You apparently obsessively stalk her blog as you seem to have a keen memory of her posts, replies she's made to comments etc. I feel sad for you that you have so much jealousy, hate and anger in your heart.
DeleteI'm so sorry if that came across like that last year - sincerely. I did take those comments to heart and haven't snapped a pic while driving since. I appreciated the feedback and learned from it. As far as the passive aggressive on IG goes, I know exactly what you're referring to - I believe I posted a pic of GG in her carseat and did a hashtag about being in the parking lot? I honestly didn't mean for that to be a dig or passive aggressive. I really was trying to make sure that no one thought I was taking her picture while my car was on. In hindsight I can see how that may have be misconstrued.
DeleteAs far as the comment about Griffin, I remember that one as well. Someone commented to say something along the lines of how pretty she looked without all of the ruffles and stuff. Again, I can totally admit that my mama bear side came out and I may have been snippy. Tone is so hard to read online (both ways) and I very well may have taken it out of context. With deleting my response I feel like it's a catch-22... if I had left it up there, there was a strong likelihood of followers reading my comment and "coming to my defense" and at that point I just wanted to shut it down. There have been a couple of occasions where a commenter and I have misread each others tone on IG and rather than hash it out publically, I've deleted the comments and messaged the person individually.
I would say that I publish 99% of the comments I receive. I don't publish any with profanity (I don't use it and I don't want it on my blog) and I don't publish any that could be potentially hurtful to my kids (talking about their appearances, behavior, etc.). Also, after an issue has been discussed ad nauseum I tend to stop publishing comments as well (i.e. the driving issue, big game hunting, etc.)
I'm aware that I put myself out there by writing a public blog. I'm opening myself up to criticism and critique. I get that. What I don't necessarily "get" is the bashing that happens without all the necessary information. I'm more than happy to answer questions, engage in discussion and be open to others opinions - which I think I've shown in various situations.
I'm sincerely sorry if you've felt somehow I'm pretending to be something I'm not. I pride myself on being open, honest and transparent - that said, sometimes my flaws show. My "mama bear" comes out, my desire for the last word takes over (my mom can vouch for this one) and my sarcastic, snarky side shows :)
Thank you (seriously) for taking the time to comment. I really do appreciate the feedback. #nosarcasm
DeleteI absolutely do not dislike Andrea. I don't personally know her. I only know what she puts out there. That being said, I dislike some things she's done while blogging, but I would not describe my feelings as "jealousy, anger or hate". I can assure you I neither hate her, nor am I jealous of her. I'll admit that the cell phone incident did make me angry. It's a very sensitive topic to me, as I've seen its effects firsthand. It's a serious issue. I'm just not sure where you got "jealousy" out of my comment, other than the fact that it seems to be a convenient defense/explanation when readers criticize bloggers. I also need to add, that citing two situations over the course of Andrea's many years of blogging hardly constitutes "obsessively stalking" her!
Andrea you have a far more generous spirit than I think I could have with all this moral busy-bodying. This anonymous reader comes here to say she doesn't 'know you or dislike you' and yet in the breath prior, emphatically says things like "she's rude, condescending, defensive and obviously disingenuous" and concludes by suggesting that you have "mastered the skill of passive aggressive responses"??? What the what? Seriously? Let's be clear - social media has become a breeding ground for bad manners. Mary's point is well taken. Someone who has such a keen razor sharp memory of the specific details of a couple of long ago situations, acknowledges she doesn't know you personally and yet chooses to chastise your character and judge your motives or responses on that basis alone has a less than honorable intent. Andrea, I try to teach my own kids and my students that kindness always trumps any justification they feel they may have to be otherwise to anyone else, especially on social media, as tempting as anonymity makes it to become 'bottom feeders'. Andrea, by all accounts you are engaging, genuine, gracious and kind and yours is a blog that I always read, however I have to admit that I do applaud you for those moments when you feel the need to push back a little.
DeleteMary Ann, Willows, CA
Please please tell me your nail polish color and where is G's dressfrom?!! So cute!! :)
ReplyDeleteOf course! It's Play Date by Essie and Griffin's dress is Platinum by Matilda Jane :)
DeleteYes, please share your nail color! Cute, cute.
ReplyDeleteOf course! It's Play Date by Essie
DeleteI was reading thru the comments and I too LOVE your purple nails. Hoping you share the color so we can all go and copy you ;) You are so crafty and talented. .. Hard not to be envious :)
ReplyDeleteYou're too sweet!!! It's Play date by Essie ;) copy away!!!
DeleteI am in love with GG's tutu outfit! That girl can rock pretty much anything she wears! And I adore the morning photo! I was wondering if you had an MJ dress for mommy's... can I email you? I think it's sold out so I wanted to touch base to see if I could purchase it from you directly. Let me know!
Sure! Shoot me an email and I'll see what I can do ;)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI love it when people make a point to interact with small children! The Starbucks barista gets major mom points!!
ReplyDeleteMe too!!! A little kindness goes a long way :)
DeleteHi Andrea, love reading your blog!! I love the scarf you are wearing!! Where is it from?
ReplyDeleteThanks! It's one that I used to link to a lot... I think it was called the "tasha ringer" from Nordstrom?? I don't believe they carry it anymore, but I can look later tonight and will let you know if I find it.
DeleteThe weather this weekend was perfect for family fun! I can't wait for spring! Griffin's hair is gorgeous! It gives me hope that my 2 year old's hair will be manageable one day soon! Have a great Monday!
ReplyDeleteThank you!!! It can be a hot mess one day and pretty curls the next - you never know!
DeleteWhen did GG start looking like a big girl???? Too cute!
ReplyDeleteRight?!?! Apparently last week :) hahaha
DeleteI'm not one to comment, but as a former k teacher turned stay at home mom to a little girl just younger than Gtiffin, your blog is fun to follow! I just wanted to say how refreshing it is to see your classy responses to some of these rude comments. I know it would bother me, and it would be easy to respond in a much different way, so kudos to you!! Thanks for sharing your life :)
ReplyDeleteGirl. I try to keep it classy and take everything with a grain of salt, but there are definitely times I want to say something a little less than classy ;) hahaha I can handle criticism and everyone is entitled to their opinion, I just wish that people's opinions were based on what I actually do... not on the twisted, contrived version of what they think and/or assume I do. Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment!
Deletebah, little people dance class is the CUTEST!!! I must get my mini-me signed up again!
ReplyDeleteSimply Shaunacey
YES!!! Nothing cuter!
DeleteThat first picture of Griffin is darling! Have a great Monday!
ReplyDeletethanks, Leah!!! You too :)
DeleteWhat a great weekend!!! Love when there's some downtime! Have a great day girl!!!
ReplyDeleteRight?!?! No shame in a good nap :)
DeleteI love that first picture of Griffin and cannot figure out when she got to be so big! Your family is darling. I cannot fathom why these silly comments come up, especially because of what you said - they are based on what someone thought was happening vs. what was actually happening. I applaud you as well for the classy way you handle it! Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteThank you!!! I can't figure it out either!!! It's crazy though :) And thanks for the encouragement!
DeleteYou, my dear, and your sweet children are a bright light in this sometimes ugly world. Your posts and your kiddos and your crafts and your recipes ... I could go on and on are a highlight of my day. I am glad you are you. Please don't ever change for some silliness. Some people are just sad. For them I pray. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ramona!!! My plan is to keep on keeping on :)
DeleteHere's a novel idea, how about you let Dave take Griffin to dance class so you can actually show up for one of your boys activities. Favorites much?
ReplyDeleteI would love that - except that Dave is one of the bitty ball coaches so that doesn't work. My plan is to attend as many of Luke's games as possible - but, as any mom of multiple children would understand, that's often not as easy as it sounds. Between shuffling car seats and coordinating help getting everyone where they need to be at the same time, scheduling can be brutal.
DeleteHow easy it is to criticize someone from behind a screen. Growing up as one of four children, who were all in multiple activities, I completely understand where Andrea is coming from. My parents did the best they could to make it to every game, concert, and recital but as a human you can only be in one place at a time. Andrea, I really hope the harsh criticism and negative comments you've been receiving don't affect the content you share. Your blog is a highlight to my day, your kids are hilarious and adorable and you're truly an inspiration! Keep your chin up!
ReplyDeleteBless you for giving these anonymous commenters so much grace. They know they are being rude--that's why they don't want their name attached. If it means so much to someone to stop what they are doing to try to tear you down a little, they can at least sign their name. If they don't, hit the delete button and don't waste any more of your time. Constructive criticism is not hateful. It's meant to start a dialogue. Some people don't get that. I think everyone would understand if you start to only publish critical comments that have names.
You're so sweet - and while I've thought about doing just that - I feel like it would be disingenuous to let anonymous commenters leave positive comments, but not negative :) Thanks so much for your support!!!
DeleteI love you even more after reading your replies to all of the comments... you're so gracious in your responses. Your blog is much fun to read, and I love seeing your sweet family! Thank you for sharing your life with all of us, and for being real with us! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Cassi Jo! For reading and for your sweet comment. THANK YOU!
DeleteHi! I found your blog a couple of years ago. I followed anothe blogger who referenced you. Then Griffin was still a little baby and I noticed her big Texas sized bows and knowing I was carrying a little girl of my own I was so excited to read your blog. My girl is 18 months now and has a big ol now in her hair everyday! My husband has even jumped on the now bandwagon! Thank you for sharing your life with us, especially when it would probably be much easier not to. You inspire me as a mom in so many ways!
SO SWEET!!! I'm so glad that you found my blog and stuck around :) And I LOVE that you love a good bow! Have a great day, Kelsey!
DeleteThank you for sharing your family with us! I look forward to your blog and Instagram posts. When one of my friends or my mom wears an Anthropologie outfit that you have I always say "Griffin's mom has that" and they know exactly who I'm taking about! Sincerely, thank you for sharing, getting a glimpse into your life and family brightens my day!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! LOVE that! hahaha Thank you so much for reading and commenting!!!
DeleteWhere can I find G's headband?! Adorable! Thank you for always staying classy. I just read through a few comments. It's few and far between for women to stay classy these days and you are one of them!
ReplyDeleteMost of hers are from Jameson Monroe (on etsy or and THANK YOU! I try to keep it classy as much as possible :) hahaha
DeleteI'm trying hard not to be jealous of your beautiful Texas weather as i sit in my Pennsylvania kitchen watching it snow...again! Andrea, you are a very gracious young woman, keep letting your light shine!
ReplyDeleteYou try that and I'll try not to be jealous of your GORGEOUS Fall as I swelter in 100 degree September temps ;) and THANK YOU for your sweet words - letting it shine is the plan!
DeleteLove your blog!
ReplyDeleteAnd a note to all the negative people and their negative comments.... get a life and try to be civil! It's okay to agree to disagree. Life is too short to be so petty.
Thanks, Roshunda!!! It's hard to imagine having enough time to read someone's blog just to pick it apart, comment, and then keep coming back. hahaha I appreciate you!
DeleteOne of my favorites of the day...sitting down with my coffee & reading Momfessionals...always puts a smile to my heart!!!
ReplyDeleteWoah. I'm way late to this party, but I feel the need to comment. I own a coffee shop. Actually 4. So as a "professional Barista," I must tell you that we live for moments where cute kids jump on counters to greet us. We live for the interactions with families, and we genuinely enjoy watching children grow up. The kid that used to get a cup of whipped cream and sprinkles now gets a frozen caramel latte?! What?! You're still cute, but go back to being the kid that fit on my counter. Ask me questions, get a balloon, and remind me again as to why I wake up at 4 everyday because I'm lucky to get a "thank you" out of many grown ups. And the dirty counter? I got a whole chemical shelf for that don't you worry. The toilets are much worse.