Thursday, December 10, 2015

Friday Favorites - JOY Edition

First up on my list of favorites today is my FAVORITE moment from the week - Mustang Chapel.  This is a special chapel for our lower school where students are recognized for displaying admirable character qualities.

I snapped a couple of quick pics of my guys on my way in...

This girly (and Gibi and Haha) were there as well.

First up was PreK and Kindergarten and Mason West was called up for JOY!


 It was so cute because I went down the center aisle to grab a picture and Griffin followed me down, when she saw Mason on stage she LOST IT! "There's my SASON! SASON!!!!!"  It was precious.

After PreK and Kinder it was time for first and second grade.  Luke received the JOY award as well!!!

How fun is that?!?!?! :)

So proud of these sweet, JOYFUL boys!

And look who we found walking through the gym!  It's Our Anna Grace!

Another FAVORITE moment this week was when I got to meet one of my oldest and dearest friends for lunch and pie on the square.  She flew in from Houston for an appointment and we only had about 2 and a half hours, but we made the most of it :) 

We were so engrossed in conversation (and pie) that we didn't take a picture together, so instead I'll give you a picture of us from Christmas of 1995 :)

My next FAVORITE is from a few weeks ago, but I didn't want to forget it.  Mason was invited to a bowling birthday party for two of his friends, Ben and Jack.  He picked out these toy sharks as their presents and INSISTED that they would be awesome gifts.  I figured why not and so he looked like this walking into the party...

IT was SO CUTE to watch this group of cuties bowl!

On Monday of this week I broke a few fashion rules and busted out theses cream cords to pair with my Barrington Tote, chambray shirt and coral coat.

And in the next picture I look TOTALLY cheeseball, but this is after I picked up the greens from Trader Joes to make the centerpiece on my kitchen table.

Typically, we get one or two snow/ice days here in North Texas and my kids end up sledding on broken down Amazon boxes :)  When I saw these sleds for under $15 on Zulily last week I ordered quick.  Well, they arrived and they're a FAVORITE toy now... even without the snow.

And here's GG being pulled around in it with Jack (pre-haircut) tagging along.

I think Griffin's FAVORITE moment from the week was when Dave took her to get donuts after the Mustang Awards on Monday.  She blessed her donut...

... and then stared lovingly at it :)

And then they helped me out by picking up 200 cans of beans for Shay's recipe party the next night :) hahaha

Tights are high up on my FAVORITES list this week as well.  I have lots of dresses and love getting to pair them with tights when it's cooler outside.

I also wore my FAVORITE sweatshirt on Tuesday night... my Luke and Lorelai Forever glitter one :)  I had it made by Bow and Drape and I LOVE it!!!  Hopefully y'all are all Gilmore Girls fans so you understand my reference.

Next up, our FAVORITE pup got a MAJOR makeover earlier this week.  His curls were out of control and he was developing a lot of mats and the groomer felt like our best option was for him to "start over fresh" - so we did!  And he looks sooooooooooooooo tiny!!!
Apparently bathing can cause little mats to get worse - so the fact that he's been playing outside with the kids A TON and I've been bathing him a few times a week has apparently been making it worse.  We opted to have him cut way down instead of having him combed out simply because we didn't want him to have to be uncomfortable while they worked through all of his hair.  We opted to just start over and keep him shorter from here on out.

Next up, these sweet sseet friends are my FAVORITE.

Miley was with us before and after Miss Lisa's yesterday and the girls were having the best time together.

This weekend we have plans to brunch with Santa and watch the parade downtown McKinney .

The kids don't know it yet, but we're getting rid of our trampoline that has pretty much disintegrated in the Texas heat and our getting a Springfree Trampoline to replace it.  We're heading over to a Christmas party at their Frisco location on Saturday afternoon so that should be fun as well!  Santa will be there and there's a food drive going on - and lots of jumping :)

Hoping your weekend is full of your FAVORITES!

:) Andrea
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  1. Girl!! You bought sleighs and I bought my kids snow boots-pretty sure there will be no snow in Texas this year. Haha!

  2. So many things to comment on! First of all, your boys are so sweet! I'm not surprised at all that they were recognized. Second of all, OWNED the cans! Thank you so much for donating so many! And then the pics of Miley and GG are so sweet. I love those girls!

    1. I'm going to start collecting cans NOW for next year :) hahaha

  3. Great pics of a fun, full week... However I think you brought the wrong dog home .. He looks 1/2 the size but just as cute

  4. Griffin is so "big girl" looking these days! Too cute

    1. I know!!! We REALLY need to get rid of her paci - but I'm holding out because I feel like it's one of the last things that makes her look little ;)

  5. Such fun pics as the ones of G and M on Thursday morning! They are so precious together!

  6. That trampoline is really cool! We have an in ground trampoline at camp and it's so much fun!

    1. Isn't it awesome??? I'm so excited!!! In ground sounds really cool!

  7. That sweatshirt is great!! Also, where did you get the big M that is on the wall in the boys' room?

  8. Love the JOY awards...what a great character to have!!

    1. We were double proud :) (that isn't even a thing, but you know what I mean!)

  9. Ok so I need those sleds!!! My boys are always pushing each other around in the laundry basket so those would be perfect!!!! And your pup in his little sweater is so cute!! And I wear white pants in the winter all the time... such a rule breaker! :-)

    1. Such a rule breaker!!! We do the laundry baskets too! But the sleds are so much cooler :) hehehe

  10. GG blessing her donut? Possible the cutest, sweetest thing ever!

  11. Not brushing your dog regularly (especially after baths until their hair dries) and waiting too long in between groomings can ALSO cause mats to get worse. Poor little thing.

    1. Good to know! We've always had labs and so there's a definite learning curve with his hair type. He's on a regular schedule with our groomer now :) Thanks!

  12. Aww your dog is so cute. I'm so paranoid about my pup getting matting that I brush hm almost every day.
    You have so many fun pictures from your week. G's outfit is adorable! Hope you have a good weekend.

  13. I am OBSESSED with your sweatshirt! I might have to make one before the reboot comes out! #teamluke

  14. Your sweet girl praying for her pink donut. Precious. My boys would love those sleds! So cool! Would you please share where that bowling party was? I like that it seems less overwhelming than a traditional bowling alley.

    1. Sure! It was at a place called Splitsville. They have the traditional row of lanes, but a separate party area up front as well. It's great for kids because they really can't leave that area too.

  15. Okay, your whole family is just adorable! Seriously. The kiddos. The pup. You. Adorable!!!

  16. How exciting for your boys!! So sweet!


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