Monday, March 16, 2015

Weekend Wrap-Up: Break is Over Edition

Happy Monday!!!  As you're reading this - I'm probably groggily making my way through Pre-Algebra going through tea-withdrawal (I'm a chain tea drinker when I'm at home. hahaha) and thinking about lunch.  :) 

It was rainy and kind of yuck this weekend, so we made the most out of  it and tried to get a few things done around the house.  First up on the list.... behind Mason's bed.  Mason likes to stick things behind his bed and when we pulled it away from the wall we found this treasure trove...

Legos, color tiles, Lincoln Logs, Hot Wheels cars and pennies.  That kid!!!

I snapped this picture during lunch and it cracked me up.  Luke had polished off his GIANT lunch (seriously - growth spurt!!!) and was focused on ice cream, Griffin had danced herself into a tizzy and was recouping on the floor (with a handful of beaded necklaces) and Mason, the slowest eater ever, had been stuck in the high chair because he kept getting up from the table.  Glamorous life we live over here ;)

 We spent a solid 45 minutes in this chair after lunch.  Hot mess express ;)

We were going to head to dinner at Watters Creek - but Luke suggested McDonalds and y'all know I'm a sucker for their ice cream :)  We picked Gibi up and made our way to the golden arches.

The humidity was HIGH and GG's curls were out of control!

Griffin was too little to climb up by hefself (she thought she was big enough, but couldn't quite manage), so Dave was a good sport and took her up :)   Thankfully we were the only family in the playspace!

you can't really see G because of the glare, but that's my entire crew in the little train car at the very top. hahahaha

And yes, even though it was just McDonalds I put on actual clothes to go... I had been in PJs long enough!  I consider myself kind of a scarf snob, I'm particular about "fullness" and this new one from Matilda Jane came in the mail that afternoon and I approved!

Saturday morning Luke went to ice skating lessons with Gibi and Haha and I stayed home with these two crazies.


 And while they were being silly.... this big kid was ROCKING it on the ice!!!


He is doing so well and we are super proud of him!!!

 Griffin has a HUGE case of monkey see, monkey do and she wants to do EVERYTHING her brothers do.  At lunch, Mason was eating ketchup with his macaroni (gross!) and she wanted to eat some too even though she doesn't like ketchup AT ALL!  She was making the BEST faces and we were cracking up because she kept eating it just because Mason was! :)


After lunch we played with play dough for close to 2 hours.  We had a bake shop, train station and school house. :)

When G woke up from her nap I wanted to try some of her new Matilda Janeon her and this was the response I got :) hahaha

Sunday morning someone was looking pretty in pink (just a little. hahaha)

and I was cracking up because when I went to get her out of the car she wouldn't budge.  She knew I was going to make her leave her baby and kitty in the car and just kept giving me "the glare". :)

 Me and my two littlest babies after church!


In the afternoon the boys played tennis - look how stinkin' cute they are!!!

After tennis they each wanted to try out my camera.  Luke took this pic of Mason...

... and Mason took this pic of Luke :)

After tennis we headed to Starbucks (AMEN!) and Adriatica to walk and visit the park.  I'm super excited because the sun was shining (kind of) and I had a Venti English breakfast tea :) 

Also... I've teased it a couple of times and a full review is coming up, but how awesome is my Joovy TooFold?!?!?!  I can't WAIT to show y'all everything it does.  I mean.. I'm pushing two kids around with ONE HAND!!!  If you've ever pushed a double stroller you know how amazing this is. 

Look at Jack Bauer! :) hahahaha  Spoiled much???

I think I've mentioned Adriatica before, but it's this really cool "Croatian village" in the middle of our development.  There are shops, restaurants, offices, apartments and a super pretty chapel.

Every time we do this walk Luke has to run down and back up this giant hill :) 

Best buds!!!

We made it to the park!!! WOO HOO!!!

Zero fear!

 We played for a bit and then walked back - making sure we stopped at the dock.

It was the perfect way to end our break.  We've had the best time just hanging out as a family.
We're all back to reality tomorrow and are excited about the last 9 weeks of school!  I still can't believe that we're so close to having two in school!  CRAZY!

I hope that y'all have a fantastic day!  If you're starting break - have the best time!  And if you're back to reality - I hope there's some caffeine in your near future :)


  1. Girl!!! What a fun trip to the park!! Loved G glaring at you!!

    1. She gives a MEAN stink eye :) I feel like I'm getting a glimpse into her teenage years. Just kidding - we're going to be besties and she's going to think I'm the greatest and NEVER roll her eyes at me. Ever. :) hahaha #wishfulthinking

  2. I can totally see Luke playing hockey! He looked like a fierce competitor in his skating gear. I think he has some of your Canadian blood in him :).

    1. Girl - the Canadian in my blood can't skate either :) hahaha

  3. Griffin eating the ketchup is HILARIOUS. And oh my goodness at all of the treasures you found under Mason's bed! And SUPER impressed with Luke on the ice skates!

    1. She is a TOTAL copycat and wants to do ANYTHING her brothers do.... I'm in trouble :)

  4. What a gorgeous area in your neighborhood! Hope your first day back goes well. I have 10 days of school until break: but who's courting? :)

    1. EEEK! HAng in there!!! It's pretty much 9 days at this point, right? :)

  5. We don't have break until april 3 and we can't wait !!!!!

  6. So much fun--Adriatica is so beautiful!! I loved GG eating the ketchup!! What a cutie!! Xoxo

    1. She's a mess :) When Luke was running down the hill there was a photographer taking pictures at the bottom and I SWORE it was you!

  7. GG eating the Mac n cheese is hysterical!!!! And my gosh you live in a beautiful area!!!! I want to visit Texas!!!! Best of luck heading back to school today! We were supposed to have spring break in two weeks but it is gone bc of all of our snow days :(

    1. Thanks! If you visit make sure you don't come in the summer.... unless you want to suffocate in the 110 degree heat :) hahaha And BOO for no Spring Break! That stinks!

  8. I love that scarf with the pom pom fringe! So cute!

  9. Mac n cheese with ketchup is awesome! :) I've eaten it that way pretty much my whole life and now both of my boys do it too.

    1. EWWWWWWW! It's how my brother and dad eat it as well.... so gross! hahaha I'm a fan of ketchup, but in limited amounts. Mason eats ketchup with his ketchup.... and then tops it with ketchup :)

  10. could you be any more adorable than in this pic pushing the stroller?? Oh my goodness! Almost makes me wish I had a need for a stroller again.

  11. What a fun little area to walk around in. You all are such a cute family! Hope you all have a great day!

    1. Thank you!!! I think they're pretty cute, but I'm also kind of partial :)

  12. Such a cute crew! Hope re-entry back to work is not too much of a shock.

    1. So far, so good - but we'll see how I feel tomorrow morning :)

  13. I'm fully dad came over as a baby! I've always wanted to visit that little town or whatever you want to call it...Looks so cool :)

    1. Love that! It's a work in progress, but it's really unique and beautiful. They actually brought in the rock and statues and such from Croatia.

  14. That picture of all the stuff behind Mason's bed is too funny! Griffin's face with the ketchup is hysterical too! Such a fun weekend :) Good luck on your first day back - I know the first day back to work after time off is always a struggle for me!

  15. What? 9 weeks left of school, that seems crazy fast!

  16. I am loving your entire Mickey D's outfit. Can you link it? I would totally rock it to preK. And as a new follower to your blog, I must tell you how I love these little recaps. It's going to be such a treasure for your kids to see in just a few years! Griffin's faces eating ketchup on her macs is hysterical but you're making the Italian girl in me cringe! Lol.

  17. My two younger kids (now almost done with high school - boooo!) have always mixed their mac 'n cheese with baked beans and applesauce. I have no idea where this came from, and I can't stand to look at it, but it's still the only way they will eat it. And I mean all mixed together. Ick!

  18. My kiddos love McD's too! So sweet that Dave climbed up there!! Hope you're having a good Monday! :)

  19. I too am a chain tea drinker :) I just went back to work after being home for the past 8 years. I am a 4th grade teacher, with 4 little kids of my own. Not having tea at my constant disposal has been hard! :) I enjoy reading your blog because it gives me hope that I can juggle all the areas of my life as well as you seem to!

  20. Maybe a little bit of your Canadian roots showing with Luke :)

  21. Let me start off by saying I love your blog! I was wondering how do you keep up the engery to get everything done in a day? I have a 14 month old and work full time and I'm finding myself drained at 8 pm! I putting things off thinking the next day will be better lol. Any tips would be great! Thanks so much

  22. Griffins face eating the mac and cheese...priceless!!! love it!


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