Monday, January 12, 2015

Weekend Wrap-Up: Nothing Much Edition :)

This weekend was SUPER low key.  Like - we holed up in our jammies and did basically nothing. ;)

Friday morning was one of those... "I can actually fix my hair OR lay in bed for an extra 30 minutes" kind of days and laying in bed won out.  #everytime #itssocoldoutside :)

I threw on my blardigan, favorite jeans and UGGS and called it "casual Friday".  My shirt is by Go Couture and I got it on HauteLook.  Go Couture is on there often and I've seen this top on there several times since I bought mine.  

Random Note...  if you've been looking at the blardigan, but haven't taken the plunge due to the price... these robes are on Nordstrom Rack right now for under $50 and they're by the same company.  CRAZY softness, coming up!!!  Obviously I wouldn't wear this out of the house like I do the blardigan, but it looks REALLY good for cozying up at home!


Dave texts me a picture of the kiddos every morning and the one he sent me on Friday morning cracked me up because the necklace and cardigan weren't part of the outfit.... they were laying on the changing table ready to be put away and he thought they were so she was looking extra "funky" and layered for Miss Lisa's :)

After school we all enjoyed an afternoon snack while wearing superhero masks. Well.... some of us wore masks :)  And yes - these are the masks my mom made for the boys superhero party!  Three years and going strong!!!

 Friday night we declared it Pizza Picnic night and we enjoyed our slice on a blanket in the family room while watching a movie.  Perfection.  Jack Bauer relaxed in my hoodie pocket ;)

and when you have a puppy in your pocked, you get a lot of attention from the toddlers :) 

I'm pretty sure the most exciting thing that happened on Friday night was when our two new chairs for our kids table showed up in a GIANT box.  They made a huge mess and had the best time :)

Saturday morning I had a migraine (boo!!!) and so I went back to bed.  Finally, at around 9:30 I woke up and felt like my eyeballs weren't going to pop out of my head, and was greeted by these two. hahaha  

This girl has been sitting with her brothers at the "little table" for a couple weeks now.  We still have the highchair for times when she's not sitting well in the regular chair or for the mornings when Dave needs to get them ready for the sitter and keep her contained :)  BUT she thinks she's HOT STUFF and such a big girl when she does.  I can not believe that she's this big!!!

Saturday morning my mom sent me this picture of their old Ford "Exploder" being donated.  This was my first car and then my brother drove it when I got my bug in college (yes! I had a bug and LOVED IT!!!)

And my dad's text cracked me up. hahaha

We did A LOT of "t.p'ing" in the Exploder and I'm sure that if it could talk we would have some explaining to do :) hahahaha  It was the end of an era!!!

It's been FREEZING here, so we made due on Saturday and played with every toy we own and then the laundry baskets :)

G tried so hard, but couldn't get it done.  #littlesisterproblems

Luke was getting ready to go to a friend's house, and Mason was super bummed (poor little brother!) so I set him and Griffin up at a "drive in" to watch a movie before naptime.  ;)

Typically I don't think they look alike... but their little profiles made me think otherwise.

Luke left, Griffin went to her crib and about 20 minutes later I found this kid like this...

The rest of naptime looked like this for me.  GAH!!!  I get behind a couple of days and have this to deal with.  BOO!!! hahaha

Later that night my parents came down to play UNO and while they played with Luke, Mason and his bestie got in some snuggle time :)

Griffin rocked her kitty shoes (duh!)

And she slept HARD after a day of playing.  Sweet baby girl!

Sunday morning we praised Jesus for some fresh air :)

And I put on real clothes for the first time all weekend.
Sidenote - if you see me today don't judge... I'm probably wearing the same thing. hahaha

Dave and I taught one of the three-year-old classes after our own class was over.  Typically I teach with Shay, but since she's not back yet, Dave filled in.  We got our hula hoop on!!!

 ... and they shook their little Baptist hips with the best of them :)

After church we rushed home for some chili and the cowboys game and I attempted a pic with G.  She was WAY more interested in Jack Bauer than me ;(

PS - you can find my coat HERE.  It's unique and fun and super comfy AND machine washable!  Win! Win! Win!  I wore it for the first time today and got so many compliments!!! I'm wearing the small and love the fit 

Actually - the boys (and my dad) watched the Cowboys... I at a mug of chili, worked on lesson plans and then took a GLORIOUS nap.

We spent the evening playing with Jack Bauer, having a dance off, and watching the boys jump off of my bed onto the big pile of pillows, blankets and clean sheets on the floor of my room.  We capped off the weekend in the most perfect way ever - full, clean and snuggled up watching Disney Bears in my bed. Perfection.

I hope that y'all stayed warm this weekend and enjoyed some fun family time!  We have a regular week of school and are PUMPED about the upcoming three-day weekend.  #christmasbreakwithdrawals :)

PS - This post contained affiliate links... which means that if you clicked on one and purchased, I receive a small commission.  Thank you so much for supporting my blog!!! Love y'all!!!


  1. Loving all your arm bling! I too will be lesson planning as I gear up for our new school yeah- we do it a little different here in Australia! Back to work NEXT WEEK!! Eeek!!

  2. I am so happy I am not the only with a laundry pile like that! It blows my mind that 1 day behind can cause this! #neverendinglaundry The picture of Griffin in her bed cracks me up! Here lately my Hudson has been waking up in the middle of the nights because he gets his arm stuck in his crib, and when he goes to roll over he can't....I have no idea how to stop this??? once I get his arm out, he goes right back to sleep!!

  3. Those weekends are sometimes the best!!!

  4. Okay I am loving Griffins hair! The puppy os so cute and girl we have school only tues-thurs next week and I can't wait!!!! Have a happy Monday

  5. I agree, if I miss one day on the laundry rotation it sets me back horribly. Blah! I am powering through this Monday telling myself that next Monday I am off! Woohooo!!

  6. Looks like G is eating a Go-Gurt in one pic. Do y'all ever freeze them? My daughter (now 7) only recently learned that they are usually NOT frozen! We have called them yogurt popsicles for 5 years now! No mess when they are frozen!

  7. Simple weekends are sometimes just what's called for. I too wear my Sunday church outfit the next day for work. No harm in less laundry!

  8. I love weekends like that! :) Can you share where you got your floral top? It's super cute, and I'm loving the arm candy!

  9. I spotted some bracelets I've never seen before! Specifically, I love the one with the beads and large stone! I.need.that.bracelet. Where is it from?

  10. I'm sure you've said this a million times before, but where is your kids table from? I've been looking for one. Thanks! And a big time "Yay!" For PJ weekends.

  11. Please tell me you ate more than 1 mug of chili. Please tell me that. A mug of chili does not a meal make.

  12. Sounds like a perfect weekend to me! Ours was rather similar in laundry, staying home, enjoying time together. Jack Bauer is the cutest little thing!

  13. Recipe for the chili?! I am always looking to switch it up!

    1. I'd love the chili recipe too! :)

  14. I too am interested in where your kids table is from.

    1. My post tomorrow is actually all about my kids table! Hang tight!!!

  15. I loved this post! Love those bracelets!


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