Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Show and Tell Tuesday - Organizational Tips and Tricks

I was soooooooooooooo looking forward to today's post!  Nothing makes me happier than a good organizational tip (yes, I'm aware of how ridiculous and nerdy that sounds), and I was excited to share mine... but then this happened. 
(see right ----->)

Yesterday, before lunch, I had a headache and decided to lay down for an hour since Dave was home.  I woke up around dinnertime and was HOT!  When I took my temperature, even I was a little shocked.  Ever since I was little, I've always spiked high fevers, but this was high even for me.

All that said - I didn't have a chance to upload pics or finish my post... so y'all can go ahead and share and once I have a chance to go through my pictures and get the post togther I'll share as well.  So for now, talk amongst yourselves :)

Right now it's 10:00 on Monday night and my fever is pretty much gone - but I'm not sure whether that's because of the advil, the cool compresses or the bags of frozen vegetables my mom came down and covered me in :)   Either way I'll take it and my fingers are crossed that it doesn't return with a vengeance tomorrow!



  1. 104! Oh no!! Praying you feel better when you wake up this morning! Xoxo.

  2. Oh no Andrea! Hope you feel better today.

  3. I missed those texts last night but oh my goodness!!! Hope you're doing better this morning. Thankful for your mama who covered you in veggies!

  4. I would have stripped you down and thrown you in an ice cold bath. It's a good thing David didn't call me. :) Hope you feel better today!!!!!!! xoxo

  5. So sorry you are under the weather. I hope you feel better fast!

  6. Oh my gosh that is a high fever! I hope you feel better today and that the fever stays gone!

  7. Hope you're feeling better! I love the new pictures on your blog layout :)

  8. So sad you aren't feeling well. Hope today is a better day for you! Mommies don't have time to be sick! ;)

  9. Hope you get to feeling better! -Astleigh

  10. Oh no! I hope you get to feeling better very soon! I am on round 2 of sickness (cold/flu) since December 1st! UGH! I need Spring in Ohio!

  11. Wow...you really do strike high fevers! Glad to hear you are on the mend...rest lots!

  12. hope you get to feelin better!!! xoxo

  13. 104.4?!?!?! I am sooooo sorry you are not feeling well!! Hope you aren't getting the flu. My brother in law has it....no fun!
    I finally joined the link up...One of my goals this year is to do more link ups! I added a post that I wrote last year about getting organized for the week, especially being a working mom! It has lots of organization tips!
    Feel better soon!!!

  14. Aw Andrea! 104 fever - no fun! Feel better soon!

  15. Get better soon!!! I miss seeing all your cute IG pictures! I had a stomach bug last week and my dad had the flu. Hugs from Pennsylvania.

  16. Holy cow, that is a high temp! I hope you are feeling a million times better tomorrow!

  17. Oh no!!! I hope you are feeling better!! ;)

  18. I'm needing a monthly planner help please what's the best. Thanks

  19. Hope you're feeling better...I was thinking of you as i was up at 2AM vomiting. Sick mama=no fun!

  20. Feel better sweet friend!!

  21. I hope you are better soon. I miss your blog today!

  22. I hope you are feeling better! I missed your blog today as well but more than that I hope you are resting and recuperating. We will all be here waiting when you are back and ready to organize us all.


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