Thursday, August 14, 2014


Maybe it's first week of school exhaustion, maybe it's the fact that I haven't been able to eat anything for about 2.5 days because my throat hurts so bad, maybe it's the three days of fever, maybe it's that Luke started flippin' Kindergarten or maybe it's hormones - or maybe it's actually all of those (hahaha) - but brace yourselves for the sappiest post in the history of posts :)  

I was loading pics from the past couple of days from my camera onto my computer and as I was scrolling this one IMMEDIATELY caught my attention... and then, no joke, Martina McBride's "In My Daughter's Eyes" started playing in my head. hahaha .  I haven't heard or thought about that song in FOREVER, but for some reason it just totally spoke to me last night.  

So, I'm postponing my regularly scheduled post for something short, sweet and sappy.  Martina TOTALLY says it better than me (duh!) 

And just in case you need a good cry this morning...

You're welcome :)

Now I'm off to snuggle GG, put some Johnson's bedtime lotion on and eat a bowl of ice cream.

Happy Thursday, friends!!!


  1. I watched the video simply because I love me some Martina......and now I'm bawling.....

  2. This song gets me every time. Feel better girl!!!

  3. That song ALWAYS makes me teary...and I don't even have a daughter! Hang in there, Andrea! It's SOOOOO OK for you to feel the way you do right now. All those factors you mentioned above? The perfect storm to induce a good cry! Hugs!

  4. i dont even have a daughter... and now i am crying

  5. I hope you gets lots of rest and snuggles this weekend!! That's a beautiful picture of G!!! :)

  6. Oh girl! That song... that picture! Love it.

  7. Oh how I love this song , it really gets me every time I hear it and that pic of Griffin...well this post is all sorts of sap but all sorts of really good!!!

  8. Prayers for you! Hope you feel better. I love your blog!!!! You and your family are precious❤
    I have three kids - two boys and a girl and I teach high school English.

  9. Such a cute photo of G! And I absolutely love that song! My mom has it set as her ringtone for when I call her :)

  10. gets me every time!!! such a sweet post!

  11. Yep. Teared up right along with you! All those symptoms you mentioned sounds like strep throat! If you haven't gone to the dr. yet, you should! I have had it 3 times in the past couple months and the doctor said it is running rampant all over the country right now. SO many people I close by and far away have gotten it this summer! Hope you feel better!

  12. song gets me everytime! The photographer who took my youngest daughters newborn pix organized all the pix on a dvd to that song...holy moly...I still cannot watch it without bawling my eyes out!

  13. G is a doll and you are a great mama to her and her brothers!

  14. I dream of having a daughter some day! Such a sweet post! I love the bedtime lotion, too!

  15. I just left my 4 month old after having the summer off with her for back to school this week! This post has me balling! We will call it hormones! Griffin is so stylish and cute!! I could eat her up!

  16. I was thinking you might have strep throat, too! Get thy self to the dr (if you haven't already)! So sorry you are sick during this crazy busy time! oh-and I love your sweet post!

  17. That picture is so sweet. Sweetest smile ever!! Love those little teeth :)

  18. ohmyword cutest picture ever! why does she look so GROWNY! i'm dying of a sore throat over here and I think it's from all the sweet new student germs!


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