Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Out and About

There have been a few "events" the past couple of weeks that I've kind of overlooked - and I wanted to blog about them before I get too far removed and forget!

Last Monday was Meet the Teacher, and before I headed down to my classroom to meet my middle schoolers we visited the Kindergarten rooms to meet Luke's teacher.  I LOVE that he grabbed Mason's hand totally unprompted :)

His BESTIE, Lincoln, isn't in his class this year and his little eyes filled up with tears before we walked in the door - but I was so proud that he held it together.  GG wanted to check out all the books :)

Mrs. Hamilton had a cute little scavenger hunt for him to complete and he was so so so excited about it.

I took a picture of Luke and Mrs. Hamilton - but her eyes were half closed and I was NOT about to post that. hahaha

After we met his teacher and a few classmates, we headed to my classroom.

Couldn't you just DIE over GG's face?!?!?! :) hahaha

As always, I attempted a group pic in the hopes that MAYBE this time I would get something great.  Not so much :)

Last Tuesday night we met Dave's parents, Grandmas, Stephen and Cynthia at dinner to celebrate Dave's birthday.  Griffin was looking WAY too big for my liking :)

SOMEONE loves mac & cheese :)

Dinner was later than we typically eat, and all three kids did fantastic - but by the end Griffin and I went outside to wait :)

LOVE my sweet sweet boy :)

 Uncle Stephen tried his best. hahaha

This past Monday, Dave was off work and he brought the kids to school to see me (and bring me a Starbucks green tea lemonade to help with the HEAT in my room) and Mason took the opportunity to dance on my desks.  Lord help me. :)

They seriously think they own the place.... and I LOVE it!  Home away from home!

So! There you have it :)  I hate "backtracking" like that, but sometimes it happens. hahaha

Don't forget that tomorrow is Friday Favorites!  Get ready to link up and share your favorites from the week!!!


  1. So many cute pics of your kiddos!! I still can't believe our babies are in kindergarten! (Insert me sobbing here.)

    1. I know!!! I STILL feel like it was yesterday that I went to your house after you got home with K and I distinctly remember how FAB you were looking wearing earrings. hahaha :)

  2. You have the best dressed children. I know you sell Griffin's old clothes but have you considered a link up for people to sell some favorite kid brands?

    1. I hadn't thought about that before, but love the idea! Jotted it down for sure :)

  3. I love it too that they are so comfortable at your work. Mason dancing on the table is priceless. And so is G's face in that picture of her at the desk. sooooooooooo cute!

    1. It doesn't hurt that everyone totally FAWNS over them when they show up :)

  4. Luke looks so old doing that scavenger hunt!!! And Mason on the desks....priceless!!

  5. So cute! Are you going to blog about when you met Shelby from Mommyhood in Heels and Flats? I'd love to see pictures and hear about your sweet kids with hers!

  6. I wanted to preface this with, I love your blog! I'm a new working mom and love seeing how you juggle it all. What is Griffin wearing over her clothes at the restaurant while she eats? It looks like it is covering her very well. I'ld like to know because my little one is a mess when she eats, which is no problem at home but when we go out I struggle to keep her clean. Sorry I didn't want to be anonymous but I don't have accounts for any of the other options. Thanks!

    1. Great question!!! She's wearing an old t-shirt of Luke's. She REFUSES to wear a bib (like... she tears it off CONSTANTLY!) and so this works well because she can't pull it off and it covers her lap as well. :)

  7. So cute!!! You have such a great family!

  8. Mason dancing on a desk...middle school kids adore stuff like that!! Have a lovely week & weekend!!

  9. Is anyone going to comment on what a stud Uncle Stephen is ??!!..

  10. Congrats on having a kindergartner! :) And I love how comfortable your family is at your school - what a blessing that must be.

  11. Griffin's hair is getting SO long!!!

  12. How do you like your desks situated like that in your room? I love the idea of it! I have tables in my classroom (I teach 12th grade and I love them for sma group instruction). However, the tables are a huge invitation for chatting in my classroom when group work is not happening. I don't want to give up my tables for desks---but I like your idea. :) was wondering how you liked it so far? :-)

  13. I hate backtracking too but sometimes life is just too busy to keep up with it all.
    Hope your boy has a great year :)


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