Tuesday I woke up with an urge to clean... like MAJOR. I'm not sure where the motivation came from, but it may have started by peeking in the boys room (they had been up for about 7 minutes) and seeing this...

hahahaha - Seriously, I know it's this "season" of life, but I feel like I get things picked up and cleaned up and then there are cheerios all over the floor or Duplo blocks everywhere :)
The boys had breakfast and I got to cleaning - this was major, like scrubbing out the drain on the sink and paying Luke quarters to wipe the baseboards cleaning. :) I finally changed out the "Love is Patient" tray from Valentine's Day to a Griffin countdown! SO EXCITING! I'm 34 weeks and READY for her to be here. Well, maybe not quite ready. I'd like to get through the boys birthday party first (which is March 30th) and then she's free to come. I'm almost done sub planning the entire fourth quarter for all of my classes and I feel like we have everything we need... so any time now, sweet girl!
The boys played really well together all morning. Mason is REALLY into cars right now which is right up Luke's alley. Luke has a few issues sharing (I'M the big brother, so I should get to play whatever I want ALL THE TIME!), but they're getting easier to work through. Mason is only allowed to have his pacis in his bed, but he took Luke's hand and drug him to the crib and asked Luke to get one out for him (since Luke's arms are longer). It was so stinkin' cute I let the "paci out of bed" thing slide. :)

At this point in our day I had spent a good three hours scrubbing the kitchen and the last thing I wanted was the two little monkeys eating lunch in there, so we opted for a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse picnic :)
Yes, my boys LOVE them some pimento cheese sandwiches. I didn't grow up eating pimento cheese and it kind of grosses me out... but the McAnally genes are strong and both boys LOVE it.

Mason took a nap, and it always seems to take him a while to wake up. He asked for "Caillou and juice" and he is so stinkin' cute I obliged. Here he is having some "wake up time".

After dinner we decided to head to the gas station for some ice cream. Classy, I know. We took some cups and poked their fudgesicles through them to try and prevent some major drippage, but they both still managed to get COVERED by the time we made it home. :)

Every time we walk past this little area he wants to stand on top and he pretends to be the statue of liberty. I have no idea where this came from, but it's cute :)
(yes... he's in his pjs... he's like me... once he's in them he doesn't want to take them off - hahaha)

We made it back home... barely. I seriously thought that I was going to have Griffin right there in the street. hahaha. She is sooooooooooo low these days, that even though I started the walk out fine, by the time we got back to the neighborhood I had a serious waddle going on and was moving pretty slow. Thankfully, she didn't fall out and I was able to get the boys in bed without legitimately going into labor. By the time Dave got home I was pretty much bed ridden - but he was able to get my nightly frozen strawberry bar for me so it was okay :)
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