Mason is 1/3 of a year old! Can you believe it?!?!?! We can't!
Our sweet, smiley boy is growing like a weed...
... well, kind of. He had his 4-month check-up this week and his stats are as follows:
Weight: 12 lbs 12 oz - 12th percentile
(2 months he was 10 lbs 3 oz - 21st percentile)
Length: 24" - 22nd percentile
(2 months he was 21.75" long - 15th percentile)
Head Circumference: 17" - 74th percentile
(2 months he was 15.75" - 51st percentile
... well, kind of. He had his 4-month check-up this week and his stats are as follows:
Weight: 12 lbs 12 oz - 12th percentile
(2 months he was 10 lbs 3 oz - 21st percentile)
Length: 24" - 22nd percentile
(2 months he was 21.75" long - 15th percentile)
Head Circumference: 17" - 74th percentile
(2 months he was 15.75" - 51st percentile
He's on 100% formula now (we're trying to make sure that he maintains his percentile and doesn't drop anymore before his 6-month check... once he starts eating solids I'll mix a lot of frozen breast milk into those to use them up) and takes 4 bottles a day. His typical day looks something like this....
7:30 a.m. - Wakes up super happy and smiley :)
7:45 a.m. - Takes an 8 oz bottle
9:00 a.m. - Goes down for his morning nap (we're stil swaddling him)
11:30 a.m. - Awake and hungry! Drinks a 6 oz bottle
1:00 p.m. - Down for his afternoon nap
3:30 p.m. - Awake and time to eat another 6 oz bottle
5:00 p.m. - Down for his evening cat nap
6:00 p.m. - Up again, if we try cereal it's usually now
6:30 p.m. - 8 oz bottle
7:00 p.m. - bath, pajamas, stories with Luke
7:30 p.m. - bedtime
Here are a few other random bits of 4-month info:
- CONSTANTLY has his hands in his mouth... pulls the paci out to get his thumbs in there
- Hair is starting to come back in
- Smiley, smiley, smiley - all the time!
- Rolls from his tummy to his back and occasionally from back to tummy
- Sleeps in his own room and is swaddled during naps and at night
- Still wearing mostly 0 - 3 month clothes, but can wear some 3 - 6 month shirts
- Loves to have raspberries blown on his belly
- Loves it when he holds our fingers and goes from laying down to sitting and then standing
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