On any given day this summer, here's what you'd find if you dropped in to my house:
Luke's mornings look like this...
Mason's mornings look like this...
sidenote: these pics are from about a week and a half ago - since then Mason has made the transition to his crib full time!)
We're happy most of the time, but when we're not we look like this...
naptime my family room usually looks like this...
and I look like some version of this (pool
coverup, ponytail, no makeup)...
After "rest time" Luke looks like this...
And Mason's tummy time looks like this...
After baths and before bed they usually look like this...
Not extremely exciting or entertaining, but I wouldn't want my days to look any different!
Seriously...some of the cutest and sweetest pictures to date. Both boys are precious (even crying!). And their mama is a knock-out in the cover-up. Super cute post!