Two weeks ago, Dave went to Germany with our church to run a baseball camp for local kids. The trip is completely evangelical in that the idea is to bring kids to the baseball camp and hope that they return to the church with their parents.
After a nine-hour flight to Frankfurt, the team set off on a four-hour bus ride to Bad Oyenhausen. On the way they stopped at a castle...

They don't all stay together - but instead are split up in groups of two or three and live with a host family. This is Dave's host home:

Views from their balcony:
Dave coached the Yankees:
Every day they did "team time" where they had a devotional as a team:

And at night they had a "Texas Challenge" and a night service:

The soccer field that they used for baseball :)

One night they had a game where the group from FBC played a German minor league team and this is what happened:

There were LOTS of kids who attended the camp last year and returned this year. All the kids who were on Dave's team last year and were returning wanted their picture taken with their old coach :)
And at night they had a "Texas Challenge" and a night service:
The soccer field that they used for baseball :)
One night they had a game where the group from FBC played a German minor league team and this is what happened:
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