Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hobby Lobby

Although the cashiers at Hobby Lobby and I don't always see eye-to-eye (seriously, could their sale signs be more confusing... plus, if it doesn't smell should it really be considered potpurri and not seasonal and therefore not be on sale?!?!?! - sorry, I'm still a tad bitter). Although vowing to swear off all Hobby Lobbying it seems that it has become a big enough part of my life that I simply can't stay away - despite their deceptive signage. :)
Anyway, Luke, mom and I headed down there this past weekend to pick up some things to make stockings (which have morphed into christmas tote bags - I'll explain later) and managed to have no trouble entertaining Luke. He's always been extremely tactile, and I like to let him feel different things - in this case a peacock feather, giant santa face and wedge of fake cheese.

Looking intently at his Gibi
I also feel this way about cheese :)

Let's hope he's still this happy when he meets the real Santa this weekend

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