Thursday, November 6, 2008


So this past Saturday mom and I thought it would be the perfect weekend to head to Canton... were we ever wrong! :) The "cool November weather" we were anticipating turned out to be muggy 80+ degree heat and it was PACKED! By the time we got there it was an absolute zoo - we could hardly move inside the buildings with the stroller and such. So we headed to the outdoor more "flea markety" part and started poking around in there, but while we were looking around Luke (who is still struggling to get over the little stomach "bug" he had a few weeks ago) had a HUGE blowout diaper (I'm talkin' ALL OVER himself) and despite looking we couldn't seem to locate a bathroom anywhere close, so we resorted to changing him on the ground. I was a little grossed out by it, but he really seemed to enjoy sticking his hands in the dirt while being changed. :) Although the trip had some unanticipated "hiccups" I still feel like it was a success as I walked away with a really cute end table and some vintage buttons (among other things) and Luke had the opportunity to try his first french fry (not really on purpose, he literally grabbed it out of my hand while I was eating it and then immediately put it in his mouth). Plus, we always love spending time with Gibi. :)

1 comment :

  1. Hey - I found your blog through Jenny's (so neat to find people from high school on here!) What a great blog - and I LOVE all of your scrapbook pages!

    I went to Canton with my mom - and mygoodness was it ever hot!


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