Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Train Table

Ever since Luke was born I've talked about having a train table... it just seems like such a little boy thing. We picked one up a few weekends ago, Dave and my dad lugged it into the house, and Dave and I turned around for about 3 seconds and when we turned back around this is what we saw: I freaked out and I think scared Luke about half to death and he's only attempted to get up onto his train table a couple of other times.
We took down the playyard gate thingie, since I can't even remember the last time we actually had him fenced in and I feel like our "playroom" got about a bazillion times bigger:

We don't have any actual trains for the table yet, but Luke is LOVING playing with his cars and trucks (and blocks and books and just about everything else) on it and I'm LOVING the fact that it has two GIGANTIC drawers (on casters) that hold ALL of his toys and books (and by ALL I mean the ones that aren't in the baskets under our coffee table or in the hall closet - believe it or not, before he was born I said that ALL toys would be contained to his bedroom... can you say naive?!?!?!). Here's Mr. Man himself trying it out:

And again playing with his little cars (and a diaper box apparently) on his new table: I guess at some point we'll get some trains, but for now we're satisfied with just the table :)


  1. oh Andrea, you must explain the tag hanging on Luke's collar, in the last picture.

  2. I'll oblige... the tag is for our church nursery, how they keep track of the kids and keep them paired with their parents :)


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