Monday, June 19, 2023

Salt Painting

I saw salt painting on a FB post a while ago and had it bookmarked as something to try out this summer and OH MY WORD it was so much fun!  

It's super simple and you probably have everything you need on hand which makes it even better.  You draw a picture using glue....

.... cover them with table salt...

.... and then just "touch" the salt with watercolor paint and you can watch the color "spread" through the salt.  

Couple of notes...

- We did this on black regular paper and it would have been SO MUCH BETTER on watercolor paper or cardstock.  

- There was a fine balance between wet enough and too wet when it came to the watercolor paints.  Encourage your kids not to press down on the salt otherwise the water can pretty much dissolve it.  

- We have liquid watercolors that we've already talked about trying this with next time

- Overall this was super simple, quick and FUN!  Griffin and I were working on it and Mason joined in and he had a good time with it, too.  My favorite part was that I didn't have to get any special supplies!

HAPPY Monday and happy crafting!

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