Monday, April 8, 2019

Luke's Laser Tag Birthday Party

Friday night we celebrated Luke's birthday with what has been dubbed "the most epic awesome birthday party EVER!" :)

We had  Sector Zero Laser Tag come out to the playground at school and it was SO MUCH more than I had imagined it would be.  The only laser tag I've ever played is inside an arcade but taking it outdoors was SO MUCH BETTER!  The equipment was great and so easy to use (if a kid got shot their gun automatically shut off for certain games and for other games they would wait 10 seconds and it would regenerate).

The star of the show though was "Big Bertha".  It's an actual 50-caliber gun that was mounted on top of a humvee in Iraq.  Coach B (who owns the company and who ran our party) served 5 tours in Iraq and actually went to Kuwait to get the gun, bring it back and equip it with the laser.  It has a range of 2-3 miles (depending on the time of day) and pretty much blew the boys minds :) 

Coach B was our game coach and he ran the party from start to finish.  He's a highly decorated army veteran who was AMAZING with the kids.  He officiated all the games, chased the kids around with smoke grenades (for real) and made the whole thing so much fun.  

When the kids got there he had everything set up and he went over the rules and explained how everything was going to work.

The kids were RAPT despite being super excited to get out there and play. 

Luke as on CLOUD NINE!  He LOOOOVES laser tag and it was such a cool experience to get to play it outdoors!

We originally were worried it was going to rain but the weather was PERFECT.

They also brought tents to use as hideouts while the kids thought was cool.

And y'all know Griffin was IN on all the action :)

The kids ran non-stop for pretty much a solid 3 hours.

Look at all those happy kids!

At one point Griffin ran up to us and screamed, "this is the best day of my life!!!"  She LOVES her some laser tag!

Coach B also brought goody bags and gift cards as prizes for the various games they played.

So "Big Bertha" was reserved for the birthday boy BUT he did get to pass along his privilege to a few friends throughout the party and even helped his sister have a turn.

Mason THOUGHT he was safe inside the hideout ;)

Gibi and Haha were there (shoutout to Gibi for delivering the pizza!) and they got in on the fun as well :)

And we were cracking up at all the parents who got out there on the field when they came to get their kids :) 

Luke said it was his best party EVER and judging by the response from all the kids there I have a feeling that this will be the first of many laser tag parties we attend.

I know that I've raved and raved about Sector Zero but I'm going to brag on them one last time - from start to finish they were PERFECTION!  Their pricing was competitive, the equipment was great and the experience was super unique and so much fun.  We're already planning on booking them for a couple of upcoming events and Griffin has claimed Sector Zero for her birthday party next year :)

You can check them out on  Instagram and  Facebook and while they're local in the DFW area as well as Arkansas they travel all over the country doing events with organizations and colleges.

Happy Monday, friends!!!


  1. What a super fun party!!!

  2. This came at the perfect time! Luke asked for laser tag party this week! Checking them out for sure!!

  3. That looks like a blast! Wow! So cool! You have the best parties! :)

  4. That looks like a blast! Wow! So cool! You have the best parties! :)

  5. Wow! Looks like a BLAST! You have the best parties! ;)

  6. So fun! You could be an event planner on the side;).

  7. Did you see that G and L made their FB page? Super Cool! Wish they were closer to me!

  8. How fun! Glad Luke enjoyed his party!

  9. OMG. I totally want to have this for MY next birthday


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