
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday: Your Mixtape ;)

Y'all.  I had so much fun writing this post.  So.  Much.  Fun.

I started by thinking back on my early childhood and songs that marked that period and came up with these...

I was a BIG Sharon, Lois and Bram fan!  So this song brings up tons of fond memories from early elementary school.

Before we moved to North Carolina we lived in London, Ontario and spent a lot of time with my older cousins.  My cousin Lindsay and I used to JAM out to some La Bamba after spending our afternoons in the pool.  I'm sure we had none of the lyrics right, but we would jump on the bed in our nightgowns with wet hair and would giggle and had so much fun...

After we moved to NC we would go back to my grandparents cottage in Canada during the summer and I can vividly remember listening to Gangster's Paradise on her discman while sitting in the shed sneaking pop ;)  Soooo gangster. hahaha

Another song that conjures up a lot of memories for me is I Saw The Sign.  In the fourth grade we had to choreograph a dance for our PE class (????) and our group picked it.  I remember being so upset because the girls choreographing it put at least 4 splits into the routine and try as I might I could never get my center split and so I was relegated to the back of the routine.  GAH!!!  Fourth grade drama ;)

Sidenote: I just watched that music video through and I'm pretty sure I had this look on my face the whole time...

Sixth grade brought my first middle school dance and The Macarena was up on the playlist and 7th grade was FULL ON HANSEN MADNESS!!!  Mmmm Bop greatness ;)

Did anyone else call into radio stations to request their favorite song and then record yourself talking on the radio?  We requested a ton of Hanson, No Doubt, and TLC.  I traveled quite a bit with a creative problem solving group I was part of and we listened pretty much exclusively to Spice Girls. I can pretty much quote this entire song for you if need be...

I totally had the same Adidas pants that Sporty Spice had.  #blessed ;)

I would be remiss if I left out some of my favorite Christian bands from adolescence as well... DC Talk, Jars of Clay and Newsboys.  I MAY have even played trombone in a "ska" group at Church :)

8th grade brought about a cross country move and my first heartbreak and I MAY have cried into my pillow while listening to End of the Road by Boyz II Men and You're Still The One by Shania Twain.  And don't even get me started on how many times I listened to My Heart Will Go On that summer.

My freshman year of high school I remember babysitting and watching MTV after I put the baby to bed and seeing Genie in a Bottle for the first time.  hahaha  And who didn't love Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer?!?!?!

I've mentioned a few times that I was in marching band and we played at every football game and Hey, Baby was a staple stand tune and trombones had the best part.  PLUS - you got to look at each across the stands other all flirty and it was so much fun ;)  I rocked some Hey Baby on bass trombone. hahaha

Still do this day if I hear Something Like That and close my eyes I feel like I'm riding around in my Explorer wearing cutoff shorts with sunburned shoulders :)  That and Tiny Dancer (I think because I saw Almost Famous???) were my summer anthems.

Speaking of movie songs, anyone else remember jamming out to "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" after Armageddon came out or replaying Only Hope from A Walk To Remember?  Just me??? I just watched the video below and there's a strong possibility I teared up.  Bruce Willis is such a stud.

I graduated in 2002 and our Senior Song was Good Riddance, so of course that would need to be included in my mixed tape also, as would at least two Dave Matthews Band Songs and one by Bowling for Soup.  During high school and college we'd go hear Dave Matthews whenever they were in town and I have not so fond memories of being so excited to go hear Bowling for Soup play at a club in Deep Ellum and then throwing up outside the club not because I had been drinking but because I have a serious sensitivity to cigarette smoke. hahaha  #lifeoftheparty

I got my first iPod during college and used to have that device that would let it play through your radio if you had it tuned to a certain station and I used to love me some This Love by Maroon Five in my bug.  Nothing pumps you up for an Anatomy final like a little Adam Levine.

Friends and Dawson's Creek ended while I was in college and so I'd have to include at least one of those theme songs on my mixtape as well.

Dave and I got married in 2005 and so I would include What A Wonderful World for sure as it was the song we had our first dance to, What a Wonderful World.  We were both in Jazz Band in college and had an amazing director who we loved, so when we got married he put together a small group of his professional musician friends and they played at our wedding.  They were incredible.

When Luke was born I hunkered down for pretty much the entire Spring/Summer.  I was an overwhelmed new mom and so he and I pretty much stayed home all the time.  It was a sweet time with the two of us and was also when I started watching Gilmore Girls for the first time.  Remember when you used to have to mail the DVDs in and wait to get them back?  Well, I was too impatient and so I bought all the seasons on DVD. hahaha  This song definitely marks that time for me...

I had the hardest time with the last few years. Maybe 5 years from now I'll be able to look back and pick out some songs that marked this time, but for now I'm drawing a blank. hahaha

Some songs that are currently on repeat right now at our house are My House by Flo Rida, House Party by Sam Hunt and Trouble.

And the one song that I can't stop singing??? This one...

And this is pretty amazing right now as well...

I hope y'all had as much fun writing this post as I did! I can't wait to hear what songs you picked to go on your mixtapes :)

    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. You did WAY better at this than I did!!' Hahaha!! That Tim McGraw song was on repeat in my car as wel!!

    1. Next time we ride somewhere together we'll have to sing it :)

  2. Andrea!!! This list is amazing!! MMM Bop and Wannabe...I totally could've add those too!! And this many great songs...awesome prompt!! So much fun!!

    1. Thanks, Katie! I had way more fun than I anticipated :) So glad you enjoyed it!

  3. Seriously laughing so hard about Gangsta's paradise. What a fun link up!! Thanks girl!! Xoxo

  4. Gangsta's Paradise! I still remember every single lyric :).

    1. You have karaoke at your house... I'm expecting a performance ASAP.

  5. This is awesome!! I graduated in 2001 so I can relate to pretty much every one of these songs! :) I think DC Talk was the first concert I ever went to. And Sharon, Lois and Bram! I sing Skinamarinkydink (is that how you spell it?) to my son all the time. haha

    1. LOVE some DC talk! and I love that you know who Sharon, Lois and Bram are!!!

  6. These songs could all have been on my list too! Sharon, Lois and Bram! What a shout out!

    1. Were they only in Canada? I feel like no one knows who they are! Did you listen to Raffi?

    2. Oh my goodness - RAFFI! Yes. I still remember all of the lyrics to Baby Beluga. Blast from the past!

    3. Not trying to call you ladies out on your age, but I'm 24 and I LOVED Sharon, Lois, and Bram AND Raffi! No one else remembers them! Haha

    4. I still have the Raffi record and introducing it to my son, Baby Beluga!

  7. We may have done a dance to Gangsta's Paradise on drill team in high school. We may have also wore overalls, wife beater shirts, and bandanas. Oh the memories. The song on repeat for my first heartbreak was I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston. This was so much fun. Thanks for hosting!

  8. Clearly we are the same age and graduated in the same year because that was a TRIP down memory lane for me! Some friends and I choreographed a routine to Gangsta's Paradise. Coolio would have been ashamed...

    All 4 One's "I Can Love You Like That" was my first CD single, and I'd add in so many 98 Degrees songs because I was borderline stalker status on Jeff Timmons.

    1. "Coolio would have been ashamed..." that made my day!!!

  9. Andrea, I always love reading your blog. We have many similarities and in my imaginary online world, we are friends :). But, today when you wrote "ska" well, I couldnt have laughed harder or appreciated you more!

    1. Imaginary online besties :) Wasn't ska what it was called?!?! hahaha

  10. OH my gosh your songs made me tear up!! I'm only a year younger than you so it was like looking at a snap shot of my life! Great choices


  11. Ah! We are the same age so all of these songs hit a chord (a chord, get it?) with me, too!! Such a good list!!

  12. Oh my! MEMORIES!!! Hahaha!!! I graduated in 02 as well so I could relate to like every single song! =) Thanks for sharing your mixed tape!

  13. Great mixed tape! Loved all of your choices!

  14. I couldn't agree more with your songs! It was like I had written it myself. I was born in 83 and graduated in '01 and these couldn't be more perfect!

  15. There are so many similarities between your mix tape and my mix tape. This was a great idea and I had a blast putting my post together. I can't wait to read everyone's today! :)

  16. I graduated in '01 and so many of your songs remind me of middle school and high school!! I forgot about Spice Girls and Hansen! (Haha, how is that possible?!!) Great link-up today! So fun!

  17. I'm older than you and still mail back my DVDs and use that gadget for playing the iPod over the car stereo! I'm the Journey and Tears for Fears generation. ;o)

  18. JUST in case you didn't know...Hanson is still around making awesome music hahaha! I have to drag my husband along anytime they come around here, they are advocates for clean water in Africa and their concerts are basically benefits! I feel like I should post this anonymously...hahaha

  19. This is one of my favorite show and tell posts you've done!!!!! Sooooo fun! I am trying to read a bunch of the linkups too because I love seeing what songs everyone else picked!

  20. I think it's mixtape not mixed tape

    1. I should have checked, but made the change ;) THANK YOU!

  21. So much fun! I seriously missed out participating in this one.

  22. Andrea - Ahhhhh, so many of your songs mirrored mine!! You got me on the Elephant Show!! bahahaha - what a memory!! Jars of Clay, Spice Girls, Hansen - SO my life!!

  23. So much yes to Sharon, Lois and Bram, their songs were definitely the soundtrack to my childhood! They also have the honour of being the first concert I ever attended! lol

  24. Wow these took me back in time. Jars of Clay, Newsboys, Maroon 5. We must be the same age!

  25. Ermagherd, I TOTALLY did a dance routine to I Saw the Sign by Ace of Base, too!! I was in sixth grade and it was for the talent show. I actually still remember some of the moves. LOLOLOLOL.

    And girl, I STILL see DMB in concert every year! Matter of fact, I just got my tickets for the Atlanta show in May and I CANNOT wait!

  26. ANDREA! This list is fantastic and I can relate to every single song! The Elephant Song WAS my childhood! I love it! We should be friends ;)

  27. Of all the link-ups to this I read, yours is my very favorite! I'm 22, but I love all the "older" music :)

  28. Well, HELLO Memory Lane! I am exactly the same age as you and this list is PERFECTION.

  29. This was so much fun! I'm brand new to blogging and I had really just started researching all these link ups, but I couldn't pass this one up. I had to join!

  30. Love this!!!! We are obviously the same age, and did and still do have the same taste in music! (Even Sharon, Louis, Bram!) every year/song you posted, I was nodding yes, and remembering my life during that time! I love some Sam Hunt, ( I actually graduated from the University of Montevallo which is the name of his first album!), Flo Rida!! Good good father and Holy Spirit are on repeat at our house too!! also, my childhood BFF is married to Taylor Hanson!!!

  31. This was so. much. fun. AND HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT ACE OF BASE?!?!?!?! MY FIRST CD EVER! hahahahaha oh man....

  32. YES to pretty much all your songs. I'm having flashbacks to my like 8th grade birthday party where we did the macarena (I had the CD with like every version ever on it) for HOURS straight. I thought it was the best party ever at the time! LOL

  33. This was THE most fun one yet! Oh gosh, how did I forget MmmBop?!?! Good call. I had Ace of Base too!
    ~ LOTL
