Tuesday, January 5, 2010


We hosted the McAnally Family Christmas at our house the day after Christmas. It's always nice to get together with Dave's brothers and my sister-in-laws, I just wish that we weren't all so busy and could get together more often!
Before everyone else arrived, Luke showed Charles the Little People toys he received the day before: Luke and Lilly (seriously?!?!?! When did she get so tall?!?!?!) helping Stephen (Dave's youngest brother) open one of his gifts:
Luke helping Stefan (the wife of Dave's other younger brother, Matthew) open a gift. You'll probably notice that Luke felt obligated to help EVERYONE open their gifts:
Lilly trying out the new bike that Pam and Charles got her:
Luke peeking through the window of the block set that Matthew and Stefan gave him: I wish I had taken more pictures, but I must have been way too busy busting toys out of insanely secure packaging. hahaha

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