Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 10th

Before I forgot about them - I wanted to post these pictures from Sunday, April 10th - Luke's last weekend as an only child :) hehehe

My parents came over to help Dave trim some trees (I say some, we ended up with about 8 truckloads of debris), Luke played and I sat with my feet propped up and supervised. :) Luke has a yard full of dirt and a sandbox, yet, despite my pleas, his favorite place to play is in one of my pots.

He is OBSESSED with the water table that Diana gave him for his birthday...
Dave and Dad trimming one of the trees... looks safe, right???Minutes before these pictures were taken my dad was on the roof with a chainsaw on a pole chopping down some branches that were hanging over our bedroom... wish I'd gotten a picture of that!

Pergola covered in roses...

Luke was playing this game where he'd COVER one of his cars in dirt, then ask me to take a picture of him holding it - then he'd line them up on the coffee table...

My view :)

Mason :)

After the car game Luke decided it was time to show Scooter some love (EWWWW!!!)

1 comment :

  1. I love the roses on your Pergola!! Remember when Oma was so surprised they were growing still in December? haha! Anyway, they look so pretty!


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