Friday, September 10, 2010

The Pantry

This post is LONG overdue, but I'm DETERMINED to get caught up on the end of our summer blogging. :)
The very last day of my summer vacation Luke and I met a group of girls and their kids at The Pantry in Downtown McKinney for some chicken enchiladas and pie... YUM!!!
On the way to the restaurant, Luke decided to take a little break and pose on the stoop of a barber shop...Jeni and Jackson (and Presley!), Luke and Sheaffer and Carter:

Carter decided to eat (lick) Ranch dressing for lunch:
The big guy even had it in his eyelashes!
Jackson apparently cracks Luke-man up :)
After enchiladas it was time for PIE! The Pantry has THE BEST pie!

When we'd had our fill of pie we headed over to one of the big front windows to let the boys play with their cars (and annoy customers and put a zillion finger prints on the windows - ooops!)

On the way back to the car Luke had to sit in EVERY antique chair and on EVERY bench - but he refused to look at me!

AFter the chairs we had a patriotic moment and then headed home:

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