Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Just the Boys

Over Christmas Break we got together with Carter and Sheaffer and Jackson and Jeni's house for a super fun playdate. It was hard to get any really good pictures since all three little guys were CONSTANTLY on the move, but here are a few of the better ones...
As close to playing "together" as they got:
Jackson and Carter piling in the car together:
Luke found the crayons:
Luke's cheeks turned SUPER red (just like mine do, ha!) and so I had to start removing his clothes (which is why he has different shirts on in different pics - I was taking off layers!)
Carter climbing in to go for a ride with Luke: Somehow Luke fell off of the seat and onto the floor and he was NOT happy about it.
Please excuse my child's mop top... he has since had a haircut
Tentatively checking out the dinosaur from a distance:
Getting a little bit closer:
Attempt at a group shot:

And again... Taking a little break from all the playing:
We had an absolutely great time (and Luke slept like a LOG that afternoon. ha!) and can't wait for many more playdates with Jackson and Carter!

1 comment :

  1. That last picture of Luke is ANGELIC! SO sweet! Thanks for hosting bible study last night....I look forward to reading the bible next time! :)


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