
Thursday, January 4, 2024

Three Things


Luke is trying indoor track this winter and had been absolutely loving it.  If you'd told me when he was in 6th grade that he would be loving running I would have laughed in your face but here we are and we love watching him find things he loves. He's been training 5 days a week and competes this weekend at his first meet.  Exciting times!


Luke's Christmas list this year was short and sweet with really only one thing on it - the Lego Natural History Museum.  Crazy to think that Legos have been on his gift lists for probably 13 years and I don't see them going anywhere anytime soon ;)


I'm not sure if I've mentioned it over here on the blog, but Luke is heading to Costa Rica this spring!  It's a school trip and now that we're about to start second semester I have a feeling the trip will be here sooner rather than later.  I'm excited for him and also jealous ;) hahaha


Mason has taken an interest in graphic design thanks to his technology and art teachers this year and has been LOVING learning how to use the ProCreate app on his iPad.  There are tons of tutorials on YouTube that have been great for teaching him the basics of layers and all of the various tools and I see some pretty great projects in his future.


Mason made the school basketball team and I had NO IDEA how much of a time commitment this was going to be.  Any other moms relate?  He's also playing on a rec team with several of his friends so it's DOUBLE the games.  Good thing he's absolutely loving it and we're having fun watching!


Mason has always been a good sleeper but this Christmas break he's taken his sleeping in to the next level.  We're talking lunchtime wake-ups.  I have a feeling a growth spurt is on his horizon!


Griffin has officially entered her "tween" body products phase ;) Sol de Janeiro, Bath and Body Works, etc.  I have vivid memories of hitting up a Bath and Body Works with my bestie when I was in the 6th grade so none of this surprises me. 


Over Christmas break G has officially fallen for the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book series.  Both of her brothers read and loved them and she's always been resistant (I think just because her brothers like them) but she's read the first few and is (secretly) loving them!


Griffin LOVES cheesecake and considers herself a bit of a connoisseur. I picked up a cheesecake from Trader Joe's before Christmas and she singlehandedly ate the entire thing over about a week.  She strategically kept it in the garage fridge and had her daily piece when her brothers weren't around so they wouldn't ask for a piece ;) If you love cheesecake - check it out!


Earlier this week we couldn't find Jelly Bean which is pretty unusual this time of the year.  She may go outside during the day, but she's always waiting to come in mid-afternoon and most days she just lazes around in a sunny spot in G's room.  We realized nobody had seen her after dinnertime (when she's typically VERY vocal about telling you she's ready to eat) and when she still wasn't home around 10:00 pm I started to get worried.  I went to grab a sweatshirt from my closet and who emerged??? JELLY BEAN! That kitty had been in my closet I'm guessing all day without as much as a peep.  This isn't the first time something like this has happened - one time she spent a full day stuck in Luke's closet and another time at least a day in our linen closet.


We watched A Christmas Story for the first time over break and it was even funnier than I remembered.  It had been YEARS since Dave or I had watched it and our kids loved it!


We booked our summer vacation and I'm SO EXCITED!!!! I'll share details as we get closer but I'm so pumped!  You KNOW we're headed for cooler temps and this year we're really hoping to relax and enjoy some gorgeous scenery ;) 


  1. I went..... Ahhhhh what happened to Jelly Bean! 😳🥺

  2. SO....I'm curious where was Jelly Bean trapped?
