
Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Gift Guide - Boys


Okay, y'all.  Boys are up on the agenda today and I feel like I covered all my bases when it comes to tween/teen boys.  Mason has never been big into toys (he has always played with people, not toys) and Luke has aged out so, honestly, a lot of their picks are the same.

First up - the teen boy wardrobe staple items.  White crocs...

Under Armour pants are the only sweats my boys will wear out and about and they hold up FOREVER.  Everything on the under armour site is on sale right now and you can get an extra 25% off with the code HOLIDAY25. 

My boys got  this NBA Jam game from their grandparents last year and it has been a BLAST the past year.  It has "retro insults" which crack us up every time and makes my 90s heart so happy.

Mason has requested Jordans this year and judging by how hard they are to come by I'd say he's not the only one asking Santa for shoes ;)

I've talked about  these Glow City balls before and they are AWESOME!  You can get a basketball, football or soccer ball and I can seriously vouch for how well they glow.

Luke got  a poker set a few years ago and has used it countless times.  He busts it out for "guys poker nights" at our house, brings it to friends houses and it's just super fun.

On the topic of games - I HATE  CATAN - but both my boys (and Dave) love it. hahaha 

Luke is a shameless Lego lover - he loves the modular buildings the most - but  the architecture ones are pretty incredible.  If you have a kid who loves to keep their sets together instead of breaking them apart and repurposing pieces these would be super fun to collect.

This series has been a hit at our house....

... as have  these dopp kits I bought the boys last Christmas.  There have even been a couple of nights where the boys have been able to shove their bathing suit and a change of shorts into here and just taken this to a sleepover ;) hahahaha  The quality really is great and the size is awesome.  I think they'll just get better with age and is one of those gifts that they feel "cool" for having now but I think they'll have for years and years.

Both my boys would love  LED strip lights for their rooms...

... and this counting change jar is so much fun!

Mason has a few of these on his wall holding autographed footballs and they look great!

When I asked my boys if they had ideas for this gift guide post they both mentioned these gel pellet guns which, honestly, is the first I've heard of them but apparently "everyone is talking about them" and, they look way better than a bb gun!

Jerseys are on the top of Mason's list this year...

... as is a mini fridge which is not happening at our house but if you're way cooler than me and want your kid to have access to soda in their room this is super cute and under $35 ;)

Putter Ball is a family favorite of ours - it's like beer pong but with golf.  This would be a great husband gift as well!

Spikeball is another favorite - it's great that it folds up into a little carrying case that they can take to the park or a friends house.

I don't have any personal experience with  this speaker but it's designed to be on the go, can float if dropped in water, has great reviews and is under $50.

Last, but not least -  The Comfy! It's a hoodie meets a blanket and it's EVERYTHING!

HAPPY Tuesday, friends!!!

PS - this post contained affiliate links... thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog!


  1. Andrea, you're killing it with the gift guides this week (there's too many out there with a million "fluff" ideas. Yours are to the point with actual helpful, good ideas. Thank you!

  2. Thank you for the awesome ideas!
