
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Magic Popcorn: Christmas Edition

Christmas break starts in a few days and I can't wait for LAZY days at home and late nights playing games and watching movies.  Today I'm sharing our Christmas version of "magic popcorn" which would be the perfect treat for a movie/game night, Christmas eve or to bring to a friends house when you're hanging out.

Here's what I used...

... and here's how it turned out!

Isn't it so cute?!?!  I thought these Reese's nutcrackers were the absolute CUTEST!

I used our big Glitterville santa pitcher to hold the popcorn...

... and the present chocolates were a homegoods find that I forgot I had but were the perfect addition.

"hey, mom!  what's that over there???"

HAPPY Tuesday happy snacking, friends :) 


  1. Totally making this in our new house next week! AND using my Molly Hatch bowls I scored at Tuesday Morning!

  2. This looks so fun! I love your Santa pitcher!!

  3. Those Reese's nutcrackers were a huge hit at my house!
