
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What's Up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday, friends!  Linking up with  Sheaffer and  Shay today and I can hardly believe July is almost over!

I know this sounds weird, but after coming back from vacation I can't wait to get back in the kitchen.  I made  these meatloaf balls and mashed potatoes on Sunday night and we did pork chops and veggies Tuesday night.

I used  this recipe for the pork chops and then just did 400 degrees for 20 minutes since they were pretty thin.  Roasted broccoli and homemade (baked) sweet potato fries and we were done! 

Alllll the back-to-school memories!!!  

While we were in Vail we picked up this game at a toy shop in Vail village and it is SO MUCH FUN!!!  It's essentially UNO but with potty humor - which apparently makes it that much more fun :)

Getting ready for school!!! Including a stop at IKEA where this girl was begging me for this desk :)  Y'all know how much she loves to set up a desk!

In-service starts on Monday and I am 100% dreading having to wake up early.  Rather than starting now to readjust I like to go cold turkey and get as many sleep-in days as I can.  Dread.

I'm working on a review of a new teacher planner (and a giveaway!) and I'm so excited to share!

I understand that it is RIDICULOUS to even be thinking about this BUT a few of my FAVORITE Halloween decor items are out and it's one of those situations where the early bird get's the worm. So, early birds... here you go...

I'll share my summer reading favorites in a week or so but I'm currently reading  Us Against You.  It's the sequel to Bear Town which I LOVED and so far it's great!

It's been all dance party all the time around here and nothing says #momlife like the following songs that have been on repeat..

I'm definitely NOT wearing this fleece outside of my house anytime soon BUT when we were enjoying some chilly CO mornings we were all loving the layers.  Mine is actually the men's hoodie in a larger size so it's super oversized, cozy and great with leggings...

We've had them for a while and they stay cozy even after washing (I hang ours to dry)

Dropping my boys off at CAMP!!!  I can't believe that we're already at this point in the summer but both boys are heading to Sky Ranch for a week and I'm so excited for them!!!  

Image result for momfessionals happy camper

I feel like I should say "the routine" or something like that - but I'm really just still sad about not being able to sleep in anymore :)

We have a new family member!!!  Mason has been saving and preparing for MONTHS and yesterday was the day! More on Gary (yes... her name is Gary) later!

Happy Wednesday, friends!!!

PS - this post contained affiliate links... thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog!


  1. Growing up, we had a female cat named Larry so high five, Mason!!

  2. I've been checking Pottery Barn online to see if they've stocked their Thanksgiving decor yet, so it's not too early for me to shop for fall and the holidays!

  3. Remember when we hosted that party when they were going into kinder? Yeah, I'm crying too.

    1. Right?!?! MAybe we should do one when they start middle school... think that would go over as well??? :) hahaha

  4. Her name is Gary are the coolest mom ever!!

  5. Those pork chops, fries, & broccoli look so good! There is a small part of me that is ready for routine again but most of me is not ready to let go of summer...

  6. I love the name Gary! I still can't believe that summer is almost over but I am ready for all the Fall decor.

  7. I couldn't find the link for the pork chop recipe, will you link it please? Thanks!

  8. I couldn't find the link for the pork chop recipe, will you please link it? Thanks!

    1. Done!!! Added it in the post as well

  9. Thanks for the links on all the fall decor goodies. I can't wait to check them out. :)
