
Friday, December 14, 2018

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends!!! I have officially survived one of the toughest weeks of teaching (for me, at least).  Exam review week.  The kids are "over it", the stress level is high, report cards are due and the academic pressure is ON!  Plus... sugar is bountiful which means a perfect storm :)  Today and next week we have semester exams and I'm already looking forward to the quiet testing environment. hahaha

ErikaNarci and I are sharing our FAVORITES for the week and we'd love for you to link your Friday Favorites post with ours at the bottom of the post (don't forget to grab our graphic and link back to one or all of us!)

I get asked often about what our FAVORITE games are so in case you're looking for an easy last minute gift here you go...

In face, Yeti in my Spaghetti has been on the agenda a few evenings this week.

I had lots of questions about Griffin's present purse that she had at The Nutcracker and you can find it  HERE. (I grabbed it when it was half off on Black Friday - fingers crossed it goes on sale again soon!)

After dance class this week Griffin was carrying her boots and my keys and she goes, "Look! I'm just like a mom!" :)  

Our FAVORITE neighborhood kitty, Mr. Pickles, has been hanging around and he is as handsome as ever. If you've been following along on my IG stories you've seen him in action - he's pretty fabulous!


I shared some of our elf antics yesterday and got this email....

... isn't that amazing?!?!  LOVE!

My brother sent me this picture the other day as well and it was a FAVORITE part of my day.  And yes... it totally does look like Mason!

Mason got to run with the cross country team yesterday and the look on his little face after practice (PURE excitement and pride!) was my FAVORITE...

And couch snuggles by the fire have been our favorite...

Last, but not least, a student gave me this this week and I laughed so hard but also really really really appreciated it :) hahaha

HAPPY Friday, friends!!! 

PS - this post contained affiliate inks... thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog!


  1. THAT TOILET PAPER! Omg! And thanks to you, our elf tooted this morning. ;)

  2. My kids LOVE the Yeti game!! That would be a great gift idea!!

  3. I’m definitely one of the people who requested game information from you raise 🖐 just added the ones you suggested games to our list!!
    I would still totally love to see a whole post on your game closet :-) pretty please

  4. Couch snuggles, cozy blankets and twinkling lights are my favorite!

  5. Have you seen the new Yeti game - "Yeti, Set, Go!"? Looks super cute!

  6. We LOVE games in our house too. I need to get Ticket to Ride, I have never played it or even heard of it until reading your blog. Give me all the couch snuggles and twinkle lights this time of year, it is the perfect combination. I hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Remind me where you got your key ring?

  8. I love your daughter's Nutcraker dress!!! My little girl is totally obsessed with the story right now and would be in heaven to have a dress like that. Where did you get it??? :)

  9. J Crew has the bow purse on their website for $16.80 with free shipping!

  10. That toilet paper is amazing!! And I'm still obsessed with your couch. I wish Santa would leave one under the tree for me this year! ;)
    That Inspired Chick

  11. Being a functional skills teacher, my students don't take finals, but they are still flying high with excitement to have a break! One. More. Week... I can do this!

  12. Which throw is pictured on the sofa with Griffin in the photos near the end of this post? Thanks.

  13. That meme. TOO TRUE! What grade do you teach? I teach high school resource room and the struggle is real. To add to the craziness my school is on a trimester schedule, so we are 2 weeks into a new term and no one has any real buy-in before break starts. Ugh! We're almost there :) Thanks for hosting!

  14. The toilet paper snowflakes are a great Elf idea!! I also liked the peace and quite of exam week.

  15. My mother-in-law gave me a bar of that emergency chocolate when she found out I was expecting. I put it up in the kitchen and waited until it was a true emergency.. like 10pm on a weekend and I NEED chocolate. When the time came I found out that my husband had eaten it weeks before!! Talk about upset! He may or may not have made an "emergency" run for me that night, haha!
