
Monday, November 5, 2018

Three Things

Today I'm sharing three things about my three favorite people :)  I try to do this periodically as a place to jot down little things that I don't want to forget.

Luke has been learning the recorder this year in music class and he is LOVING it.  He's taken to it really well, has a special part coming up in the Grandparent's Day Program and has taken what he's been learning and been able to translate that to the piano.  Seriously.  We were at a friend's house last week and he hasked them to tell him where G was on the keyboard and then he sat down and played several of his recorder songs since "he just had to know where to start and then it was really easy".  Ummm... I think it might be time for some piano lessons.

99% of the time Luke is lovely and compliant and wonderful... and then about 1% of the time we see the teeniest tiniest bit of "pre-teen" attitude show through.  A couple of weeks ago I asked him to do something and he didn't roll his eyes at me but he did blink really long and slow and I felt like a crazy person saying, "if you EVER blink at me like that again..." :)  

Luke is rocking his academics this year and we are so proud!  He handles everything on his own (we have a "we trust you until we can't" philosophy and so far he's handled all his own academics) and just made it onto the Math Olympics team at school.  He also just qualified for the DUKE TIP program in four subject areas - he has such a gift and it's so cool to get to see him use it well!

If you've read here a while you know the challenges that Mason had with reading and the journey he's been on with his visual processing disorder.  Mason is also SUPER hard on himself and has a tendency to be the kind of perfectionist that won't even try if he thinks he's not going to be awesome at something so I was nervous about second grade because of the emphasis on reading and the Accelerated Reader program.  Well.. he has absolutely risen to the challenge and is reading like CRAZY!  He's exceeding all of his goals, moving up through the reading levels and has been seeing a LOT of success which is exactly what he's needed.

Mason is ALL ABOUT four square right now.  They play every recess and free time and it's so cute to hear him and his friends talk about who cherry bombed who and who was king today and all of that.  Almost every night at bedtime when we do "high and low" from the day his high is something about four square. 

Mason's jersey number has been 25 for the past three seasons of football and for whatever reason his friends started calling him "25 McAnally" at school.  I think it started when they were REALLY into playing cops and robbers and it was his "police name" but it's stuck and it's so cute.  His teacher even brought it up in his conference :)  I hope it sticks forever!

Griffin has been loving cheerleading and she was practicing at home and we could hear her saying, "nutcracker, nutcracker... boom boom boom" and we couldn't figure out what word she should be saying instead of nutcracker... after a while we realized it was FIREcracker.  So cute!

I was hoping that she would be over her "small things" obsession before Christmas but her love for shopkins and tiny hatchimals is going strong.  If it's tiny - she loves it.  Her entire Christmas list is composed of tiny things - fa la la la la! ;)

The boys were requesting that I drop them off in carpool this morning and Griffin was asking to come with me to my classroom and then walk to class "all by herself".  I was obliging her request until I followed her down the deck one day and realized she was asking to do this so she could hang out on the deck and see everyone before she went into her classroom :)  When I drop them off in carpool they get kind of ushered into their rooms and kindergarten is first - so she figured out that if she walked past my room first she could hang out at the other end of the deck, give hugs and high fives and then make her way to class at her own pace.

Dave is bracing himself for his "busy season" - they have TONS of holiday parties and winter weddings in addition to their regular restaurant business and we're all just buckling up for the craziness.

I started watching A Million Little Things last month and I am 100% hooked.  If you haven't started watching it you should definitely give it a try!  It's a drama, but so far I've found it really unpredictable.  All of the actors are great and I'm pretty sure I've cried during every episode.

Dave wasn't feeling great earlier this week and I suggested that he go grab a medicine ball from Starbucks.  I've never personally tried it but have heard good things so he swung through and got it and then texted me later to tell me that it tasted like hot pickle juice :)  He did manage to get it down and said that it helped!


  1. A Million Little Things has GOT ME GOOD.

  2. I love this kind of update - how sweet! I also love the "we trust you until we can't" philosophy. I think I'll implement that one when my oldest gets a bit bigger. :) I haven't jumped on A Million Little Things yet because I'm still so emotionally attached to This Is Us and I'm just not sure if I have the emotional capacity for two of those types of shows, you know? But it does look SO good. Have a great week!

  3. A Million Little Things is my new is SO so Good!!! And, I love the medicine ball drink, even when I'm not sick. Maybe his wasn't made correctly...?

  4. I started A Million Little Things after seeing your Instagram story. It is sooo good! I just want more episodes!

  5. My almost 5 year old is OBSESSED with all the tiny stuff, too! It's both adorable and annoying!

  6. I love A Million Little Things as well! Your kiddos are as cute as ever. Love these posts. :) And now I'm off to google "Starbucks Medicine Ball". LOL!

  7. All the tiny things!! Millie Jo is loving Polly Pockets & I wish I would’ve kept all of mine from when I was little. Santa has plans to fill her stocking with them though! ;)

  8. hi! this is SUCH a little thing but I love doing it with my kids (and when I say "my," I mean other people's kids that I teach at an after school program.) instead of doing highs & lows, we do lows & highs - I always want them to end on a high note and have the last thing they think about when they're in my class be all the wonderful things we did that day. something you might like to do too :-)
