
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Valentines - A few more :)

So after MUCH discussion at our house my kids finally settled on their class valentines and today I thought I'd share what we came up with.  

All of these printables (as well as the ones I shared in January) are ready to be right-clicked and saved to your desktop and then uploaded to a photo printing place (like Sams Club, Target, Walgreens) and have printed as a 4x6 photo.  Once you have the print, fold it in half and staple it at the top of a party favor bag filled with whatever goodies you choose :)

At first Griffin wanted all things unicorn and rainbow and glitter - we had to rein her ideas in a bit (we weren't sure the boys would be super pumped about a glitter unicorn necklace and they ask that all the valentines in PreK are the same) so we decided to put 10 or so GIANT water beads in the little bags and attach them to this...

If you didn't catch my post on water beads over the summer you can check it out  HERE and the water beads I bought to give out are  HERE.

Mason was introduced to "squishies" by one of his classmates and he was DESPERATE to give them out as his valentines so we obliged and I made him this...

... and he'll put  one of these little squishies in the bag, fold the card over the top, staple it and call it a day.

And my FAVORITE was when Luke requested "Wonder" valentines.  How FUN and creative is that?!?!

We found  bookmarks and  erasers that we'll put in his little bags and he is SO EXCITED!

I Amazon Primed the favors yesterday and ordered the photo prints from Sam's Club so we'll be ready to assemble everything this weekend and get a head start for next week.  I never got around to decorating this year but do have plans for a fun little Valentine's dinner next week as well and then I'll be in full on birthday party planning mode :) 

You can find my full FREE Valentine Printable post  HERE!

PS - it's the norm at our school to do little "favor bags" instead of just a card or candy.  Any of the ideas that I shared today or a couple of weeks ago would totally work just as a card though if attaching a little favor isn't what your family does!

PPS- the other week I shared a cactus valentine and the link for the growing cacti was incorrect - I just fixed it!!!


  1. These are so amazing, are these ones we can print off as well? You are so very creative! Blessings!

    1. Yes, ma'am! Just right click and save and then upload to a photo printing site to have the printed in 4x6.

  2. These are just soooo cute!! My daughter...who is 14 LOVES her some squishies!!

  3. You always are so creative!! I love these ideas! ❤️❤️

  4. Love these! Any ideas for "galentine's"?? I like to give away little things to my girl friends and just wondered if you have any especially fun ideas!

  5. You are so awesome! Thanks!
    And thank you for being real and genuine and sharing fun and useful stuff! I love your blog!!

  6. These are cute! I'm doing a play on the word bear, I hope to share on Friday.

  7. Aww those are cute! It was always so fun getting cards in school.

    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  8. I am always so impressed by your Valentines! ❤️😊 I bought the smaller water beads for a birthday gift for my niece after you had posted about them during the summer. They were a huge hit. Thank you for always providing some great gift ideas!

  9. These are all so cute. We have Snoopy and Emoji valentines at our house. xoxo ERIN

  10. The Wonder Valentines are such a cute idea! Kudos to Luke!

  11. Still debating on if it'd be weird or not to pass these out to my coworkers....ha!! I'm 30 and have no kids, but these are just so stinking cute!!! :-)

  12. These are all creative and very cute. We don't do favor bags for school, but I would love to use these for friends. Where do you get all the plastic bags?

  13. These are adorable. I worry about the water beads though with little ones. God forbid a kiddo eats it and thinks it is candy. You may want to rethink that one especially with Kinders. �� As a Kinder teacher I can't help but worry. Plus it might be a liability.

  14. Andrea, what is the font name for the "You are wonderful" and "Teacher Tuesday" cursive parts? I love it!!
