
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday - Reverse Bucket List

When I was coming up with the list of prompts for Show and Tell Tuesday I immediately thought of a bucket list - but decided to put a twist on it by making it a "reverse bucket list". 
I'm sure lots of us have traditional bucket lists where we keep track of things that we'd like to do and places we'd like to see.  A reverse bucket list is where you write down all of the things you've already accomplished.  Sounds easy, right?
I thought that this post would come together really quickly, but when I sat down to write it I realized that it was going to be more of a challenge than I thought.  Making a list of things that you hope to do  or dream about accomplishing is easy but I found the reverse list to be more of a challenge requiring a whole lot of reflection.  I found myself writing and re-writing... thinking that some of my accomplishments (or what I consider accomplishments) weren't "big" or special or exciting enough.  I had to not think about what other people might think (which can be HARD for me!) and just write down the things that were special to me and made me proud.
So here we go... 

- Marrying my best friend - 

- Becoming a mom - 

- Playing at The Meyerson Symphony Center -

- Spending time traveling in the Amazon - 

- Developing deep and lasting friendships - 

- Hiking Vail Mountain -

- Walking on a Glacier -

- Seeing Lake Louise in person -

- Staying in a treehouse - 

- Worshiping in Jamaica -

- Watching a storm roll in while listening to a cowboy sing on a ranch in West Texas -

- Visiting the 9/11 Memorial -

- Finding a career that I love -

- Going to college on a scholarship -

- Donating my hair -

- Horseback riding in the mountains - 

- Serving meals at a soup kitchen in DC -

- Learn to knit -

- Share my testimony -

- Acting in a play -

- Improving a jazz solo in front of a big crowd (the SCARIEST!) -

- Buying a house -

- Visiting the mountains in the Fall -

I hope y'all enjoyed writing your posts as much as I enjoyed writing mine.  It was such a great exercise in gratitude and thankfulness and I actually ended up writing out a HUGE long list of things that I'm thankful for.  It was exactly what I needed on the evening after a ROUGH Monday :) 
If you don't blog or didn't write a post for this link-up I'd still love for you to share a few things from your "reverse bucket list" in the comments!


  1. What a list, girl! I need to hear about that jazz solo-hope you were wearing a turtleneck. ;)

  2. I loved participating in this Show and Tell. I had the same struggles as you with writing it, but once I let that go, I loved looking back and thinking about the things I'm really proud of. Thank you!

  3. What a great idea!!! Don't know if I'll have time to "formally" write something today but you know I'll be thinking of it all day :) Great way to start a Tuesday -- sharing your memories and thinking about my own. . .

  4. You're absolutely right in how wonderful a lesson of gratitude this is! I love how you chose imperfect but "real life" photos for so many of these items too. The blurry girlfriend photo is my favorite. ;) I had a completely different post in mind for today, but now I'm writing on this topic because I could use a gratitude exercise. Thank you for the reminder!

  5. I love this list and I think good reflection is good for the soul :). Thanks for sharing! xoxo ERIN

  6. I loved what you wrote, I should have written more, but I thought, do people really want to know about buying a house and stuff, and yep I was interested in yours...haha! :) You have done some truly amazing things thus far in life!

  7. I love this! Mine for sure would include getting married and becoming an ordained minister!

  8. Former blogger here!
    Here's my list: graduating college, fulfilling my dream to be a teacher (even if I only did it for four years), visiting cool places like Vegas, Boston, NYC; seeing a Broadway play, serving in my church, owning my own home (or two)

  9. Where was that treehouse? I'd love to do that!

  10. I loved this post! I didn't write a post but just the other day I was thinking about how the life I have now is what I DREAMED of as a young girl. Attending my favorite college (A&M- Whoop!), married my best friend, blessed with two kids, our own house, two great jobs and family/friends close by to share it all with. I often have to take a step back and make myself realize that what I'm living today IS the dream I imagined having one day! Life is busy and hectic but I'm so thankful for the blessings and experiences I've received. Thanks for a great post to start the day! Bucket lists don't have to be extravagant- I love the idea of a Reverse Bucket List!

  11. What a great way to look back and realize all the fun and wonderful things you've already done!

  12. I love this idea! I get nervous too about what other people will think about my accomplishments... but at the end of the day if I'm proud, who cares?!? :) Also, is the treehouse at Sunset at the Palms in Negril, Jamaica? It looks so similar to where my husband and I went on our honeymoon!

  13. OH, i love this idea! Can't wait to read other posts linked up.

  14. You have done so many amazing things! My top two would have also been marrying my best friend and having babies. From the time I was a tiny little thing all I have ever wanted in life was to be a wife and a Mommy. Check and check!

  15. Wow! what an impressive list and what a great idea to do it "reverse." Is this a linkup you do monthly? I may have to join in if it is. Happy rest of the week!

  16. getting married to the love of my life. becoming a mom (2x). traveling to hawaii. mexico. the caribbean. learning to golf. empty nesters. watching my children become adults and be successful. Being the Mother of the Bride. making best friends. having friendships that have lasted decades. owning a home. Owning a beach home. much to be thankful for <3

  17. Please tell me about the white board with #mathis - looks like something I’d love to do in my classroom!
