
Monday, December 12, 2016

First things first

Today is the day I would normally recap our weekend and share way too many pictures - BUT it's 9:00 pm on Sunday night and I am sitting down for the first time pretty much all day (almost all weekend) AND I feel like junk (upper respiratory infection, sinus infection, etc.)

I'm placing my bets on getting a solid nights rest and while I would love nothing more than to recap our weekend... first things first, right?

We may be limping across the finish line this Friday but we'll make it! :)  

Happy Monday, friends!!!  


  1. Feel better soon Andrea! Friday is coming!! As a teacher I know exactly what you are talking about.

  2. Feel better!!!! Five more days!!!

  3. know I thought you needed some rest yesterday ;). Love you!

  4. Hope you feel better soon, friend!!! Xoxo

  5. I hope you are feeling better today! One more week, hang in there.

  6. Sending healing restful prayers your way! No one has time to be sick this time of year. Snuggle up with some tea and a good Christmas movie!

  7. I am getting over a cold that started a week ago so I can feel your pain! I did hardly anything but church yesterday and it was so needed! Hope you feel better very soon!!

  8. Hope you feel better soon. Prayers for a speedy recovery!!

  9. Take care of yourself 16 year old daughter and I read your blog (found through Shay and Schaefer and our love of All Things Bachelor) - it's been our bedtime winding down bonding time for ages. And I just wanted to tell you how cute we think your family is.Your "Mimi me" Griffin is an absolute doll - and the boys are adorable. Thank you for sharing your family. And....I also totally Jones over your dining room wall and the tiles. We have a gift store here in Issaquah, WA which carries them. I haven't got my husband on board with a wall full, but I'm hoping to start small and collect :)

  10. Get some rest and I hope you feel better soon.

  11. {{{hugs}}} Andrea. I hope you feel better soon!
