
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday - Quirks Edition

Today for Show and Tell Tuesday we're sharing the quirks and little things that make us "us" :)  I've shared a few of these before and am adding to the list as well.

My AMAZING Athletic Abilities…. And by amazing I mean none.

I am clumsy, uncoordinated and have zero athletic ability whatsoever.  That said, I typically hold a basketball one time a year at our School’s Back-To-School retreat for the staff free throw contest and EVERY year I make it on the first shot.  It’s amazing.

(the pic above is when I was nominated - as a joke - to participate in the Staff vs. Students volleyball game.  I played awful, but I looked cute!!!  I'm in the baseball shirt).

I’m a sympathetic blusher (and crier).

I blush and I blush HARD.  If something embarrassing happens, I can feel the heat starting on my neck and moving upward until it reaches my forehead.  I start off pink and quickly turn to bright red.  In high school I had an English teacher who (lovingly) called me glow worm. ;)  The worst part is that I blush on other people’s behalf as well.  If something embarrassing happens to YOU…. I blush.  If something embarrassing happens to someone on TV… I blush.  It’s uncontrollable and totally obvious.  I’m also a sympathetic crier.  If someone around me is crying I can’t hold back the tears.


I watched E.T. at a neighbor’s house when I was little and I’ve been emotionally scarred ever since.  For YEARS I was terrified to go to the bathroom at night because I was CONVINCED I was going to pull back the shower curtain and he was going to be laying there in the tub all white and sick.  My middle schoolers know about my E.T. phobia and over the years I’ve received E.T. dolls, keychains and pencils and have even had them create and post pictures like these…

I’m HORRIBE with accents.

If you have an accent, chances are I understand less than 70% of what you’re saying.  I am AWFUL with accents!  We moved from Canada to North Carolina when I was in the second grade and my teacher was LOVELY, but she also had a super thick southern accent (not “Texas southern”… “Carolina Southern”).  Her drawl was completely foreign to me and I was continually asking for clarification on directions and then got sent outside the room on multiple occasions for talking to my tablemates (I was asking them to re-explain things to me).  I told my mom that my problems were that “I don’t understand”, but was too young to explain that I couldn’t understand because I literally couldn’t understand what she was saying.  Midway through the year she had a baby,  we got in a long term sub who was from somewhere up north, I immediately made a turnaround in the classroom and they were able to figure out that I couldn’t understand her accent ;)  Thankfully, after lots of time in the South I can now understand almost any drawl. 

On another occasion, Dave and I were vacationing in the Dominican Republic and the sweet girl who was checking us in to our hotel was giving me directions and instructions and when she went to get us our key I turned to Dave and go, “I have no clue what she said… my Spanish is horrible!” and he goes, “Andrea… she was speaking English”.

And in case you missed it – one of my most embarrassing moments EVER revolves around my inability to decipher accents.  

My Flower Pillow

When I was pregnant with Luke, the nurse who taught our birthing class recommended buying a pillow specifically to take to the hospital so you didn’t have to take one of your bedroom pillows (I’m not sure why, but Luke was my first and I did everything I was told.  Everything).  I bought a pillow and even made a cute fun, floral case for it (because it was pre-kids and I had all kinds of time to craft and sew and such).  I brought it to the hospital and fell in LOVE!!!!  I bought the pillow at Target and have never been able to find the exact same one.  It’s literally the perfect pillow.  It’s squishy, but not too squishy.  It’s never gotten lumpy and it always has a cool side.  Since I don’t have two of them I can’t officially use it on my bed (like when it’s made), so it hangs out as an extra and I use it EVERY night.  Mason has taken a liking to my “flower pillow “and he takes it to bed with him almost every night and then before I go to bed I go in his room and take it back. Hahaha

So if you’re looking at my pictures and see a weird floral pillow – that’s why. 

PS - I feel like now I've challenged you all to a game of Where's Waldo and you're constantly going to be spotting my "flower pillow" in all my pics :)

My desire to never hurt anyone’s feelings runs DEEP.

I am a total pleaser and I am aware that I’m a pleaser.  I HATE the thought of anyone being disappointed in me or even worse the thought that I've hurt someone’s feelings.  When I was in Elementary School and I would be invited to a sleepover my mom would tell me that I could bring one stuffed animal with me.  I had a favorite bear, but I didn't want my other animals to get their feelings hurt, so before a sleepover I would take all my stuffed animals into my closet to play “tea party”.  I would play for a few minutes and then I would sneak one out of the closet, shut the doors and loudly announce that I was running downstairs to get something.  My stuffed animals were left unaware that I was taking my favorite bear with me and I wasn't left feeling guilty.  I’m a hot mess.

Hot tea makes everything better.

Seriously though.  Hot tea makes EVERYTHING better.  I don’t drink alcohol (no really… I’ve never drank anything alcoholic…. I have nothing against it, I’ve just never really had a desire to, maybe because of hot tea???), but when I get home after a long day I want a cup (or four) of tea.  I blame my Canadian/British roots, but I’m obsessed.  I’m really particular about my tea – it has to be extra hot English Breakfast tea (a black tea) with a splash of skim milk and a sweet and low.  I’ve tried peppermint, green, oolong, earl grey, etc. and none of those can compare.  I drink it even when it’s 110 degrees outside.  I love hot tea.


(My favorite part of vacation at the Homestead???  TEA TIME!!!  And yes... I'm prego with Mason)

I hate seafood.  All seafood.

I have NEVER liked seafood.  EVER.
I can’t even eat a Calfiornia roll because I feel like the seaweed has a fishy taste.  Everyone thinks they can “convert me” with the whole, “I swear…. This one doesn’t even taste like fish” line and every time I want to puke my guts out.  Even Caesar salads that have too much anchovy paste are unpalatable.  Dave loves fish, but he knows that it he eats fish he won’t be getting even a peck until probably the next day.  We used to vacation on the Carolina beaches where the “daily catch” is plentiful and I survived those weeks eating hush puppies ;)

I chaperoned a trip to Houston and we ate lunch at a seafood restaurant on the boardwalk... hence the hush puppies ;)

I love cereal.  A lot.

I looooove cereal.  I eat a bowl before bed almost every night and I go through phases where I'll eat one particular cereal for weeks and weeks and then can't stand the sight of it and switch to a new cereal until I can't bear the thought of another bowl of that one.  I'm also a bit of a cereal snob and can spot a fake froot loop from a mile away ;)

I read when I blow dry my hair.

I’ve mentioned that I read while I blow dry my hair to a couple of friends and the looks of confusion and puzzlement that I received have led me to believe that this is a quirk.  But it’s true…. I am HORRENDOUS at the round brush and so when I blow dry I just use my fingers to kind of help the process along and I usually flip my head over and put a book on my lap to read while I dry.  When the bottom layers are done I put a book on the counter and read while I dry the top layers.  Anyone else do this???  It’s not just a side effect of being a busy mom… I did this all the time growing up as well.  My mom would come upstairs and find me blow drying my hair and reading Lurlene McDaniel books (did anyone else read these books??? LOVE!!!)

I once cried over Peachy-O's

I'm not sure who I was pregnant with, but I do remember one time making a specific stop at Target for Peachy-O's.  I walked down the aisle and there was a spot for them but alas, no peachy-o's.  I had hauled my big ol', swollen self all the way to the store JUST for the sweet peachy-o's and they weren't even there.  I lost it.  Like... bawled my eyes out and had to sit on the floor bawled.  I can laugh at this now, but at the time it wasn't so funny.

I can't wear socks to bed

No.  Just no.  I need bare feet and the ability to stick one foot out from under the covers at all times.

Well.  There you go.  All my weirdness (well, some of it) laid out in a single post :)

Your turn!  Link up and share your quirks!



  1. I could not thing of all my quirky but as I'm reading other things are coming to mind! My very favorite one is how you steal Mason's pillow every night! Hahaha!

    1. Mason steals MY pillow and then I have to get it back. hahaha :)

  2. Girl, ET is straight up creepy! I get it! Too funny! Great linkup, friend! Xo

  3. Not a fan of seafood. I tried when we lived in Alaska but then just decided to embrace the aversion. :)

  4. This post made me giggle out loud- a few times actually!! I feel like I can totally relate with you on quite a few of these, but ESPECIALLY on the inability to hurt others. It is insane the lengths I would go to as a child in order to not leave someone out, hurt their feelings, etc. I still carry the same "burden" but try to be more aware of it as an adult!

    1. Awww! YAY for the giggles :) And yes about the hurt feelings - the struggle is real!

  5. Such a fun post idea! I am a cereal lover, too - sometimes you just need a big bowl of cereal!

  6. I'm with ya with the cereal and socks! Cereal is one of those special foods that can be breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert! I have no particular favorite. It just depends on the week!

    1. YES on cereal depending on the week! My current love is rice chex :)

  7. I do one foot out of the covers too!! So random

  8. OMG I love all of this, so so funny! I love your flower pillow story! I wish I could agree with the seafood, but I'm a total lover :) I also love cereal! There are plenty of nights where that's my dinner. And peachy-o's are like the best.candy.ever.

    1. I'm JEALOUS about the seafood. I wish I liked it :)
      And now I'm craving peachy-o's!

  9. I'm the exact same with people pleasing and people suffering. And I've ALWAYS been over the top compassionate. I sobbed when Frosty the Snowman melted in the movie. And my mom used to find me in the toy department setting up all the stuffed animals because I always felt badly that they were all wonky- laying sideways and upside down. So I would go set them all up nicely. FREAK But now I'm a disaster response nurse and deal with people who suffer constantly, so I really feel like God made me this way on purpose :)

    1. The toy aisle comment is SO STINKING sweet!!! And yes! What an amazing testament to God's gifts! Good for you for recognizing and making great use of them in such a noble profession!

  10. I 1000000% agree with you on seafood!!!! YUCK!!!! My sister is the same way - we would go to the beach for vacation and we would order chicken tenders and everyone else was eating seafood! Hahahaha!

  11. LURLENE MCDANIEL!!! I loved those books as a preteen/teenager. For some reason I was convinced I was going to die young and was so hoping I would get the one great love of my life before that happened. No explanation for that whatsoever but thankfully, I didn't have a terminal disease and was able to find my true love. You made me laugh aloud this morning : )

    1. I think everyone who read those books was convinced of the same thing. hahaha SO FUNNY!

  12. I read your blog everyday but I have never commented until now..because everyday I read your blog while blow drying my hair!!!! Lol

  13. I don't eat seafood either! I've tried it all, and it's all gross. For real. You cannot convert me. I just tell people "I don't eat things that live in the water." :)

  14. Great post! And I read Lurlene McDaniel books too I haven't thought of those in forever

    1. I was also a fan of Thoroughbred and Babysitters Club... you too???

  15. Fun post!
    I read Lurlene McDaniel! My sister and I always checked the back of the books to find out when her new book was coming out and we'd convince my mom or dad to bring us to the bookstore that day so we could get the new release.

  16. I can't sleep in socks either! It makes my skin crawl!!

  17. The stuffed animals...when I was little my best friend and I would host playdates for our Barbies, but of course I couldn't bring ALL of my Barbies so I would sit them all down in the living room of the Barbie house and explain that we were going on a trip, but we couldn't all go but not to worry because whoever didn't go this time would get to go next time.

    Lurlene McDaniel books were the best!

  18. Now that I think of it, I remember seeing that floral pillow in tons of posts! :)

    1. It's seriously the best :) And I promise now you're going to notice it all the time. hahaha I've had a more "neutral" case on it a few times, but it's just not the same. hahaha

  19. The stuffed animal thing is soooo funny! Lol so sweet that you didn't want to hurt their feelings. Love the quirks!

  20. I can't sleep in socks either and I do enjoy a good bowl of cereal for supper every now and then.

  21. I SO agree with you on the seafood! The "it's not even fishy" saying, can't win me over.

    1. I feel like I've bene fooled too many times to believe that "this isn't a fishy fish" thing ;)

  22. I'm a reader while blow drying my hair too! Everyone is always talking about how they hate blow drying their hair because it takes so long and blah blah blah and I'm over here like I love drying my hair my best reading gets done in that 30 minutes!! ��

    1. LOVE IT!!! The time it takes me to blow dry my hair is some of my most relaxing time! :)

  23. I love a good bowl of cereal and could have it for every meal :) I'm totally the same way with blushing.. I can just feel my face get bright red!

  24. Just the mention of your most embarrassing accent moment had me cracking up - and I didn't even click over to reread it, yet.

  25. I can't wear socks to bed either! I should have added that to my list!
    And, I also love cereal! Growing up, I had a bowl for breakfast & then everyday after school :)

  26. Socks in bed are a big fat no! I totally stick my feet out at night too!

    1. Ugh. I feel like I have chills just thinking about it. hahaha

  27. Ugh, I hate seafood, too!! Everyone always thinks I'm SUCH a weirdo, but it's just so gross! I can't do it!

  28. Girl!! I hate sea food too! Just the texture, and the smell alone is gawd awful. I've tried and it just doesn't work! I love cereal too! I can at it for breakfast lunch and dinner! I had so much fun writing this post! Thanks for letting me join the link up <3

  29. I knew I read your blog for a reason! We are so alike - not only do we have the same wedding anniversary (December 3rd, right?!) But I love hot tea, could eat cereal for every meal, do not drink alcohol and am a serial people pleaser. I enjoy your blog - thanks for sharing!

    1. YES!!! And we're TOTAL besties :) Thanks so much for reading!

  30. Oh girl I hear you on the tea but my obsession is Iced tea. I'm currently 8 months pregnant and on the weekends I have my husband take me to Chic-Fil-A just for a large iced tea with extra ice and two lemon wedges. I also work at a winery and feel mildly guilty that even before pregnancy I have no interest in drinking wine, I just give away all my free wine.

    It's funny you mention the pillow because my child birthing preparation class teacher told me the same thing! I buy all my pillows at Costco though, they're down alternative and only $15 for 2 and I swear they feel like $40 pillows. Next time you're at Costco (they have Costco in Texas, right?) go squish the pillows and give those a shot. I was just going to use a plain old grey pillow case for my hospital pillow but you've inspired me to get something fun!

    As far as the peachy-O's I probably would have cried too. A couple weeks ago I cried because the restaurant at my winery messed up my Panini and I was hungry. Full on CRIED in my cubicle (also conveniently located outside of the CEO's office). Pregnancy hormones are a strange beast.

    1. How good does Chick-Fil-A iced tea sound?!?! We're members at SAMs.... but I may have to visit Costco to check out the pillows. And hormones are REAL!!! One time I cried because Dave offered to grill me a burger and I "wanted him to want a burger too". SEriously. hahaha

  31. I knew I read your blog for a reason! I can totally relate. Not only do we have the same wedding anniversary (December 3rd, right?!) but I too love hot tea, do not drink alcohol, could eat cereal for every meal and am a serial people pleaser (which can be exhausting, right?)! Love your blog, thanks for sharing!

  32. OMG i totally forgot ab Lurlene McDaniel! I think i read ALL her books. Are any of the newer, less YA ones any good!?

    1. I don't know about the newer books... I only read the older ones when I was in middle school. I need to check them out!

  33. OMG!!! Lurlene McDaniel! I totally forgot about those books!! My favorite was the Angels Trilogy (with the Amish Family!) and Til Death Do Us Part and For Better, For Worse, Forever. I might have to dig them out of my saved book boxes and reread them for old times sake!! And Peachy-os...oh man. My hubby gets so mad when I squish all the bags at the store to find the softest ones! :)

    1. YES on the Angels Trilogy!!! I need to see if I can find them on Amazon :) hahaha

  34. Whatever happened to Cadence the dog?

    1. Cadence went to live with a friends parents on their farm. She was an amazing farm dog for them and got to live out her days chasing cows, horses and four wheelers :) They had a golden retriever she was besties with and she actually passed away this year at the foot of their bed where she slept every day. We are so happy that she got to be "her" out there :)

  35. Where did you move from in Canada? I'm so with you on the socks in bed. When I was young my dad was tucking me in and I had socks on and he said "no man will want to marry someone who wears socks to bed" and from that day I have not worn socks to bed ;) and I am happily married ��

    Faithful reader from PEI, CANADA ✌

    1. I lived in several places, but London, Ontario was the last place I lived before I moved to the states :)

    2. Wow, near! I am originaly from southern ON near Niagara Falls. It's a small world :)

  36. Love the stuffed animal guilt situation! I was the same way :)

  37. Ok so I forgot about my sympathetic crying but I so am...if someone starts, I am all in. Also, I hate hate hate hurting people's feelings and when I do I struggle to forgive myself long after the other person has moved on! Love this post, so fun to know you aren't alone :)! Have a great day!

    1. The sympathetic crying can be the WORST!!! I just can't help it! ;)

  38. Yesssss reading & blowdrying your hair! I do that too. It's the only way to make the time pass blowdrying thick hair. Haha

  39. I share the quirky people pleasing and sympathetic crying. :(

  40. ET kinda freaks me out. I'm with you on some accents too. Like my new coworker is Asian (I don't know which country extractly) and has a thick accent and I need her to repeat everything to me like 5 times, it's so sad! And DEFINITELY no socks in bed!

  41. haha, I love it. We recently watched E.T. with the kids and both my husband and I were like...this movie sucks! And yes to the no socks and the sticking one foot out, a must!

    1. It TOTALLY Sucks!!!! hahaha Glad I'm not the only one :)

  42. I can relate on the sympathetic blushing. And with me, when I REALIZE I'm blushing I get embarrassed about that and it gets worse! People look at me like I have a horn growing out of my forehead. And I used to read when I blow dried my hair, but I used my Kindle. I haven't done that since we moved and my rental house's tiny bathroom didn't have a place to sit. Before that, I'd heard TONS of books that way. And as a new mom that was the only way I read for a lot of years.
