
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

What's Up Wednesday - Better Late than Never Edition

I missed out on What's Up Wednesday last week, so I'm playing catch up today!

What We're Eating This Week
Normal stuff... quick dinners like this cheeseburger casserole and this "faux quiche".

What I'm Reminiscing About
Look at sweet, smiling baby Mason!!! 

What I'm Loving
This candle in the prettiest jar EVER!!! Sweet, sweet Cheryl gave it to me and I couldn't love it more.  What's better than the volcano scented candle?  The volcano scented candle in this cut glass jar!

What We've Been Up To
Packing! Packing! and more Packing!  I've been working on the kitchen and in doing so I realized that my stash of paper plates and napkins was way bigger than I thought.  So, we're cutting ourselves some slack on the dishes for the next little while (plus, they're being packed) and using these...

Classy, right???  If you come over to my house for a meal you can expect it on a pirate plate with a floral napkin :)

What I'm Dreading
I was going to say unpacking, but I'm actually pretty excited about getting everything set up.  So, nothing, really :)

What I'm Working On
Paint!  Normally I wouldn't be in a rush to pick colors, but we're hoping to have all three of the kids rooms painted before we move in so we can get their rooms set up first. 

Griffin's room has me stumped.  She says she wants pink, but she's also three and wants to eat Cheetos for breakfast... so I'm not sure I trust her judgement  ;)  I picked out a ton of pink samples this weekend, and nothing really matches.  I'm leaning toward green walls (like her room now) and then the pink striped duvet cover with her current sheets and her attached bathroom will be pink. That way she gets the pink without it being CRAZY amounts of pink.

The boys don't have too many opinions about their wall colors, it's more about having a solar system and/or art desk :)

I want to pick colors that don't overpower and here's what I'm thinking...

I'm liking "Anonymous" by Behr for Mason's room.  He wants to have art wires to hang his pictures on and his furniture is going to be white and black.

And I'm also liking "Blue Grey" (the middle one on the swatch below).

I'm considering the same "blue grey" for Luke's room as well...

 And I've been looking at TONS of greens for the cabinets.  So far I like the third one down the best...

What I'm Excited About
We're doing a fun project with Springfree today and I picked up some athletic clothes for Griffin.  I can't wait to see her in them!!!  So cute! :)  #sportyspice

What I'm Watching/Reading
I've been rewatching The Office while I blog and get other computer stuff done and have been laughing CONSTANTLY!  Bring back Michael Scott! :)

What I'm Listening To
We've been jamming out to this song on repeat...

What I'm Wearing
These tops on repeat with this kimono more often than I'd like to admit.  iI've also been wearing my baseball hats a TON #messyhairdontcare and you can find the hats I like HERE.

What I'm Doing This Weekend
Birthday party, packing, dance class, packing, church, packing, you get the idea ;)

What I'm Looking Forward To This Month
So many things!!!  New house, end of school, Pre-K graduation (so cute!!!), Luke's talking Zoo and moving! :)

What Else Is New
All of a sudden Griffin's legs are looking super long!  Maybe they've just been hiding underneath ruffle pants all winter, or maybe she's grown a foot and a half.

What I'd Like To Get for Mother's Day
A nap - And I'm crossing my fingers for a couple of elementary school art projects ;)  And to not cook at all on Sunday.  At. All . Like, I don't even want to make anyone a sandwich. hahaha

Happy Wednesday, Friends!!!  Preheat your ovens, girls because tomorrow I'm sharing the most AMAZING lemon cake recipe EVER!  I made it last night and it is so good!!!

PS - This post contained affiliate links which means that if you clicked on an item and made a purchase I may receive a small commission.  THANK YOU!!!


  1. I cannot wait to see your new house unfold! The paint and new bedding is going to really personalize their rooms. Super excited for you guys!

  2. I don't want to sound brag-y, but I am kind of know for being good with picking paint colors, and I would suggest matching a paint to the lighter pink color in her duvet (or whatever that paisley print is), then have it cut to 75% or 50% and see what you think.

  3. Griffin does look so tall! Love all of your choices for the new house!! Great job, mama!!

    1. Right?!?! All of a sudden I feel like she's all legs :)

  4. We moved when I was 5 years old and my parents let me pick my room color- I picked pink! To this day i feel it was one of the nicest things my parents ever did for me because I KNOW they didn't want pink 😉 Just a thought on Griffins desire for pink- it may not be your first choice but will provide her with a reminder of a lifetime for your love for her (it was a soft pink that I picked☺️)

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth!!! Love that you still remember that! So sweet :)

    2. I have a similar story, except that instead of pink I asked for electric shock lime was actually frightening how bright it was ;) But! I loved that my parents let me choose it despite the fact that it matched absolutely nothing else in our house! I'm sure Griffin will love it no matter what color you guys choose :)

  5. One more thing- we did my youngest son's room in Classic Gray by Benjamin Moore and it's PERFECT! His bedding is navy and orange and I wanted lots of room visually for art and color and it's the perfect blank canvas color without being too white (or too gray). I highly suggest it for your boys!

    1. That's EXACTLY the look I'm going for... blank canvas, but not white. Looking at that color ASAP! Thanks, Aja!

  6. Griffin's room would look really pretty painted a light pastel pink. Then you could accessorize with hot pink or bold pink bedding!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  7. Griffin is getting so tall but your "maybe they were hiding under ruffle pants all winter" made me lol. :)

    1. Her legs have been hibernating and apparently they've grown! hahaha

  8. I think green walls in Griffin's room would be AMAZING with all the beautiful pink!

  9. I had the most trouble ever with paint colors! I love what we ended up with and thought I would share. Would love to send some pictures to you - so let me know if that would be helpful. My daughter's room has Art Deco Pink from Lowes. We painted her room when she was 3 years old. She is now 11 and I still love the paint color. It is a soft pink that will go with anything. I think it would work well for Griffin's room! We painted the upstairs hall bathroom a year ago. We had a monkey theme in there since we moved in when my daughter was 18 months old. We were all tired of the monkeys and did a Parisian Chic theme (got it at Bed, Bath and Beyond, but is now no longer available). We painted the bathroom a color called Rope - Eddie Bauer Edition by Lowes. It is wonderful! It is a grey / green color that looks different in certain lights. Would look awesome in any bathroom or bedroom! Finally, if your looking for a great neutral that doesn't have yellow undertones go with Warm Buff by Lowes. We had the most trouble EVER finding a good neutral and I absolutely love it. We have Warm Buff in the dining room and one shade lighter in the kitchen and family room. Works great. I want to paint my bedroom next and use it as well. I have pictures of all of the colors on our walls if you want me to send them to you.

    Good Luck with the move. We moved when my daughter was 18 months. It can be hard, but so worth it. One note with packing - that is the best time to purge things you really don't think you have a use for anymore or haven't worn in over a year etc etc. Also make sure you don't pack your good comfy sneakers for your move weekend. You will be on your feet a lot and good sneakers will be helpful! That is my tip. I saw you asking for tips last week. :-)

    1. YES!! Send me pictures, please!!! And thanks for the tips! We've been purging a TON!

  10. I, too, am a lover of green. However, I want to send a little "caution" your way with picking paint colors-: depending on the lighting of the room you want to make sure the color doesn't come off too dark or take on a strange undertone. I learned the hard way & had to re-do several rooms in my home. My husband actually jokes that our house was getting smaller because I kept re-painting rooms-ha! This time around I actually took samples of my cabinets & bedding to Sherwin Williams & discussed Windows/lighting, etc. & they helped me pick out the right colors the first time. I am very excited to follow along on your decorating journey!

    1. Great advice! I'm waiting on the kitchen until we're in and I can paint some samples and see how they look at different times of the day. THANKS!

  11. Love Griffins bedding!!! At Lowes they have a mix in for paint, its a special glitter. Its. Amazing. I used it for my daughters room, (I used 2 packs/gal) it's subtle and cool. She loves it, Griffin might too ;)

    1. Ok. Now I think I need glitter for my powder room!

    2. GLITTER PAINT?!?!?! I'm going to have to look into that!

  12. Random question. Are you going to be selling any of the kids beds? I am wanting to get that daybed for my 2 year old daughter but would love to buy one already put together ;).

    1. Hey! As of right now we're keeping them and I'm not sure it would help you out even if we weren't because they have to be disassembled to fit through the door. ;) Did you know that you can pay IKEA to come put them together?

  13. Pink would look so sweet in Griffin's room; my daughter has a pink room she wanted when she was 3 and is 5 now and still loves it!

    1. Good to know! She LOVES pink, but I was hesitant that she would outgrow it quickly - sounds like she may love it for years! Thanks!!!

  14. Well let me tell you what I'm doing PINK! 1. My front door is pink, and I love it so so much. It's on my blog and insta if you want to take a look. And 2. my powder room! I did the ceiling a darker pink, and will be doing the walls a pale pale pink. It's going to be fabulous!

    1. SO FUN!!! Love that you're doing your own thing!!! Go, girl!!!

  15. Lots of decisions to make, it can be so overwhelming! You can do this:) Hey, if I was fortunate enough to have dinner at your house, I would be thrilled to have a pirate plate and a floral napkin. And, can I please have a seat at the kid's table?;).

  16. What about a light, light light blue for Griffin's room? I love that color with pink accents for girls' rooms. :)

  17. We are moving also and my girls really really wanted a pink room as well. Their bedding is hot pink pom pom from PBTeen So I couldn't do anything too dramatic if I wanted to keep that in there (Which I do!!) If you decide to go pink, Sherwin Williams Intimate White is a very good LIGHT pink color. It is almost too pink for me even though the name is WHITE. Just a suggestion to look at, even for the bathroom! Good luck. Paint is HARD!

  18. I love seeing all your choices for furniture, paint colors, bedding, etc for the new house! It is so exciting! I love the teal blue/aqua color in Griffin's sheets. What about that color for her room?

    I don't blame you one bit for eating on paper plates while you are moving or any other day for that matter. You have them displayed so cute!!

  19. Picking paint colors was so overwhelming to me! I love the idea of green walls for G with pink accents! I think it will look great.

  20. Paper plates for the win! I use paper plates more than I would like to admit and I don't even have kids yet! The nice china just sits and collects dust ;).

  21. All the bedding looks so awesome!!! I can't wait to see it all come together. I am sure it will looks great!

  22. Love the room stuff you have picked out! You have great taste. Also, I have that Free People dress and wedges too. :) (Bought after you showed on your blog last year!) Love them both.

    Also, what will you do with Griffin's old duvet cover? It was so pretty!

  23. Oh girl, we have been wearing NO out these last two weeks! Our kids LOVE that song so much!

  24. Wanna sell me Griffin's current bedspread? Last I checked that color wasn't available anymore and it'd be perfect in my daughter's room! Please!?!? :-)

  25. Oh My Gosh!!!! I need that lemon cake NOW!!!

  26. How fun with all the packing and picking out paint colors!! Forgot to comment on yesterday's post, but I love LOVE LOVE your furniture you've picked out! Thinking I might need a new kitchen table, too...! :)

  27. We did my daughter's room pink when she was 3 and it was way too bubble "gummish"! ha! So, we repainted it a lighter pink and it was so much better. Now that she is 9 she wants to repaint it but it lasted a few years. So, my advise is to just not go too bright pink. I can't wait to see your new house! It's going to be beautiful!

  28. You have me wanting to redecorate my daughter's room!

  29. Here are my unsolicited thoughts on paint. Find a color you like and go two swatches lighter. Always looks too dark on the wall. The fabric you picked for your daughter's room looks a lot like mine. We painted her room turquoise, and it looks great with all the pink without being too much. Good luck!

  30. I agree with cutting the lightest pink by 50% and if you do Anonymous by Behr make sure you cut that by 50% too because unless the room gets a ton of light it's actually a pretty dark grey.

  31. Love the colors for the boys' room. Great choice.

    For your girl's room, I like your idea for the green better than the pink. The pink may be too much especially if she has a lot of pink décor -- unless you were to go with a very light pink or paint only one wall pink. You can also never go wrong with a neutral like a gray or greige.

    You have really good taste, so I’m sure whichever choose would look great.

    On a different subject, I saw that Anthro has the volcano scent in a hand cream and bar soap. I’m excited to try it.

  32. I totally second/third/fourth whatever the suggestions for a light pink. My girls have a pink bedroom, because we promised to let them pick when we moved. Also not my top choice, but such an easy win for them and gave them some say in the move and making it their home too. Repainting in several years if Griffin changes her mind isn't necessarily easy, but it's not difficult either, and relatively cheap.

  33. So excited for you Andrea! Moving is a pain in the butt but worth every bit. Ive preheated my oven and can't wait for that recipe.

  34. My suggestion would be the yellow color in the bedding. It would be bright and cheerful. Plus new room-new color and LOTS of pink accessories

  35. I would pull out the shade of aqua/turquoise from the bedding and lighten it up for the walls. It pairs very well with pink. I have an almost 4 year old girl and her bedroom is Benjamin Moore Green Tint. But if you pull it up the color online it looks nothing like it in real life. In her room it looks like a muted Aqua. It pairs gorgeously with the pink and white accents in her room.

    I use this duvet in the simmer

    And this for the winter

    With this comforter on the end of the bed in the light pink

    Curtains - the white with light pink dot ones double hung with ivory ruffle sheers

    I love it! It's still girly and feminine without being too much pink. My other daughter's room is pale lavender and I love that too!

    I'd be happy to send some pics if you'd like!

  36. Great post!

    Love all your paint choices. I know how hard it can be choosing just the right color.

    I've been pulling together a Mother's Day menu and can't wait for your cake recipe to add to my plan for the day! Looks so yummy! :)

  37. Check out Edies blog for paint colors. She has green painted cabinets. And she lists her paint colors.

  38. I love GG's bedding, if the girl wants a pink room, give her a pink room! haha. she is only 3 once, and later on down the road you can always change it if she wants to. she will love her room even more if she knows its something she designed!
