
Friday, March 4, 2016

Friday Favorites - IT'S SPRING BREAK EDITION!!!

Happy Friday, Friends!!!  We made it!  Well, I made it ;)  This has been a fun week in #teacherlife and by fun I mean borderline crazy.  Spring fever is in FULL FORCE and I actually told a student to please stop whipping his peers with the string from a hoodie and then threatened to take points off a quiz if another student didn't stop singing "Hotline Bling".  Thank you JESUS for Spring Break. hahaha

Erika, Narci and I are hosting Friday Favorites again today, so be sure to grab the graphic, link back to one (or all!) of us and then share your favorites as well!

Griffin and Dave walk us out to the van every morning before school to say bye and Griffin's FAVORITE part on Wednesday was checking out the bunny in her reflection ;)

No clue what she was doing - but look at her little "hang ten". hahaha

I mean!

 Look at these pictures Jack's mom sent me one morning this week.  These boys are each others FAVORITE. hahaha

A FAVORITE shirt, pair of cords and booties!
(Ignore how open the shirt looks up top... apparently I forgot to button it up before I snapped the pic)

And these new TOMS are for sure a FAVORITE!

This popped up on my Facebook feed this week and I may have teared up a bit.  So many FAVORITES in this pic!!!  Look how little Luke was!!!

I ordered the boys bathing suits and a few button downs for Spring this week and when I got home I saw this...

I had to laugh, but seriously - the mailman was not my FAVORITE that day :) hahaha

I know lots of y'all ordered Matilda Jane this week (EEEK!) and here are a couple of my FAVORITE pairs of shoes to match.  

THESE Strawberry Shoes look PRESH with several of the new pieces...

 ... and these little popsicle jellies!  I can't!

Some of our friends are driving to Colorado this week and they stopped in at Cadillac Ranch and sent me a picture which got me reminiscing about our FAVORITE family trip to date!

Mason has been BEGGING (and sending us subtle hints through his school work) to go bowling.  So we'll be hitting up one of his FAVORITE places over Spring Break.

Several of y'all asked about my tiered stand from yesterday's post.  It's one of my FAVORITE pieces as well and I grabbed it during an online sale at Magnolia.  You can find it online HERE.

Wednesday I got to do one of my FAVORITE parts of my job - serving alongside my students.  Another teacher and I took 45 7th and 8th graders to a head start/preschool program in Dallas and ran a Dr.Seuss carnival for them.  The students had collected TONS of little prizes and we laid them all out on the sidewalk and when the kids had gone through all the stations they got to each pick 3 things.  It was awesome! 

The week before Spring Break is Missions Week for our High School and seeing pictures from our students serving is my FAVORITE.  We sent groups to Guatemala and Arkansas this year, we have local groups serving in Dallas and surrounding communities, all of our Sophomores are on a week-long college tour, and the Freshman have stayed on campus and led several programs for our elementary kids.

and seeing our students out serving always makes me think of my FAVORITE school trip ever - taking a group to Jamaica on a mission trip! (moremore and more Jamaica posts)

We're ready for our normal weekend routine - minus the lesson planning and backpack packing.  And we're crossing our fingers for GREAT weather next week!!!  Happy Friday, Friends!!!" title="click to view in an external page.">An InLinkz Link-up

PS - This post contained a few affiliate links which means that if you clicked on a link and purchased an item, I may receive a small commission.  THANK YOU!!!


  1. YAY!!! So happy we made it to Spring Break. Sad that the Wooden Tiered Server from Magnolia Market is sold out, cause it's super cute! Also, I love that your school is so tightly knit. I mean, getting to serve along side your students?! How awesome is that!!! Have a great week!

    -Rachel at

    1. Oh boo!!! I didn't realize it was sold out! I got it on sale during Thanksgiving I think. And yes - getting out of the classroom and into the community is an amazing experience as a school. Thanks, Rachel!

  2. Happy Friday Andrea!! Girl, those popsicle jellies are so cute!!! Love them so much!

  3. Wahoo for Spring Break!! Girl-you deserve to sleep in and wake up with a hot tea beside you. Can Dave handle all that? :). Happy Friday!!

    1. Girl! Dave handles that every morning :) hahaha We're going to miss hanging out with the Slaughters this week!! Have the BEST time!!!

  4. Happy spring break!! Have a great time with your littles! Also, I laughed out loud when I heard about your student who wouldn't stop singing hotline bling...all the crying laughing emojis!


    1. Girl. Hotline Bling is about to DO ME IN!!! Some of my kids made a Christmas version (think "sleigh bells ring" instead of "hotline bling") and I am soooooooo over that song! hahaha

  5. That is so neat that your school does Missions Week. What a great opportunity and lesson for all the kids! That strawberry dress made it's way onto my wishlists :) Hope you a have a great spring break!

    1. Missions Week is the best - such a cool opportunity for all involved and YES for the strawberry dress! I MAY have picked it up in two sizes. hahaha

  6. Carter has been asking to go bowling too, although it hasn't shown up in his school work. Smart move, Mason!!!! Loved Griffin's hang 10! Hilarious!

  7. Your blog lifts my spirits. I love the way you take the time to be grateful for small, everyday moments. Never underestimate the effects you are having on people's lives. I am sure many feel the same as me but may never comment!

  8. Do you know where in Guatemala the team was serving? That looks like El Fuego spouting off in the background! I just returned from a medical/dental mission trip to Guatemala - we were in a village north of Guatemala City and we spent some R&R time in Antigua. Beautiful land, beautiful people.

    1. It is El Fuego, I know that much... but I don't know the specifics. Our Anna Grace is there so I'm sure I'll get more details later :)

  9. Griffin's pictures by the car!! Oh my gosh!! Love that girl!! :) xoxo

  10. Where is Griffins bunny shirt from? SO CUTE!

    1. Thanks! I picked it up on Zulily a while ago. I think it was under a "Harijuku" event :)

  11. Where is Griffin's bunny shirt from? SO CUTE!

  12. I just love how you and your school serve close to home and around the globe!! My kids and I are ALWAYS looking for ways to serve our area. We live in DFW so if you have any ideas or where we can help out please let me know. I try to do this with my kids year round. Of course there are many opportunities during the holidays...but I always tell my kids people need food, clothes and Jesus year round not just during the holidays. SO if you have any ideas please let me know

    Lesley McFarland

  13. Oh my goodness the bunny shirt is to cute! Happy spring break! We still have one more week!

  14. Girl...twice in the past month I have come home and my package was ON TOP of my mailbox!!! I was so ticked.

  15. Griffin id such a fashion inspiration--that bunny shirt is SO cute and the popsicle jellies just slay me. Liz

  16. We took a road trip to Dallas last summer (from California) and stopped at the Cadillac Graveyard because of your blog. Our kids loved it!

  17. Oh gosh, our mailman is the same way!! So lazy! I got home Thursday and found our mailbox the same way and IT WAS POURING DOWN RAIN!

    Have a great weekend!

    Lindsay's Sweet World

  18. So, the boyfriend and I are getting ready to head ot Colorado (all the way from West Virginia!) in June. And we are road tripping it, so I went to read all your Roadfessional posts and it was AWESOME. The only thing? I'm now like CRAP we're TOTALLY gonna have to do this again when we have kids! ooohhhh how I cannot wait to take kid road trips and show them the world. So awesome :)
