
Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday Favorites - Lots of Love Edition

Happy Friday, Friends!!! It's almost the weekend (and a three day one at that!) and we are so excited!!!  How excited??? This excited...

As always, Erika, Narci and I are sharing our Friday Favorites!

Monday of this week we went out to eat on the square with some of our FAVORITE people - Dave's parents, grandmas, brother and his fiance.  It was ridiculously windy!

Hello, onion rings!!!

And yes... those are more onions on the barbecue cheddar burger.  Because #birthday hahaha

Love our square!!!

One of my not-so-FAVORITE things?  Grading.  What idiot assigned all this work this week?
Oh, that's right. It was me.

On Mondays Griffin is home with Dave and seeing pictures of their antics throughout the day is my FAVORITE.  I mean -they obviously have no fun at all ;)

One of my FAVORITE times of the day??  Our 30 minutes of screen time after school where I get dinner started and everyone can decompress for a few.  A little peace and quiet ;)

I've been talking a lot about these cute open shoulder Free People pullovers...


... well, I found the two colors below for 50% off!!!
I think that they run true to size and I wear a small.


Twirly skirts are everyone's FAVORITE ;)  I mean, how could they not be, right? 

Get. It. Girl.

 Homemade presents are my FAVORITE and the ones that Luke came home with are an 11 out of 10 on the precious scale :)

 I had some pictures printed and Griffin sat in her FAVORITE spot and flipped through them.

She LOVES to sit up here (supervised, of course) and will sit and talk to me and eat a banana after school :)

All the Valentines outfits are our FAVORITE!

And these TWELVE DOLLAR earrings are becoming a new FAVORITE, too!  I love how light they are and that they'll go with everything.  They're a teeny bit shiny right now, but I'm hoping that after a little while they'll dull a bit.  Did I mention that they're only $12?!?!?! 

Gorgeous weather here meant that I got to wear a dress and jean jacket yesterday.  My FAVORITE!

We ran into Anna Grace in the parking lot the other day - these girls are two of my FAVORITES!

Our FAVORITE necklace shop has just released new styles to match Matilda Jane's Spring line and now until Valentine's Day you can get 30% off with the code MJ30

There are tons of cute options and I really don't think you can go wrong with any of them.  We have TONS of Sprinklings and they are the best quality - Griffin wears them all the time and they hold up to toddlers :)

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Mason is SO EXCITED about the QU wedding today ;)  I'll have pics and details next week, but here are a couple of pictures I snapped of him yesterday while he was trying on his quarterback gear.  PreK is my FAVORITE!!!

If you've read here for any length of time, you know that Mini Melissa is our FAVORITE brand of shoe.  Well, I found several cute styles on sale!  They do run a little small (GG is currently in a 7), but they are scented and have never rubbed a blister or caused any other issues.  Griffin loves them!

And last, but not least - head on over to my Instagram today and enter to win a long sleeve leotard and skirt from our FAVORITE leotard boutique!

 Griffin is wearing their bright pink long sleeve with a red skirt for Valentines Day and I'm IN LOVE!!!


 I hope that y'all have a fabulous weekend with all the ones you love.  Eat lots of chocolate and watch lots of movies and snuggle with your peeps.  A lot ;)" title="click to view in an external page.">An InLinkz Link-up

PS - This post contained affiliate links - which means that if you clicked on a link and purchased an item, I may receive a small commission.  THANK YOU!!!


  1. Bummer, the earrings aren't available anymore. Cute though!

    1. Oh no!!! I'll keep an eye out and will post an update if they turn up back in stock! Thanks for letting me know!

  2. Give me all the onions!!! Square Burger is also a favorite!!

    1. YESSSSS!!! I'm taking you to Bakers Drive-In one night for THE BEST onion rings EVER!

  3. What exactly is QU wedding?
    Have a nice weekend!


    1. Hey! It's a fun little party they do where they marry the letters Q and U because they go together forever :) The boys dress up as quarterbacks and the girls are queens and it doubles as their big valentines party. SO CUTE! I'll have pics and details up on Monday ;)

  4. Happy happy happy Friday friend!! Mason in that football gear was just too much! He looks so BIG!

  5. Valentine from Luke, Mason as QB and Griffin in her leotard...dying!!! And if I ever find out we are having a girl, I think one of my first purchases will be some Mini Melissas just because of G ; ) Happy Valentine's Day weekend to you and your little loves!!!

    1. YES!!! They come in a teeny tiny size 3 I think .... so cute!!! Thanks for reading, Melissa! :)

  6. Griffins hair is soooo pretty!! Those valentines from Luke must have melted your heart! And Mason in the QB gear, so cute!!

    1. Thank you! I think her hair is pretty cute as well :) And YES! Those boys know how to melt their mama! :)

  7. Those onion rings, Luke's coupons, GG's necklaces, Mason in his football gear, I'm obsessed with this whole post!

    Angela @ Top Knots and Curly Locks

    1. Thanks, Angela!!! There was some pretty cute stuff this week :)

  8. I love the first picture of you and GG!!! So sweet!!!

  9. Thanks for the head's up on the Mini Melissa sale! I purchased a pair because of you and absolutely love them! Another is on its way! :)

  10. We have been dying to try some Mini Melissas! Will definitely be checking out the sale! Thank you! Happy Weekend!

    1. YAY!!! Let me know what you think - the ballet flats go with EVERYTHING, but the little dogs are so fun!

  11. I love that Luke's valentine for Mason is letting him have his dessert, so cute! Happy Friday! :)

  12. Serious question: how do you keep your bra strap from showing in those cold shoulder shirts?

  13. So much fun and sweetness in one post! Have a fun 3 day weekend!

  14. Seriously! I fall more in love with your kitchen every time you show it! I'm sure it's quite the gathering place. And how cute?? "Mason, I will give you my dessert". Love that! Have a great weekend!

    -Rachel at

  15. Super cute pictures from your week! XOXO I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  16. Luke's Valentine...! So sweet :-) glad you had a great week!

  17. I thought about buying those shoes for my new niece arriving in May....but I just cannot imagine spending $40+ on 1 pair of shoes for a child who is constantly growing...I just don't get it?? I rarely spend that on myself. We are not poor. I just don't understand how 2 people with "average" jobs spend so much on clothing. How do you do it?

    1. Not that I need to justify what I spend on anything to anyone other than my husband - but Mini Melissa shoes are wonderful quality and there's a significant resale market for them when they're kept in good shape. Griffin was actually able to wear one size of their shoe for about a year and then I was able to sell them for more than half of what I paid. I take really good care of all of my kids clothes and am able to get at least 75% of my money back by reselling when we're done with them and therefore I end up dressing my kids for less than I would spend buying their wardrobe at Target. As far as our "average" jobs are concerned, the only debt we carry is our mortgage (no school loans, car loans, or any other debt) and we are able to give tithe a generous amount, support causes near and dear to our heart, pay for our children's private education (yes, we pay for it), keep Griffin at a wonderful babysitter, save for the future, expand our portfolio every month, keep our kids in activities AND dress our children well.

  18. I hope you realize how fortunate you are to have all of that and aren't just humble bragging for the sake of very Christian. Look north to where you're actually from, and you might realize how astounding it is that someone of your age actually has a full time teaching job and can afford a house, clothing, and lifestyle like you have.

    1. It's for sure not a humble brag - but "anonymous" asked how we made it on our "average" income and I was attempting to explain. I think people have this impression that because I dress our kids nice and I buy clothes from Nordstrom that somehow, because Dave and I have "average jobs" that we're blowing through all of our money every month - which couldn't be farther from the truth. We believe that all of our resources come from and belong to Christ and we treat them as such. Do my kids have a lot - sure. But I like kids clothes - other people like other things and spend their money on that. The unique thing about me spending money on kids clothing is that I end up breaking even or even ahead of the game in the end. The speculation and shaming surrounding how/why/what we do with our finances is astounding to me. If it came across as bragging, my apologies - I was attempting to put to rest the thought that somehow, buy purchasing $40 shoes for Griffin we're being financially irresponsible. If my tone read differently I'll totally own that - it wasn't my intention.

    2. By purchasing, not buy purchasing. hahaha
