
Monday, June 8, 2015

Weekend Recap - Pool Time Edition

We started Friday off right some serious cheesing before heading to the pool with friends.

If you questioned the validity of the low hanging mirror, I'm thinking these pictures might change your mind. :)

 I've had several of you ask me about the mixed print suit I ordered from Albion and whether or not I like it, how it fits, etc.  Well... it has arrived, and it is fabulous.  Never in a million years did I think I would be posting a bathing suit selfie on the internet, but I do what I have to do... and I felt like I HAD to how you how cute it is so you can order one too.  (and no, I'm not sponsored or anything like that by Albion, I'm just an enthusiast for cute, modest bathing suits that you can feel comfortable and cute in)

There are lots of children and laundry in the picture and I snapped a whole one pic before we loaded up in the car, so this is what you get :)  I think the suit fits true to size (I'm wearing a small in both pieces) and I think they're both really flattering.  I love that the bottoms are high waisted so when you're being mauled by small children in the pool (you know that you know what I'm talking about!) there's no chance of a wardrobe malfunction.

We had so much fun with our friends and we enjoyed the best part of the pool - the frozen treats :)

We brought along our friend Garrett who goes to church with us and is a Junior at MCA and my boys ate him up... and so did GG :)  Ping pong anyone???

As we were leaving the pool, Mason joined a group of unsuspecting teenage girls and made himself at home.  Sigh.  Pray for me with this one :)

I really should take a group picture of them BEFORE we swim for over two hours.  WORN OUT!

After dropping Garrett off we spotted some horses and GG was out of her mind excited.  She kept squealing MORE MORE MORE every time I started moving the car.  

And the best part of the pool???  Naps...

Sleepy eyes, pizza face and a ponytail.  #summertime

We ended the night squeaky clean and snuggled up in bed the "big bed"...

I saw this on Friday night and died laughing - I can totally relate. 

But instead of picking up the mess, we did this instead. 

Saturday morning we did some work around the house and then headed to watch Luke's skating lesson.  I was excited to see him skate and also for the opportunity to bundle up a bit for the rink :) hahaha  (PS - I just got these shoes and I LOVE them!  I needed something comfy for our trip to Colorado and these fit the bill.  Comfy and so cute!!!)

Mason wanted to snuggle to stay warm which received no arguments from me and GG insisted on bundling her baby.

Luke has made so much progress and has done so well in his lessons.  We couldn't be prouder!  He's taking a break for the summer as his schedule is full of music camp, tennis camp, golf camp, swimming lessons and VBS, but we have plans for him to get back on the ice in August, and he'll decide whether he wants to continue in skating or move to hockey.  Check out this kids crossovers!

Saturday afternoon Luke went to a birthday party while the Littles and I hung out at home and painted, played with playdoh and took naps.

Saturday evening we picked up my mom and headed to the pool for dinner and swimming.  There was live music and burgers, does it get any better???

After a few dozen jumps off the diving board and twice as many laps, everyone needed some ice cream.

Does it surprise anyone that this boy insisted on eating his from the bottom up?

It was a perfect night!

Sunday morning we headed to church with Baby in tow.

 And a weekend full of swimming finally caught up with this sweet boy during service.

I tried to grab a quick pic of them all dressed and looking cute after church and these are what I got...

Sunday morning ain't easy, ladies.

We spent the afternoon taking naps, playing games and doing a whole lot of this...

When Mason got too rough with Griffin, his punishment was for her to give him hugs and kisses ;)

Worked like a charm!!!

Sunday afternoons are for wrastlin' 

Girlfriend can hold her own!

That side-eye, though! :)

This one kind of sums them all up perfectly.  

Am I lucky or what?!?!?!

After dinner the boys headed to the pool with Dave and Griffin and I enjoyed some girl time complete with a bath where she didn't have to share the tub with anyone...

... some burrito toweling...

... and some hair brushing :)

Can I tell you that I had a total moment during the hair brushing?  I loooove to have my hair brushed and my mom ALWAYS brushed my hair growing up (while we were watching TV, etc.) and will still brush my hair on occasion.  I was brushing G's hair and when I put the brush down she grabbed it and brushed mine.  I may have shed a tear. #imasap

It was a fabulous weekend and we're all rested up for a week full of vacation Bible school and swimming lessons.  Enjoy your Monday! :)


  1. I would like to pause and take a moment to say that you look fabulous in your new swimsuit! As someone who was there in person to see you in it...I loved it! You should buy every print they have and you know...mix and match it ;). Love you friend!

    1. Thanks, girly!!! You're kind of the authority on cute swimwear so I'm extra flattered ;) hahaha

    2. Gag me. So annoyed by you two.

    3. Why in the world would someone spend their time reading someone's blog if they didn't enjoy it? Spread love, people. I find you both inspiring and love your positive nature!

  2. That right there sums up the perfect weekend in my book. And I just about squealed watching that video of Griffin jamming out to the music by the pool. I think I need to move to your hood. It looks like a blast. 😉

  3. We loved hanging with you at the pool on Friday!! Looking forward to many more of those dates!

  4. Griffin brushing your hair is so precious!! Love! :)

  5. That pizza face summertime pic of G is absolutely precious!! I love ya'lls pool. I wish we had something like that in Jersey...

  6. Hi Andrea! Where in Colorado are you going?!

    1. We've rented a place in Vail, but are planning little day trips to Denver and Breckenridge. Anywhere I should know about?!?!?! :)

  7. Another picture while driving? Seriously? Will you ever learn? People are injured and killed every day because of drivers like you who insist on taking pictures while operating a motor vehicle. Your behavior is shameful.

    1. We were actually pulled over and parked. But thanks for your concern.

    2. I AGREE! Too many pictures while in the car! If you don't care about your life then think of others on the street and road as well as your family.

    3. Again, we were pulled over. I would never compromise safety to take a picture.

    4. If you don't like what she posts, don't read her blog. Of course she cares are her life and her kids' life, so it is both rude and disrespectful to assume she is putting their lives in danger. Didn't anyone ever teach either of you that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?

    5. I'm a long time reader and have never felt the need to comment until now. This isn't the first time you've posted pictures while driving. Maybe you were parked in this instance, but several other times you were not. I can think of at least two instances, but I know there are more. The pictures you snapped of the sunrise while driving to work with your son in the car...The pictures during a snow storm with your students in the car. There is NEVER an excuse to take pictures while driving. I don't care how slow you were going or how many car lengths there were in between you and the next vehicle, or if you were stopped at a light. It's called distracted driving. An accident can happen in an instant. The fact that you have defended this behavior in the past is shocking and frankly, speaks volumes about your character.

    6. You would never compromise safety? What do you call taking pics while driving in a storm with kids in the car? Are you kidding?

    7. i just have to laugh.... Who knew stopping on the side of the road to take a picture of horses would cause such an uproar?? I've taken pictures from inside a car my whole life!! Especially as a kid!! Does NOT endanger lives if you are not driving!!

    8. I'm not going to debate you - because it's apparent you have your opinion - and that's fine, but for the record I was stopped when i took the sunrise picture and we were sitting at a standstill when I took the picture in the snow.

      My children and students are the most precious things to me and I would never do anything to compromise their safety.

      I totally understand that I'm judged based on what I put out there, but would also appreciate the benefit of the doubt in situations where you're not present and don't know the circumstances.

    9. Hi Andrea! First time commenter here, I love following your blog! I know you already know this...but who cares what this "anonymous" commenter thinks...some people need to find strange ways to make themselves feel better about themselves...sad for them.

      Looking forward to seeing you and your kiddos fun summer! This is my first summer off with my kiddos in awhile. I just finished my first year working in the school and I will be a first year teacher in the fall...eek!

      Have a great Monday,
      Rae in Cedar Park TX

    10. Thanks, Regina!!!
      Congrats on your teaching position! The first year is completely overwhelming and exhausting, but one of the best. Enjoy your summer with your kids!

    11. Its just the fact that you are setting a terrible example for your kids at such a young age. Whether you are pulled over, parked, at a light...Its all dangerous and just showing your kids that it is acceptable to have your phone out AND use it when in a vehicle. Parenting gone wrong.

    12. I'm sorry - but being parked and using a cell phone is not dangerous.

  8. What a fun, busy weekend! I especially love the pictures of all three kids together! Have a great week!

  9. I love your pictures and all of the summer fun! I need to do better about getting pics. G's swim suit is absolutely precious. She has to be the most styling girl around!

  10. Sounds like such a fun weekend! Your kiddos are too dang cute and I love your new suit!

  11. I am so excited to follow along on your summer fun and see all the memories you create with your sweet family! You are such an inspiring mama. Keep up the good work!

  12. Andrea - don't let judgmental comments/people get you down. I cannot understand why some people are so focused on judging every little thing someone does. I don't know you in person, but from what you have posted, you appear to be a fantastic mother and teacher. The love you have for your children and students is obvious and it is very clear you would never purposefully put them in danger. I love reading your blog & seeing your fun pictures! Keep your head up girl!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. I so appreciate them! :)

  13. Hi Andrea! I just wanted to take a minute after seeing such negative comments to tell you not to let them get to you. I have been following your blog for some time now and I know that you always have the best interests of everyone, even people you don't know, in mind. I am only in college and you are such an inspiration and I strive to have a family like yours one day. You keep doing you sister because you do it beautifully!

  14. Andrea, Hello from Tennessee! We have never met, I've just been a reader of your blog for some time. Earlier comments compelled me to leave one of my own. I was vacationing with my family at the beach two weeks ago. While there, a woman approached me and completely tore into me calling me "a horrible mother for neglecting her children". She said that if my son were to drown it would be my fault because I was reading a magazine while he played in the ocean. Little did she know that my husband was sitting at the shoreline carefully watching every move my son made. I felt horrible and let it get it me for days after. I felt guilty for taking a moment for myself. I finally realized that she doesn't know me, my family or how we parent. She was making assumptions based on the little information she had. Even if she meant well, there is always a better way to approach someone with serious accusations like those. I love my children with all my heart, as I'm positive you do as well. People can be mean in person, but sometimes even more cruel while hiding behind a computer screen. Keep loving on your kiddos, Mama! I enjoy reading about your precious family! Thanks for putting yourself out there!

    1. What a great story - and yes, judging without the full story or picture is so easy. Thank you so much for your comment and for reading!

  15. Best weekend! I love reading about your weekends. That pool you go to, part of your community, or is it something that you pay to use? Just wondering how it works out by you.

    1. This is a private pool that is part of the country club. Our neighborhood has several pools for residents as well, but we typically end up at the country club since we can order food and we don't have to bring our own towels :) hahaha

  16. Hi Andrea,

    I look forward to every single one of your posts and this one was just so sweet. The part about your daughter brushing your hair was so precious! You have an adorable family!

  17. Hey Andrea!!!! First of all I still love that bathing suit. :-) they have a blue floral print that I'm swooning over too. Also, your family is just precious. I love the video you posted on IG of G saying #onemore. So cute!!! And lastly, I hope you know you have way more readers who love your content than the ones who post negative thoughts. And for the record, I take pics in my car all of the time. ;)

    1. The blue floral is GORGEOUS!!! I have the leggings in that print and it's awesome!!! And yes, I try not to let negative drown out all the positive. Thank you so much for your comment and for reading! :)

  18. Not even going to dignify the ugly! Just wanted to let you know I got my first hoodie today from Evy's Tree and I LOVE it! I'm dying to snag the hot pink one- just don't know if or when it will be available! Love all the pix. Enjoy your girl time this week while the boys are at VBS. 😘

    1. Oooooooh!!! Which one did you get??? I just got the green slouchy wrap one and it's AWESOME!!!

    2. The blue striped one with the gray elbow patches and red stitching! SOOOOO cute! : ) I saw the green wrap you got, I think I may be a little too short to wear it but I bet you are adorable in it! Just keep your fingers crossed that azaela one comes back in stock, I want it so bad! (first world problems!)

  19. Good grief ! Always enjoy reading your blog and just had to chime in on this ridiculousness. How juvenile and judgmental to conclude by looking at a photo that you or anyone else are endangering the lives of your own children or students. Taking a quick photo parked at the side of the road or stopped in traffic is NOT distracted driving. I sometimes sit at a light or in traffic for the better part of 5 minutes in my daily commutes. I'll often pick up my book and read a few pages before traffic moves. People can be so rude and quite frankly you shouldn't give a second thought to people who apparently love to get themselves so incredibly wound up over something they don't even know anything about. Happy summer to you and your family from Colorado. You are going to love it here and will have a wonderful time making special memories. Jordyn L.

    1. Thanks, Jordyn! Anything awesome I need to make sure we do while in Colorado??? We're staying in Vail, but have plans to visit Denver and Breckenridge as well :)

  20. Love your blog! Your students and kids are fortunate to have such a loving and caring teacher and mom!

  21. And here I thought I was the only one who ate M&Ms with their popcorn!

    1. Sweet and salty is my weakness!!! A few M&Ms in a big bowl of popcorn go a long way with my boys :)

  22. I live in McKinney also so I guess I should be the most upset with your driving and photo habit but I think the mean girls are being ridiculous! You do not have to justify your behavior. How insulting to imply you would put your kids or students in danger. These folks need to get a life. Love the blog.
    LisaG., McKinney, TX

    1. Thanks, Lisa! If you see me pulled over and parked next to some horses on a back road leading to a neighborhood you'll know why :) I can appreciate everyone's concern over safe driving and you better believe this will be the last picture I post taken from the driver's seat of my car.

  23. I've been wanting to order an Albion fit suit for a while. Is yours true to size??

    1. Yes, ma'am! You maaaaaay want to wait until Friday (wink! wink!)

  24. I love that your baby brushed your hair--so sweet! I also love to have my hair brushed--it somehow feels better when someone else does it. Love your blog...don't let haters get you down!

    1. It totally feels better when someone else brushes your hair. ;)

  25. Hi Andrea! Where is your olive green cardi from? The one you wore to the ice skating rink?
