
Monday, May 18, 2015

Weekend Recap: Sliver of Sunshine Edition

You know what I never mind at 6:20 a.m. on a Saturday morning?? 
Being tagged in a photo like this ;) 

My AWESOME principal was graduating with his PhD on Friday and we celebrated in true Middle School style, by dressing up as doctors or scholars.  I thought I had scrubs, but I couldn't find them, so I dug out Dave's MHS Honors Academic Letter Sweater and some 3D glasses sans lenses and went as an Academic for the day.  And to answer the inevitable question, Dave did not graduate high school in 1962.  Apparently in 1999 when Dave was inducted into NHS he received this fashionable sweater.  I got a stadium blanket, which while much more practical, can't compete with the sweater.

While I was gettin' nerdy with it, Griffin was helping herself.
No worries, it's tea! (because that totally makes it better, right???)

Right as the morning bell rang, Pomp and Circumstance played over the loud speakers, kids brought out their air horns and we made Dr.E walk the deck. 

 Meanwhile, GG was too cool for Daddy's picture (in shoes that she picked out herself) at Miss Lisa's house.  

The rest of my day I spent preparing middle schoolers for an exam that's going to cover everything I've taught since Christmas and it was JUST as fun and exciting as it sounds (sigh).  When school got out, Luke wanted to stay at ESS and I didn't argue with him, so I took my grading and exam prep home and worked from my bed.  And by work I mean graded 3 sets of test, watched the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Reunion Parts 2 and 3 (#teamkyle !!!) and then took a nap. 

Friday night is pizza night and last Friday was no different - still my favorite night of the week.

Griffin went down early, Luke was working on a Lego project and Mason asked me to watch Veggie Tales with him, and I couldn't say no to those sweet little toes!

Saturday morning Luke went to skating and Dave and Mason hit up a small local car show.  When they got home, Mason told me that he found a car that was "big enough for just me and him.  Because he loves me.  And I'm pretty."  Well played, Mason.  Well played.

Griffin and  I headed to Home Goods to look for a couple of things for her room...

... and she was killing it in her ensemble ;)

 After lunch and naps it was Duplo time. Legos aren't just for her big brother, this girl LOVES building as well!

 The kiddos built while I worked on a few things for Griffin's room...

... and playing turned into this ;)  #ohtheinjustice

This kid LOOOOOOOOOVES a good snuggle.

And a bonus is how much his sister hates it when I'm holding anyone other than her.

He pretended to be asleep and "won".  I didn't hate all the snuggles.

Concert time!  She's his biggest fan.

Saturday afternoon Luke was playing at Carter's house and so we picked him up, came home and ate dinner and then we all crashed early.  Sunday morning we braved the rain and headed to church.  Some of us wore tie dye ;)

 After church the rain had stopped and we were raising the roof for a break in the weather AND for the mac and cheese that had been promised for lunch ;)

Luke's got moves and Mason only has eyes for roley poleys.

And apparently a face punch is a popular dance move ;) #notsomuch

Sunday afternoon we napped, did laundry and then met friends from our Sunday School for tacos.  I took not a single picture, but there was a SLEW of crazy kids and fresh guacamole.  Trust me when I tell you it was a great time.

And we decided to cap off a great night with ice cream at Sonic!  This girl didn't hate it...

And neither did this sweet boy.

Get it!

We swung by Gibi and Haha's house for goodnight kisses (a total perk of living down the street!)

When we got home we hung out in the yard for a few minutes enjoying the little bit of sun.

So when did he turn 14?!?!?!  #bestillmyheart

After they were sufficiently worn out and Mason's allergy eyes were watering, we headed in for bedtime stories and snuggles.  She's loving her big bed!

We've had weeks and weeks of gloom and rain (and it looks like there's more in the forecast for this week), so I pulled up the blinds in our bedroom and enjoyed the last little bit while working on exams.

I hope y'all had a sunshiney and restful weekend!  Don't forget that tomorrow is "Show and Tell Tuesday" and we're going to be sharing our "Momfessional Moments".  You know, like how you pack an extra Capri Sun in your diaper bag for yourself or that one time you had friends over for dinner the same week you had a baby and didn't realize that you had been "leaking" all over the place until after they went home. ;)  

PS - This post contained an affiliate link... which means if you click on it and purchase the item, I receive a small commission.  Thank you for your support!!! ;)


  1. Those pics of your kiddos rolling around in the grass are precious!!!

    1. Thank you!!! I don't think I'd look so presh rolling around on the ground :)

  2. Your blog is my FAVE =) Where are Griffin's sheets from???

    1. So sweet!!! Thank you ;) They're the Paisley Swirl from Pottery Barn Teen (sidenote - I hated ordering something "Teen" but didn't want baby pink and they had LOTS of fun options).

  3. Your Friday nights always seem just perfect. Next Friday, I'm coming over in my sweats, eating pizza and cuddling with you in your bed. Prepare yourself :).

    1. TOTALLY!!! ;) You're welcome for Friday Night Pizza Night ANY time! This summer I'm seriously going to host a Friday Night PJ night for all of "our" kiddos.... and mamas are always welcome! :)

  4. I'm to the point where it's been so hot and humid here all week i would love some gloomy skies and rain!!!

  5. The after church dance party pictures are my favorite. Love!! :)

    1. Thank you!!! We never miss an opportunity to shake it :)

  6. So I'm going to come over when Shay comes over...but I'm going to pull a Mason and hop in your lap and act like I'm asleep. Should be fun.

    1. I will totally rock you like a baby. I'll even sing you "You are my sunshine" if you're extra sweet :)

  7. I can not wait to see the big reveal of Griffin Joy's room!!!

    And sweet you can drive by and let the grands get bedtime kisses. Precious!

    1. I'm waiting on a few more pieces to arrive... but I can't wait to share!

  8. You may have already answered this question a million times, but where did you find the holder for Griffin's necklaces?!

    1. I haven't actually! :) It's from Sprinklings... the same place I get the majority of her necklaces!

  9. Pizza night is the best! #teamkyle all day!!! Your family is the sweetest! Love your blog!

    1. Thank you!!! And yes.... I used to not like Kyle... but Kim just gets crazier and crazier! I was SOOOOOOOO ticked when she refused to talk about her dog biting Alexia. UGH!!!

  10. Holy Necklaces! Griffin's a lucky girl to have so much swag. ;-) I really enjoy seeing pictures and all of the happenings of your sweet family.

    1. Right?!?! She's been gifted some FABULOUS sparkle! I actually just weeded through her collection and sent some off to my cousin's little girls - everyone needs some bling in their life!

  11. One of the things I love about blogging is seeing pictures of other people's "everyday". So these kinds of posts are my favorite! Also, you are the QUEEN of mixing and matching outfits for G! I wish I was as good at it with my girls! Happy Monday!

    1. Ooooh yay! Thank you :) I'm so glad you like it I"m always afraid that "here's what we've been up to" posts get boring for people other than my immediate family, so that's good to hear :) hahaha and I LOVE pattern mixing so I have lots of fun with her outfits. I"m not sure how long she's going to let me, so I'm taking full advantage now :)

  12. That dresser with all of the pretty baubles for sweet G! So cute!!

  13. Hey!!! That was ME who tagged you in that Instagram photo! Hahaha love seeing pictures of such a fun and relaxing weekend! Your summer is so close. Have a good week!

    1. YAY!!! I tried to go back and look but there were so many comments on that IG post! Tag me in a "Hey, Girl" pic ANY time :)

  14. Your kiddos are adorable! Makes me want 3 instead of just my 2!

  15. Where is your fabulous tie dyed dress from??!! Sorry if you've already answered! :)

    1. No worries! It's from Anthropologie and I linked to it above the pic (the words tie dye are linked) :)

  16. You get the BEST pics of your kids and their personalities! Don't get me wrong, I love blogs where they have beautiful, professional looking pictures of everything but I LOVE how real yours are!
