
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Playing Catch-Up... Organizational Tips and Tricks

A few weeks ago, I was super sick and didn't blog for a couple days (GASP! hahaha) and I missed out on the Show and Tell Tuesday where we shared Organizational Tips and Tricks.  I've been meaning to post about a few of my tips and today is the day!

Tip 1: Acrylic Drawer Organizer from WalMart

This past weekend I was at WalMart and happened to stop and look at these CHEAP acrylic drawer organizers.  For $4 and $2 each I scooped two of them up (a large one with 6 sections and a skinny one with 3).  They ended up fitting PERFECTLY in my makeup drawer and I was THRILLED!

I tend to be super low maintenance in the make-up department, but this "catch all" drawer in my bathroom was HORRENDOUS!!!  I'd had the same little baskets in there for forever and a half and it had gotten cluttered, nasty and seriously out of control.  I'm about to show you a picture, which I'm fairly positive will make you itch. But... I'm going to show you anyway.

This is the before picture........

I mean?!?!?!  Why???

I threw a ton of stuff away, cleaned, sorted and less than 10 minutes later I had this....

I have SEARCHED high and low for these drawer organizers on the website, but have had zero luck.  So ladies, grab your purse and head that way ASAP!!!

Tip 2: Sterilite Flip Top Containers

And while you're at Wal-Mart, check out these little flip top CD cases...

They're PERFECT for nail polishes and I love that the lids don't get lost (because they're attached).  If your WalMart doesn't have them (mine hasn't for a while), you can get a pack of 12 for less than $15 on Amazon!

And if you order the CD size, you should probably order the shoe box sized ones for kids toys as well :)

Tip 3: Glass Baking Storage

We're ignoring the flour that I spilled all over this past weekend and focusing on the pretty glass containers, k?  I love to bake, but HATED how cluttered my cabinets were with half bags of chocolate chips, oats, powdered sugar,etc. so I picked up these glass containers at WalMart last summer.  I think the smaller ones were $4/each and the larger ones (for flour and sugar - which I apparently need to replenish!) were about $5.  It is so nice to have the things I use most often visible and accessible and not buried in a basket filled with half empty packages.

 Our pantry is TEENY so I use these baskets to sort smaller items. Breakfast bars and go go squeeze in the basket on the left, spreads and snacks in the middle and dessert type stuff on the right.  This way things aren't scattered all over the place.

Tip 3: Repurpose Containers You Already Have
I am a total sucker for little boxes and containers for organizing drawers and shelves.  I love to be organized - and love to do it on the cheap. Or for free.  In my office, this drawer is organized with a silverware box (super sturdy) and a little vase from several years ago.

I have this FABULOUS built in closet in my office that's a catch all for craft supplies, wrapping paper and old photo albums among other things.

And once again, I've used boxes and containers that I already had to organize....

I LOVE candles and I actually use the glass containers they come in to organize lots of things.  Once the candle is done, I boil a kettle of water and then fill the glass container with the boiling water.  Most of the wax comes right off and then I just wash it out with soap and water.  Easy!

In my closet I use the glass containers to hold extra bracelets...

So, nothing groundbreaking or earth shattering - but hopefully you found something that might help you organize something at home :)  Happy Thursday!!!


  1. Oh my gosh this organization makes my heart happy! Reusing the glass container for the Bath and Body Work's candles justifies buying more right?! ;) Happy almost friday to you! xo

  2. Listen, when I think Andrea...I honestly think organized. Okay...first, I think creative AND THEN, I think organized :). (Really, first I think "great friend" but that's a given, right?!)

  3. I'm so jealous of that catch all closet!! I have stuff like that stored in the craziest places! I need your closet!

  4. What great ideas! Reusing the candle glass containers is genius!!

  5. I'm so glad someone else uses - used candle jars that way! I do the same thing for storage in my craft room! :) And thanot for the make up drawer suggestion, I'll admit, mine currently looks very similar to your before picture! Thanks for all your tips! :)

  6. Great post!! I love using glass candle containers for stuff!! For our bathrooms I cleaned out the ones with a cute pattern and use them for cotton balls, q-tips, and makeup brushes.. They looks so cute sitting on the counter! I get so many compliments on them!

  7. Love the idea to use those glass containers from candles! Genius, Andrea! I have tossed/recycled so many of them without even considering how they could be reused! Well, no more! Thanks for the tip:)

  8. Your bracelet collection is fabulous.....and I am going to Walmart today to buy those little trays....!!!! Have a great day girl

  9. ohhhh this gets me so excited!! i like to organize my organizing supplies. ha! just ordered those boxes from Amazon before i even finished reading! thanks!! :)

  10. I NEED those drawer organizers for my out-of-control bathroom drawer ASAP! (My "before" is worse than your "before" - yikes!). Love the use of the candle jars. I hate throwing them out but never know what to do with them. Great tips!

  11. Great post! All that organization really makes my OCD heart smile. Hahaha!

  12. I love your candle container tip! I had never thought of using those and it's brilliant. I also spied all your extra MJC buttons. :) I like how you organized them. Mine are all over the house! :)

  13. Wow Andrea. Absolutely wow. Love everything about how you organized your house. Thanks for some great ideas!

  14. I don't feel so bad now because your before pic of your bathroom drawer is exactly what mine looks like right now. I need those organizers from Walmart ASAP!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  15. This might just be my most favorite post! How genius using candle jars! Love! Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas!!!

  16. Thanks for the tip on using candle jars for storage. That means I need to buy some new candles, right?

  17. I would rather spend my money on what goes inside the storage containers than on the actual storage containers, so this post is spot on! Thanks for all the tips! I've always struggled with cleaning out candle jars....can't wait to try your method.

  18. Ok seriously...I dream of being this organized!! And no joke...I almost daily think of that craft closet...when you showed it to me in person I was utterly amazed!! I am with Ericka-- I need a closet like this in my life...and then I need you to come organize it & show me the ropes! K!? :)

  19. When we remodel my master bedroom I am getting a big closet!! We have ZERO closet space in my house and it is the most annoying thing. I love my house, but why do people not build closet space? I am a mom, I need closets to store and hide things at Christmas!! :)) Great post!!

  20. Love all the organizational ideas! I just recently organized my make up drawer using just containers from Wal-mart. Here's the link if you want to check it out: ... I wish I had seen the clear containers because I like those a lot better then the black ones that I got! :) Thanks for sharing

  21. Amen - thank you for a post on organization that moms can actually relate to! I agree with Mother Henn. Thanks for the WalMart tips too!

  22. I have had those exact trays for my makeup for the last couple of years! They are perfect! I never thought about using the cd storage boxes or my old candle jars! Thanks for the tips!

  23. This makes me happy. You know I didn't think your before make-up drawer was that bad! Your before is WAY better than my right now drawer...haha. Love your pantry, good idea on using the empty candle containers. Just a tip, if you put the candle holder in the freezer, freeze the left over candle, 9 times out of 10 it will just pop right now. I know crazy that it works, but it does, and it's awesome! Try it.

  24. Love the idea of cleaning out the candle jars! I have been throwing mine away! eeeee gads! Also, what section did you find the acrylic containers for your make up? Thank you!

  25. Great ideas! I've never seen so many bracelets. Thanks for sharing your tips, it makes me want to go organize!

  26. I love these tips. I also love how down to earth you seem.By the way, I noticed the Younique mascara in your drawer...can you give us feedback on how you like it? I've heard so much about it but not sure if it's worth the hype.

  27. Hi Andrea! I'm a fellow teacher and looking for a site where I can make large fancy fonts for the front of my classroom door. I'm wondering if you have any suggestions on sites that you use to make signs or decorate your bulletin boards? Thanks!

  28. Can you come organize my house? :) I love your tips! I have 2 drawers in my kitchen and 1 in my bathroom that make me itch - I may have to look for those trays pronto!

  29. Ok I'm suddenly feeling like my house looks like an episode of Hoarders! I thought I was semi-organized until now. Great tips, thanks so much for sharing! Now to actually do some of them.

  30. I'm with Jenny. I love the glass storage, practical and clean looking. I'm always opening every canister till I find the one with what I need, and then I'm out before I'm done baking :/
    And I'm so jealous of your closet because you have one like that and it SO organized.
    I'm glad you got to catch up ! Thanks for sharing.

  31. 3 words for you! YOU GO GIRL! :0) Loved every inch of this!

  32. I love the idea about using the candle jars once you are done burning a candle!!!

  33. Wow! Reusable candle jars! Just briliant!!

  34. I love love love those flip top containers, too! I won't buy anything else now. I've ordered them off amazon, too. Perfect for kid toys and love that lids aren't being left all over the place!

  35. I love how I can just google your blog and whatever topic I remember you talking about and find it! ;) Just ordered both size storage bins for all the little pieces that come with the kids' new toys! Thanks!
