
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Let Them Be Little

Some days I WISH that my kids were bigger.  That they didn't need my constant attention (like when I'm going to the bathroom) or ask for me to make them a snack 10 minutes after eating :) hahaha  But I KNOW for a fact that I'll miss these days when they're older and think I'm significantly less cool (yeah, right), so I try to soak it all in, make the most of it and remember to "let them be little".

Over Christmas break I was going through a serious "twinkle light withdrawal" so I made a "reading box" which has been a HUGE hit with all three kiddos (and their stuffed kitties).

I took an Amazon box, turned it on it's side and then taped the top open.  Then I just poked holes randomly with a screwdriver and stuck the lights into the holes.  At first I was all meticulous about it, and then I just started punching holes all crazy like. :)

I attached an extension cord, plugged them in and we were in business!

The box is especially fun at night and we've read several bedtime stories crammed in the box :)

Another "let them be little moment" was when Mason wanted to wear all his new superhero gear to the playground :)

Not going to lie - these pictures made my day. :)

When he's a big, tall 17 year old high school boy I want to be able to pull out these pictures and remember EXACTLY who he was at three and a half :)

Dave took the boys to the park last weekend and he snapped these pis for me.  Love these of Luke on the monkey bars!

Heaven forbid he put down the bag of Doritos :)

Luke's turn to try on the gear :)

Which means Mason's turn to wear Luke's hoodie. hahaha

Happy Thursday, friends!  Stay warm and snuggle those babies!! :)
Tomorrow is Friday Favorites! WOO HOO!!!


  1. Super sweet pictures of your kiddos! Love!!

  2. I can't blame. I would have kept the Doritos too!!

  3. Just the title makes me want to bawl. Carter finally has his first loose tooth (he just pointed it out to us last night), but it kind of threw me into a panic about growing up. STAY LITTLE!!!!!

    1. BOO HOO!! First it's a wiggly tooth and then they're walking the stage at graduation. Hold me!

    2. Me Too !!! I miss mine when he goes to Preschool for 3 hours twice a week, What am I going to do when I'm not so very important : (

  4. Amen sister!!! My husbands grandma always tells us to enjoy because we will blink our eyes, the kids will be grown and it will just be us!! I have tried over the last year to really enjoy every moment!! Love all these pictures!

  5. First, smart boy holding tight to the Doritos. And second as a mom to two adult children I can absolutely say they don't stay little long enough. I hear so many moms saying they can't wait for their kids get older and more me it stinks and it comes way too fast. I let Olivia drink a bottle until she was 3, people laughed and had very strong opinions,,,I can say she is now 6 and she didn't go to kindergarten drinking a bottle! I treasure every single second of my kids being little because I know first hand how quick it disappears! (Sorry for the book I just wrote!!!)

  6. LOVE this! Mine are now 18 (19 in a few days!) and 16. This post made me think back to how they were when they were your kiddo's ages. At three, my daughter would only wear dressy shoes. Didn't matter what she was wearing - dresses, leggings, shorts, jeans...always with dress shoes - and I totally let her! Enjoy these days. They go so fast!

    1. Love that!!! I know I'll miss it when he doesn't want to wear "stripey pants" and a cape so I'm savoring it now :)

  7. You are such a fun mom! I love how creativity!. Your kiddos will always cherish these sweet memories. I may have to steal your idea of the reading box! :)

  8. Such a sweet post and love the idea of a reading box! It's so true, time will go by so quickly, let them be little and have fun :) Winks and Eyerolls

  9. Sweet sweet post :) You are such a good mama!

  10. gonna try out the light box thanks!

  11. My kids are going to be 10 and 7 this year and I am looking at your babies thinking I just want my 3 year old little boy who LOVED the Little Einsteins back!!!! So yes, savor it and soak it up. I know I am holding on to every little thing I can the next few years. Before I know it I will be sending mine to college. I swear I want to cry even admitting how fast time has FLOWN by. Love your creativity and you are a wonderful mama!

  12. While I could do without the milk spills at dinner and nerf gun bullets flying past, I love so many things about this age (4 and 7). Amen to everything you said!

  13. A great reminder, I can't imagine being less cool !!! It's not going to be fun : (
    My son once wore a helmet to the gas station.
    You are an awesome mama! I love the reading box !

  14. Love the reading box!! So fun and creative!! Let Them Be Little is also the title of a great country song by Billy Dean!! My sister used it in a video she made to tell the family they were pregnant! Random, I know but this made me think if it! LOL Take care!!

  15. That box is awesome! So much fun. Trying hard to remember the same thing and have more patience for the chaos.

  16. That pasta looks amazing!!!! Yum!!! do you stay so thin?? Do you work out? What do you normally eat for lunch / breakfast?? Or do you just have amazing genes? Lol!

  17. I absolutely LOVE your post. Adorable kids! The reading box is on my to-do list even if it's after the holidays. A toddler always loves a little magical twinkle. Thanks for sharing. I'm a new follower now :)
