
Monday, August 25, 2014

Weekend Wrap-Up: Back To Normal Edition

Well folks - things are back to normal at my house.  I'm finally feeling "caught up" a bit and enjoyed a busy, but fun weekend with my crazy crew.

Friday morning everyone was up bright and early and wanted to walk me and Luke out to the van.   A small fight broke out in the driveway over a soccer ball - but that's nothing out of the ordinary :)

About 5 seconds later all was well and they were giving me sweet kisses through the car window.  Also - please note Mason's disgusted face at Griffin snuggling against his cheek.

Later in the morning I got this picture from Dave and I laughed out loud.  :)

Friday night Griffin's cheese didn't get opened fast enough and drama ensued.  Big.  Time.  Drama.

See for yourself...

 I told y'all!  I have my work cut out for me :) 

Haha stopped by to read bedtime stories and after about an hour of "reading" I had to go in and break up the party.  And by party, I mean sleepover. :) 

And yes.... Mason is the sweatiest sleeper there ever was.  God bless his poor future wife. hahaha

Saturday morning the boys were up and playing before 8 a.m.  A sweet, sweet co-worker of mine passes along toys that her three boys have outgrown with the promise that my boys will put them to good use (ala Toy Story 3 - hehehe).  We LOVE getting Boese hand-me-downs!

After breakfast we all headed to the library.  And four out of five of us had shoes on :)  #ooops

While browsing the DVDs I came across this one and was instantly transported back to 1994. :)  I read EVERY SINGLE baby sitters club book and used to get sooooooooo excited when the Super Specials would come out.  I can remember spending all my money on books and then having them done by that night.  I was also a big Saddle Club fan as well :)

Check out that crazy bedhead! hahaha

Mason and I left the library early and headed to see Miss Martina for a haircut.
20 minutes later and he was looking all grown up! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!

He did such a great job we decided to stop for a donut (and yes - he brought his rock and stick in to the donut shop).

He got a giant blue balloon and was quite pleased with himself.  It was sweet one-on-one time with my precious middle :)

After haircuts it was home for lunch and naps.  After naps Mason asked to get in GG's crib with her :)

She was still pretty much asleep.... but was looking extra cute.

These leggings are like "thermal" materian and are so stinkin' cute!!!  They're from the latest Matilda Jane release and if you're interested in ordering some I'll have more info later this week (new release and trunk show next week!!!)

 Saturday night my parents and I took the kids to the pool to swim and eat dinner and I took ZERO pictures.  Shocking, right???  We got home right around bedtime and everyone was OUT like a light within 30 minutes of walking in the door.  It was awesome.

Sunday morning GG was feeling extra snuggly... which was sweet since I was feeling sentimental about all my babies moving up a classroom during promotion Sunday at church. :)

Wild Woman!!!

How blessed am I???  LOVE this crazy crew!

Sunday afternoon I worked on school and Slightly Askew projects and then got busy in the kitchen.  I felt super overwhelmed and unproductive last week and it was great to get back to some sense of normal and cook for my crew.  While I cooked and prepped and baked, GG ran around like a total crazy...

... seriously. She did laps just like this :)

Luke helped me make cookies and Mason (who is wearing underwear - I promise!) helped me prep my pasta salad for the week.

Griffin was cute in her high chair...

... and then it was early to bed for everyone!

After bedtime my kitchen looked like this....

... the aftermath of baking cookies, prepping lunches for me and Luke for the week, making enchiladas and cleaning out the fridge.  #keepinitreal

It was a mess, but it was soooooooooooo worth it :)

I am feeling so much better about this week (all our laundry is put away!!!) and I'm excited to share my Favorite Things Under $10 with y'all tomorrow...

... and then host the August Recipe Club on Wednesday!

Get your link-up fingers ready, ladies!!!


  1. Little G throwing a fit is just one of the cutest things EVER! She's precious even when she's mid-tantrum :). And Mason's haircut looks fabulous on him! He's such a little cutie!!

  2. LOVE the pic of the three kiddos on the porch at the end of the post! SO CUTE!!!!! And now I want pasta salad. At 5:26 a.m.

  3. What a great weekend! Have an awesome weekend, friend!!

  4. I used to save all my money for babysitters club books too! LOL! One trip this summer to the library with my kids, my 2nd grader and I were looking for some chapter books for her. I spotted a babysitters club book I hadn't read before called The Summer Before. I'm not even ashamed to admit that I checked it out and read it that night. haha! I feel like I grew up with those girls!

  5. First let me say thank 10 last night I saw your IG cookie picture and have been craving homemade cookies ever since!!! Happy Monday girl!!!

  6. That pasta salad looks so good every time you post pictures of it!!

  7. I love that Mason brings sticks and rocks with him. My boys do the same! Does he still face backwards in his car seat?? I have made those cookies and they are delish!!

  8. I love, love, love the was great to hear your voice, and even the kids crying! You rock!

  9. Your family is just precious! I enjoy looking at all the pictures! Babysitters what a great throwback! I would get so excited about them!! I am pretty sure my mom still has them in a box at her house!

  10. Hi Andrea, Would you mind sharing your pasta salad recipe? I am looking for new packable lunch ideas :)

  11. Glad you are back to normal! Sundays are great for prepping food for the week and it is totally worth it. I made oatmeal breakfast cookies and breakfast burritos last week and we are still enjoying them this week! I also read all the Babysitter's Club books and all the Sweet Valley High books. I wanted to live in CA so bad!!

  12. My son is a super sweaty sleeper too. He's the only one of my three kids that does that
    I so need to food prep- it would make my life much easier

  13. I love it all! Sweet GG's smiles are just so precious! And Mason seriously reminds me of Xavier! The haircuts, the sweaty sleeping, etc.! They are all just so cute! Thanks for sharing!
    And I totally loved Babysitter's Club when I was younger! They were the only books I actually wanted to read! lol!

  14. That picture of your "crazy crew" in front of the door is the sweetest! Those kiddos of yours surely are cute and you truly are blessed!

  15. I had all these comments in my head, and now, I just want cookies. The romper that G is wearing to the library is adorable! Where is it from? I know I've seen it but I cannot place it.

  16. I loved the Baby Sitters Club books, too! They were so cool!! I had the board game also. I think my all time favorite was Stacy McGill. Isn't it sad that I remember the names! You are right: the specials did rock! I hope my mom has them all in a box somewhere because I would be thrilled if my 3 year old daughter someday gets into them like I did! Your pictures are adorable as always :)

  17. May I ask what size your Jade ruffles are???? I really love them (and love your blog too!). I need these so badly but don't know how they run??? I'm just now getting into the MJ with my 11 month old. After two boys it's time for some ruffles :-)

  18. Can you post the recipe for the cookies and pasta salad? Looks delish! Thanks!
