
Friday, November 22, 2013

Five on Friday

Linking up again today with The Good Life Blog for Five on Friday.  As always, my five things are totally random.  :)  

1) Asked and Answered
This was going around on Facebook the other day and when it said you could end nagging in three words I had to check it out.  Here's the link to the article, and it seems simple enough.  Luke is the KING of "maybe if I ask 5000 times they'll change their minds" and we actually had a chance to implement this last night.  He was frustrated as all get out and only asked about 3000 times instead of 5000.  Progress, people. Progress.

2) OPI My Private Jet
I was ordering Christmas gifts on Amazon this week and threw in this for myself (anyone else do this?!?!?!).  Well, it came on Wednesday and I'm IN LOVE!!!  I love the color, subtle glitter and that it will go with everything.  This isn't a picture of my nails, but it's super accurate. 

3) Stroll-Along Walker
Santa is leaving this under the tree for Griffin this year and Mommy is soooooooooooo excited.  I could tell you ALL about Hot Wheels, Legos (Chima, City, etc., ect.), Bey Blades, and all other varieties of "boy toys" - and the thought of having all things girly around the house makes me want to squeal.  Bring on the Barbies and tea parties! :)

4) Thankful letters

The 7th/8th grade English teacher at school had students write letters to a teacher this week during class and when they started appearing on my desk it was amazing.  Some of the letters were silly, some were serious - but they were all heartfelt and genuine.  Some were from kids who I wouldn't have expected to get one from and they all went in my "rainy day drawer" (the drawer in my desk where I keep sweet notes, cards, letters, etc. and when I'm having a tough teacher day I pull one out and read it.  

5) Christmas Decor is Coming!
I'm officially decorating for Christmas this weekend (Hallelujah!!!) and I'm so pumped.  I LOOOOOOOOVE decorating and making things special and festive around the house.  I put up Griffin's little tree in her room a couple of nights ago and last night when we were getting ready for bed the boys were ooohing and aaahing over it.  We turned off the lights and sang away in a manger.  I may have teared up.  I love how magical and exciting Christmas is for my kiddos and I'll go above and beyond to make sweet memories for them. :)

I bought a Christmas tree for my classroom on Craigslist this summer and didn't really pay much attention to how big it was going to be (I have HORRIBLE spatial reasoning) and when I put it up in my classroom this week I realized that IT'S A BEAST!!!

I had so many students comment on how pretty it was, how fun it was and how good it made them feel to have some Christmas spirit in math class :)  It's lacking decorations, but I encouraged students to bring me an ornament that represents them and put their name on it and the plan is that in a few  years this will be filled with ornaments from my students!  I have lots from former students that usually go on my home tree that I'll be bringing up to school next week.

This was Luke's page in his class book this week and his comment about getting the "Thanksgiving decorations" just affirmed my enthusiasm for Holidays at home.  :)


  1. Okay, #1 just changed my life. I'm saving that for future reference [we are a ways off from him getting it I think].

    And I'm with you... SO VERY EXCITED TO DECORATE FOR CHRISTMAS! Tis the season! Well, almost. Ha!!!!

  2. I totally have to get my little girl that stroller. It's so cute. And I LOVE that nail polish. I need it! Sweet letters from students make teaching all worth while. Enjoy decorating this weekend!

  3. yayyy for decorating for christmas! i started mine last weekend, and i'm excited to finish it up this weekend! merry, merry! xx

  4. What a precious moment with your littles!! And I love your classroom tree. :) The ornaments from students idea is fantastic!

  5. pretty OPI color!
    The little Christmas tree (and bulletin board) in Griffin's room are so cute! Can't wait to see how you decorate this weekend :)

  6. Christmas decor is definitely coming!! Thanks for sharing and love that polish!

  7. Love that "Asked and Answered" article...thanks for sharing! This is something I will have to try with my nagging almost 4 yr old....anything is worth a try at this point, ha!

  8. I love that you have a tree in your room! A gigantic one at that. It makes your classroom look (and I'm sure feel) very calm! I used to put a mini tree in my room. Another idea is to get that skinny green garland (that's super long) and wrap a strand of lights around it and line the top of your white board. My kids LOVED this.

  9. I love the tree in your classroom. I never put up a tree, but I always put up Christmas décor in my middle school ELA class. I think it's so nice to have it festive for students.

  10. How do I not have that polish???? Going to order it now!

  11. I just finished my student teaching assignment and all the kids wrote me letters and my cooperating teacher told me to save them for a "rainy day" and tolde about her drawer. I love seeing that other teachers have those as well!!
