Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dallas World Aquarium

Two Sundays ago, during the midst of our moving drama, in an effort to take our minds off said drama, we headed down to Dallas World Aquarium. We knew that Luke would be all about it, as he gets super excited watching the fish at WalMart :)
Before we got to the aquarium, we went and ate lunch in the West End and since it was such a pretty day we got to sit outside on the patio. Luke ate all his lunch (and LOTS of ours... even brocolli and cheese soup!) and he had a great time watching people (and pigeons).

The funniest thing to us, was how as soon as we walked into the aquarium Luke busted out his pointer finger :) He was pointing at EVERYTHING (and of course, saying "dah!") and sometimes he'd even get really excited and use BOTH of his pointer fingers. hehehe
This is when we first walked in and were looking at the penguins:
Again, pointer finger:
Luke and Daddy :)
Luke and Mommy :)
Here we were looking at this giant water boa constrictor thing... I was completely creeped out and Luke was trying to get in:Here's Luke trying to get in the alligator enclosure:
This was GREAT! These rays were right at his level and we could hardly pull him away!
Here his arms are blurry because he was moving them (pointing) so fast:
Sweet boy outside looking at the penguins:
About to enter the "shark tunnel" (now we know that the reflectors on our stroller really work!)
Checking out the shark tunnel:
Wow! :)
There's that pointer finger:
Luke WOULD NOT look at the camera (I wonder why?!?!) hehehe

Look at how sweet for a second, before I tell you how this situation went horribly wrong :)...
So when we were leaving the aquarium there were all these horse and carriages... Luke went bananas and so I took him out to pet the horse. The horse owner said that it was perfectly safe and friendly, but I turned my head for a second and the horse grabbed Luke's finger and started trying to eat it! Luke just looked at me, his face saying, "MOM! Why are you letting this horse bite me!" and he started screaming so hard that nothing actually came out. I had to pry his finger from the horses mouth :( and it was cut and bloody and purple. He SCREAMED for the entire walk back to the car, but he settled down as soon as he got in the car and got his paci. I was afraid it was going to get infected or something and since we didn'g have anything with us to clean it out I sucked on his finger on the way home :) He had completely forgotten about it by the time he woke up and it's now all better - but I'm not sure whether it was more traumatic for him or for me :)

We hit crazy traffic on the way home and Luke couldn't stay awake (and since I was sitting in the back with him - trying to suck the infection out of his finger... hehehe) I ended up holding his head up while he napped. It was a long day...

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